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Jason Shackell


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we found out the price on Maguire, and on others, so we'll find out,

on the posotive we will be in the only the club who will be able to deal with financial fair play, so may make prem on default

its also the only way we will get promotion under clough

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i like the clough style, i didn't till last 18 months or so, but weball are giving youth a chance, keeping a solid wage budget, and were a 20 goal a season striker short of a play-off challenge, plus we have played some brilliant football at times, year on year progression stops us being relegated with 9 points

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i like the clough style, i didn't till last 18 months or so, but weball are giving youth a chance, keeping a solid wage budget, and were a 20 goal a season striker short of a play-off challenge, plus we have played some brilliant football at times, year on year progression stops us being relegated with 9 points

I think our interpretation of the word "brilliant" are very different. Barcalona are brilliant, Arsenal can be extremely good. Derby under Clough are mediocre at best and often poor.

The last Derby team I saw that played anywhere near brilliant football was Jimmy Smith's team with Eranio, Stimac, Baiano, etc.

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brilliant at the level we are at us probably more appropriate

i guess im one of those dying breed of fans that is posotive & supports the club & refuses 2 jump on what i view as a stunted and "daily mail" version of events ie - do it my way or i wont support you

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brilliant at the level we are at us probably more appropriate

i guess im one of those dying breed of fans that is posotive & supports the club & refuses 2 jump on what i view as a stunted and "daily mail" version of events ie - do it my way or i wont support you

I'm with you Jez. I watched us play some sublime stuff in little patches last season and the season before as well. We just need to make those patches a bit bigger and more often and we've cracked it. I don't understand those who say the way we've played is dour and hasn't shown any progress either but I guess it just depends on how you measure it.

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I was at the derby county golf day last week, as last year the coaches were quite open, clough wasn't there. Basically they said they have no money and shackell is gone, he is also on double most of the squads wages so will also free money up in that department. Basically saying it's hard to push the club forward when there is nothing to play with so will have to wheel and deal

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I was at the derby county golf day last week, as last year the coaches were quite open, clough wasn't there. Basically they said they have no money and shackell is gone, he is also on double most of the squads wages so will also free money up in that department. Basically saying it's hard to push the club forward when there is nothing to play with so will have to wheel and deal

Did they also discuss the toiletary habits of bears and the preference of the pontiff for large headwear?

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I think our interpretation of the word "brilliant" are very different. Barcalona are brilliant, Arsenal can be extremely good. Derby under Clough are mediocre at best and often poor.

The last Derby team I saw that played anywhere near brilliant football was Jimmy Smith's team with Eranio, Stimac, Baiano, etc.

You're right... because we SHOULD be as good as Barcelona shouldn't we? In fact if the board spent some money and they got someone in to replace Clough we would be... In fact we could probably get Messi to join us if the board weren't so stingy... and let's get Guardiola in to manage us... and that lad Ronaldo from Madrid... These seem like realistic aims...

I was at the derby county golf day last week, as last year the coaches were quite open, clough wasn't there. Basically they said they have no money and shackell is gone, he is also on double most of the squads wages so will also free money up in that department. Basically saying it's hard to push the club forward when there is nothing to play with so will have to wheel and deal

It's nice to know that the coaches are happy to talk to people... "Hello random person who I have no idea who you are... I'm going to tell you the inner workings of my employers... that's a really good idea isn't it? And whilst I'm at it here's my bank card and PIN number... because you look like a trustworthy soul..."

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To be fair emjlc was saying Addison is not in the long term plans even when Addison was injured.

And Cywka during the summer when we were all wondering whether or not Nigel would drop his grudge.

He's got a fair few things spot on tbf.

Derby were exciting with Idiakez and Co.

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I think we're a tidy championship football side, the players probably don't have the quality that othersides in this division do but their hard work and high work ethic make up for that.

They also try and play with the ball in triangles and play on the deck which is sensible as we have a lot of smaller players.

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What I'd call a realistic aim is to not sell Shackell for less than double his value. If there are cheaper replacements (just as good as Shackell with his experience) then why do these clubs want to spend so much on Shackell?

Keep rooting in the basement will turn up a lot of junk and not enough value.

Another realistic aim would be to play the best players in their best positions. Not **** players in the wrong positions because they have brown noses.

Another realistic aim would be not to hoof the ball into corners for 20mins if it can be helped at the end of matches. Unless playing for Field Lane U10s or The Red Lion.

It's not asking for Barcelona. It's seeing other managers come to Derby and do things that work and we all enjoy. It can be done.

"we finished in our highest position in 5years"

I don't want us to be the new Coventry. Not everyone is going to be overjoyed with 5 years of below midtable and 3/4 relegation threats.

Having said that, it's not all bad. There are positives. But having money in the bank and no option to withdraw it is about as exciting as..... Well, as Coventry City

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I was at the derby county golf day last week, as last year the coaches were quite open, clough wasn't there. Basically they said they have no money and shackell is gone, he is also on double most of the squads wages so will also free money up in that department. Basically saying it's hard to push the club forward when there is nothing to play with so will have to wheel and deal

To be fair I can believe this as have been in a similar situation few years ago few days after derby threw away a 2 goal lead in stoppage time against qpr but it was savage giving it the biggun bot the club having no money and how well he did having tarrabt in his pocket making him be subbed again cloughie wasn't present

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I was at the derby county golf day last week, as last year the coaches were quite open, clough wasn't there. Basically they said they have no money and shackell is gone, he is also on double most of the squads wages so will also free money up in that department. Basically saying it's hard to push the club forward when there is nothing to play with so will have to wheel and deal

Theres no way Shackell is on almost double the rest of the squad, he was signed last year when we were reducing the wages and penny pinching just as much as we are this year. He would never of been offered high wages.

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Theres no way Shackell is on almost double the rest of the squad, he was signed last year when we were reducing the wages and penny pinching just as much as we are this year. He would never of been offered high wages.

Yeah I thought the same. It sounded believable until then, that just doesn't sound right at all. It sounds like a way to make the whole things be about money and penny-pinching yanks again.

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Theres no way Shackell is on almost double the rest of the squad, he was signed last year when we were reducing the wages and penny pinching just as much as we are this year. He would never of been offered high wages.

To be fair, they did offer Commons the 15k a week wage package, so clearly the money is their for the right kind of players.

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funny people

we dont have loads of money but we are being run from a board and management perspective well, gradual progression and not spending what we dont have


would people prefer a succesful club for 3 years and then no club or severe financial hardship


a club that builds year on year improving the squad while being financially realistic?

if people are that unhappy with the board and manager why dont u support someone else?

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I reckon our max wage is around £8k......average is probably £4k....so it is possible that Shack is on double of most others. I would guess Barks, Frankie and Wardy are close to Shack followed by Brays, Roberts and Bryson, then basically, its just kids on next to nowt.

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barker & shacks will be highest, croft will have a decent wage especially as he never plays

we have a very good set of youngsters, ball, ob, bennett, hughes will prob be prem quality

while shak, barker, bryson, fielding & brayford already are so major posotives

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