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Clough new contract


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You are wrong!

You must be a troll, it's the only conclusion I can come to for someone who so stubbornly refuses to accept that anyone else's view is even relevant if it doesn't agree with yours. You're either just out to cause trouble or don't have the intelligence to engage in a reasoned debate. Either way, let's close this down and wait and see what happens with the contract because all we're doing now is going round in circles.

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You must be a troll, it's the only conclusion I can come to for someone who so stubbornly refuses to accept that anyone else's view is even relevant if it doesn't agree with yours. You're either just out to cause trouble or don't have the intelligence to engage in a reasoned debate. Either way, let's close this down and wait and see what happens with the contract because all we're doing now is going round in circles.

You're wrong!

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Again you are missing the point. This guy is a retired local journalist and not a tabloid hack and he would not be looking to upset Nigel Clough or write something that would embarrass him. In the article he states he spoke to NIgel.

What indications are there that Nigel wants to stay unless he gets what he wants, unless this happens my opinion is he will walk away.

Mr Mortimer has highlighted the problem and brought it to our attention and don't tell me you are a Bloomfield fan he's pants.

...no, I'm not missing the point, I'm putting mine across.

Gerald is a well-respected journalist indeed and with a deserved reputation.

But like anyone, he writes what he thinks the public want to read. In an opinion column he has written what he believes. Is it based in fact? Possibly. Doesn't make it any more or less true than if I were to say Clough is refusing to sign a contract unless he gets £10,000 a week. Unless Nige or the Board come out and give the reason behind the delay (if there even is one to talk of) then your guess is as good as mine, and what Gerald Mortimer writes is as true as anything else.

Not taking anything away from Gerald either here. Also yes, I like Colin. Seems like a decent lad and is pretty much always on the ball when it comes to all news DCFC. Any time we're linked with a player he's posting on Twitter or informing people on his show. Don't see what issue you have with him personally (probably just that, a personal issue with the man).

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You must be a troll, it's the only conclusion I can come to for someone who so stubbornly refuses to accept that anyone else's view is even relevant if it doesn't agree with yours. You're either just out to cause trouble or don't have the intelligence to engage in a reasoned debate. Either way, let's close this down and wait and see what happens with the contract because all we're doing now is going round in circles.

I've made my last post on here the vast majority who I have tried to get something going with are just so blindly behind this board it is frankly a waste of time trying to talk reason.

Why the hell would a journalist of Gerald Mortimer's calibre put make a comment like this unless something was behind it, It is not an opinion it is a statement pretty much certainly from the horses mouth.

It may not be what you want to hear but it is reality the manager has not signed a new contract that has only 9 months to run and there must be some reason why. Goodbye.

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I've made my last post on here the vast majority who I have tried to get something going with are just so blindly behind this board it is frankly a waste of time trying to talk reason.

Why the hell would a journalist of Gerald Mortimer's calibre put make a comment like this unless something was behind it, It is not an opinion it is a statement pretty much certainly from the horses mouth.

It may not be what you want to hear but it is reality the manager has not signed a new contract that has only 9 months to run and there must be some reason why. Goodbye.

But you haven't tried to have a debate, you have insulted me on more than 1 occasion and have been rather rude because I haven't agreed with the conclusion you get from an innocent piece of an article written by a man who writes his view on things Derby County. Nothing more, nothing less.

If you want to cry off on this forum then it is not the place for you, especially if you are going to call others names, whether it be members, directors of the club or the match reporter on a local radio station!!!! As far as I am concerned this forum is better off without people like you.

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...no, I'm not missing the point, I'm putting mine across.

Gerald is a well-respected journalist indeed and with a deserved reputation.

But like anyone, he writes what he thinks the public want to read. In an opinion column he has written what he believes. Is it based in fact? Possibly. Doesn't make it any more or less true than if I were to say Clough is refusing to sign a contract unless he gets £10,000 a week. Unless Nige or the Board come out and give the reason behind the delay (if there even is one to talk of) then your guess is as good as mine, and what Gerald Mortimer writes is as true as anything else.

