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A bloke at work says he hates vegetarians. When you ask him why, he gets aggresive and rants on about sandal wearing poofs.

(Most of the vegetarians I know are fit women).

I love me roasts and a bacon buttie like most blokes, but, I don't hate vegetarians, and I can't work out why some men do.

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When I clicked on this thread, Utch, I was expecting a big rant on vegetarians. Don't know why, I guess its the persona that people have on people who choose not to eat meat. That they will have a go at people who, like you and me, that eat meat and love meat.

It's vegans, anyway, that are the ones that protest outside Mcdonalds and KFC and tell everyone that eating meat and cheese and milk and eggs etc is wrong.

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For some reason people seem to consider different opinions as a personal insults. Look at this forum, a lot of people tend to think you have to be either Clough lover or you are a big moaner. It's either or, just don't get it myself.

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I have no idea Uttox. Each to their own and all that.

What I have noticed over the years though is some veggies who boycott meat and stuff, don't do the same with animal by-products and continue to wear leather. That's puzzled me a bit. Not having a pop mind, it's just an observation.

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what pees me off is being a veggie is a choice and theres so much choice out there but when you have some disease like coeliacs, lactose intolerance etc you pay over the odds for staple foods and there is not alot of variety.

personal rant i know but really gets on my baps 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/angry' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':angry:' />

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Vegetarians can do what they like, it's when they come over all holier than thou. The do pee me off when you see them eating fish tho.

My daughter eats a lot of quorn sausages and nuggets, purely because she doesn't like 'gristly bits' and fat in her food.

Only problem I've got with that is it's so fekin expensive.

It's like anything in this world, you do what you want, I'll do what I want - we'll just leave eachother alone.

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I have no real problem with veggies apart from if they care for animals so god dam much "WHY EAT ALL THERE FOOD"

I once made a joke to a veggie about how I saw a poor bean being made into tofu and it looked liked torture, big mistake told me anout what happens to cattle.

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I know a ginger vegetarian! And she's a minger.

Can't get worse?

She refuses to let her children eat any meat products (1 & 3 year olds). Child abuse by self-righteousness if you ask me. Personally hating them is a bit strong though, it's their problem not mine.

The only time they actively annoy me is when they expect you to cook them veggie food if they visit you but refuse to cook to any type of meat if you visit them (see Come Dine With Me).

If you come to mine and we're having Steak & Chips, you can expect chips. Unless they were cooked in animal fat of course, then ...um... ketchup? Does that have gelatin in it? I don't know, fresh air?

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