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Season Ticket Money Back Guarantee!

Hartley Hare

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The fact that Glick mentioned a 'veteran' midfielder suggests to me one is already lined up. Him saying 2 proven goalscorers at this level is very interesting...A certain David Nugent is available on a free in the summer. Getting him would be real ambition.

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Glick told Trooper on the train to Palace that Nugent wasn’t on the list..

As for the whole moneyback concept it is very clever and you’d like to think they’ve done a proper risk assessment on it

Once people have paid for their ticket and have it in their hand – it’s then a gamble to give it back. Clearly we will have bought *some* players so you don’t know if they will be good or not and your heart will be willing you to believe

However – without this amazing offer a lot of people would just be throwing their hand in right now, on the basis of they took a leap of faith last season and were somewhat duped

So the question is:

How many people will now renew who were about to NOT renew, and then how many of those people will dare to claim a refund if not happy at the start of the season?

Eg if we have 20,000 ST holders and 1000 were going to sack it off that would have given us 19,000 ST holders

Now say 500 of those people who weren’t going to renew WILL now renew and then 250 claim a refund – that gives us 19,750 ST holders

With this offer - the likelihood of us having LESS ST Holders come the start of the season than we would have without the offer is actually quite tiny. A calculated risk.

PLUS – don’t forget that this also encourages the cash up front to fund the transfers that they plan to impress us with!

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It's pretty straight forward, what's on offer is a money back guarantee if you are not happy with what the club has done before the first game of the season.

I don't see how that could be misunderstood, if you are not happy by August, come get a refund. Simples as the meerkat would say.

The point that is causing most fans to question their renewal is lack of net investment in the team.

Surely you're not missing the point that most deals are done during the last days of the transfer window, after the offer has closed, hence why I bring to question the euphoria at this offer?

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It would send a clear message to the board though if the day before the first match of the season, 17000 people turn up wanting a refund. They would be panicking a bit then! :p

Think we should do that if they spend alot of money anyway. Just to scare them.....they deserve it really. :D

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The point that is causing most fans to question their renewal is lack of net investment in the team.

Surely you're not missing the point that most deals are done during the last days of the transfer window, after the offer has closed, hence why I bring to question the euphoria at this offer?

The club are obviously confident they can secure signings that the fans approve of before the first game, if that goes tits up you can have your money back.

They could of come out and talked about "Barker type fees" being made available in the summer but that would of caused more unrest and cries of "Glick Spin" to sell ST's again.

No euphoria, just a decent offer from the club for fans that are not sure to renew or not.

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One good question – the answer to which does seem to be ambiguous.

They are saying if you’re not happy then you can get a refund – but it doesn’t explicitly say that you have to return your season ticket!

Just saying...the small print doesn’t seem to be available yet.

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How about....just for once...go on be a devil...you take it for what it is...An UNBELIVEABLY GENEROUS offer... It is an outstanding idea, and one that, not even the dumbest, blinded "board out" fool can say ANYTHING against.....

Fair play to them for doing it, they are obviously serious about investing, so get off their backs by whining about "get out clauses" etc

I completely agree with Muespach's line of thought on this.

It doesn't matter what they spend or don't spend in the summer.

It doesn't matter on what they have ever spent or will spend while their here.

It doesn't matter who they sell or buy OR where we finish.

....because it's not about that. It's not asking you to be decide whether you love them or not. It's a generous and fair offer and i can't think of a bad part of it!

Giving fans their money back if fans aren't happy come the opening day. How can that be a bad thing?

On this move it's impossible to fault them.

We should really appreciate the offer. It's a bit cynical to start picking holes in it. There is nothing to hide about this.

Cheers for the offer Mr Glick.

(I'm even feeling a bit confident about next season...... but if i change my mind i can get a refund! lol)

I wouldn't want a refund anyway though. Lots of fans will appreciate the offer. Take a bad summer (if it was to happen) on the chin. And sit through another awful season.

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To go back to the chef analogy again for a minute. The proper analogy would mean that you had a restaurant which had new owners and a new chef. The ingredients weren't great and as a result the chef was producing some lousy meals the majority of the time. To the extent that some are wondering if that chef is up to the task but most think it's rubbish ingredients and the chef has potential. Now the owners have turned around and said, look we know we didn't pay top dollar for the ingredients, but we're willing to invest in better ingredients that our new chef will point out. If you don't like what we've purchased then don't worry we will give you your money back before you have to eat a meal. But if you do then please come back. It's up to you, nobody is putting a gun to your head.