Not taking anything away from Gerald either here. Also yes, I like Colin. Seems like a decent lad and is pretty much always on the ball when it comes to all news DCFC. Any time we're linked with a player he's posting on Twitter or informing people on his show. Don't see what issue you have with him personally (probably just that, a personal issue with the man).

Sorry this will be the last one just the bottom bit, Bloomfield may well be a decent lad I don't know him but I have the strong opinion he is a crock of **** as a commentator and general Sports Journo. His commentary for the Leicester game was as bad as it gets, poor Roger repeatedly has to correct him. His lack of general football knowledge and Derby County knowledge from anything over 3 years ago makes him totally wrong for the job. As I have said before it's likely he has never kicked a ball in his life.

That he posts on sausageter probably says more about him than any words I provide can.

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personally I cant stand messrs garner,crosby and taylor. I have been of a strong feeling that its jobs for the boys (wassell included).

A mate of mine played for Clough at Burton and liked Nige but hated crosby

Martin Taylor is a very nice bloke, and knows his football, having spoken to him on a number of times.

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Sorry this will be the last one just the bottom bit, Bloomfield may well be a decent lad I don't know him but I have the strong opinion he is a crock of **** as a commentator and general Sports Journo. His commentary for the Leicester game was as bad as it gets, poor Roger repeatedly has to correct him. His lack of general football knowledge and Derby County knowledge from anything over 3 years ago makes him totally wrong for the job. As I have said before it's likely he has never kicked a ball in his life.

That he posts on sausageter probably says more about him than any words I provide can.

I thought you'd gone. Still, at least you've finally apologised.

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ive met him twice and he appeared to be a bit of a bighead.(i am being extremely kind here)

That's a fair enough reason to dislike him. He wasn't like that when i have met him, although I was serving him drinks in his local so he had to be knd to me 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> (this is in no way has any implications that he drank is vast quantities or anything else that is derogortory to the man himself 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />)

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personally I cant stand messrs garner,crosby and taylor. I have been of a strong feeling that its jobs for the boys (wassell included).

A mate of mine played for Clough at Burton and liked Nige but hated crosby

I can stand them - they're part of the staff that are third in the league at the moment.

It may be jobs for the boys, but he's built a team, why shouldn't he want to keep it? If you managed a team in your company, would you just sit by and not care whether they were hired or fired?

What have they done that makes you dislike them so much?

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Sorry this will be the last one just the bottom bit, Bloomfield may well be a decent lad I don't know him but I have the strong opinion he is a crock of **** as a commentator and general Sports Journo. His commentary for the Leicester game was as bad as it gets, poor Roger repeatedly has to correct him. His lack of general football knowledge and Derby County knowledge from anything over 3 years ago makes him totally wrong for the job. As I have said before it's likely he has never kicked a ball in his life.

That he posts on sausageter probably says more about him than any words I provide can.

What the f*ck are you talking about?

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If he wanted to go he could walk away today. Forest is as you say not a good fit for him unless the past ties are too strong to say no to. At the end of it it is how far away is he from Glick in what he wants from the next contract.

Not so, he could walk away in breach of contract but this would prohibit Forest making an approach. If he subsequently joined Forest then Derby could seek an injunction and make life very difficult for our friends down the road, this would most probably end up in a costly compensation payment.

Heads we win, tails they lose situation.

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If you can't post anything that displays you to have the brains of the average pork pie I would do something else.

Why did Mr Mortimer put what he did in his column for fun or to create trouble, or does he not know what he is writing about. I have not posted anything about the likely outcome, just what the issue is.

Maybe, just maybe, people would take a little more notice of you if you didn't throw out so much abuse when someone disagrees with you.

There is no indication from within the club that a contract has been offered. There is no indication from within the club that there is a problem. My own guess is that they have discussed it, but both parties are happy to get round to it once his coaching staff have had their contracts sorted - no rush as they trust each other. What I do know is that Tom Glick and Nigel Clough have a great working relationship and fully expect Nigel Clough to be here for some years to come.

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