Nobody is forcing anyone to buy a new season ticket, just simply saying that if you do and by the first game of the season you're not happy then we'll give you your money back.

I don't understand your point about transfers happening after the first game. If no transfers have happened then people will get their money back, if transfers subsequently happen then it's GSE's fault for making such a statement and not getting the transfers in before the first game. We don't really have anyone of any quality to sell apart from Barker and Brayford. So do you think they'll suddenly be sold or do you think we'll sign some good players, wait until after the first game and then sell those same players safe in the knowledge that people can't get a refund anymore?

Maybe I'm not getting it so if someone can explain the issue with this offer then please do. It seems amazingly simple. If by the first game we haven't signed enough players you like and you don't think we'll be challenging top 6 with those who we have signed then come on down and get your money back. Where's the problem?

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So many variables in this. If I have a product that I have faith in, why do I want to offer people their money back if it doesn't work? At what point do they want their money back? Etc... Sounds like pure desperation to me.

That's my point - they must have done the risk assessment. People only offer a money-back guarantee if they have faith in the product.

Love 'em or hate 'em- the one thing we know that this board are NOT is daft businessmen!

The more I think about it - the more I think it's a genius stroke

DCFC are currently the envy of the office - and fans of all other clubs are saying that they wish their club did the same thing.

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I think this offer is good offer for the fans. The fact that it has not been done berore should not make it less valuable. Someone always have to be the first one to do something new. Perhaps this turns out to be good idea perhaps not. If GSE puts money in the next seasons team and things work out, this moneyback - concept will get good publicity for Derby and might even get us new sponsorship deals since a lot of business executives love to be linked with new innovative ideas. If this is just another spin what have fans lost really ? We have been through that before.

I don´t know details of the clubs financies so for all I know Glick might have done pretty good and consistent job there even though my frustration have been through the roof at times. If Nigel gets more money and can`t deliver then thats it. With the resources so far I haven`t been ecpecting much more of him anyway. For me now it is the time to put up or shut up for both Nigel and GSE.

And like Edinburghram said this club should be in our blood. At least I`m going to continue supporting the club whatever the squad, division, owner or manager is at the moment. I will travel to Pride Park for a few matches every year if I can scrape the money and every time I put Derby jersey on it will mean something to me. I might moan and whine how things are done but I will keep supporting this club regardless how bad things might get. And for now I`m trying to stay positive and wait for the summer and see if my optimism is justified.

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Brilliant. We'll be forever famous for the saying "Come to Derby y'áll, if ya don't like it we'll give ya all your money back''. Sorry for being a bit cynical, I'm not for or against borad/Nigel etc.. Just like my footie. But it's not the way forward. Do we want new fans coming through buying season tickets on the basis of getting thier money back if things don't work out. What precedent does it set?

WilkoRam, what I don't get is the debasing of the club by this 'offer'. That's what I don't get.

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Brilliant. We'll be forever famous for the saying "Come to Derby y'áll, if ya don't like it we'll give ya all your money back''. Sorry for being a bit cynical, I'm not for or against borad/Nigel etc.. Just like my footie. But it's not the way forward. Do we want new fans coming through buying season tickets on the basis of getting thier money back if things don't work out. What precedent does it set?

WilkoRam, what I don't get is the debasing of the club by this 'offer'. That's what I don't get.

This isn't going to be a regular thing, Mr Glick has just realised that fans aren't happy with the levels of investment and has given an exciting and innovate offer to try and please them. I'm very confident the squad will be strengthened sufficiently enough in the summer that very few people will want a refund if any. It's not like there saying if we don't finish in the top six then we'll give you your money back, that would be a dangerous precedent

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I think it's fair to say your a "glass half empty" kind of guy? :D

I don't think it debases the club - I think it shows some respect to the fans and acknowledges that they are the lifeblood of the club.

Like I said - everyone (non DCFC fans) I've mentioned this too have thought it an amazing and brilliant thing. For once the leap of faith is being taken by the club not the fans!

It takes a special sort of misery guts to think it's a bad thing..

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It takes a special sort of misery guts to think it's a bad thing..

That must have been my cue to step forward lol.

You've got to admit they're very clever, fans are getting to the point where they've heard it all before, ST sales are drastically down, they're not going to be conned again, but deep down they really want something to cling to, something to hang their hat on, hey presto Tom Glick pulls the grand gesture out of the hat. So most of them, who were desperately wanting a little hope, are appeased, renew, then as the build up to the season starts it gets forgotten about and you've got your fanbase back on board, a couple of months into the season they're all wondering why they bothered again......clever.

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