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Who's using AI?

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On 20/01/2024 at 01:05, Carl Sagan said:

Am currently writing a book on AI and am curious about the forum's views. Do many people on here use the new generative capabilities? Do you use other manifestations?

I am messing around with AI on a regular basis attempting to use it to automate various tasks and deliver content to users via a chatbot rather than talking to me for work.


Do you think the world will have changed much in the next 5, 10, 20 years?

Over next 5 years, I think a lot will change but wont impact most people as think the technology wont proliferate through big businesses/governments so most jobs wont be lost but areas might not recruit as many and people will wear more hats going forward.
Over next 10, household human robots will be with the wealthy doing some tasks. AI agentic technology will have proliferated to even the biggest businesses and more people will be entreprenuers or single person businesses rather than working for a medium enterprise. More and more specialisation/best-at-something and things that involves physical human interaction will be main job sectors (teachers roles becoming child minders and coaches rather than educators; handmade, historic and artisanal become more in demand)
I think over the next 20 years, human robotics and job losses not sure whether society will move towards how it currently is with haves and have nots or something closer to during the covid years with furlough and billionaires getting richer.


What are your hopes and dreams for it? What about your fears?

Hope -  perhaps Fully automated luxury communism but not familiar enough with the entire content of the theory to be honest. Most jobs/tasks are able to be automated resulting in improvements across the board for all. improved medicine, improved education, people doing stuff they want to do and relaxing if they want rather than working.
Fears - Probably increased inequality between haves and have nots. greater division and anger towards everything. Return to feudalism with people owning very little and more and more subscriptions to do anything. Slaughterbots with ability to target individuals or chemical weapons which can be easily formulated. AI's energy use resulting in increased climate change and governments not migrating as concern in short term rather than long term.


And will a robot footballer ever play for Derby County?

I dont think the future of football is robots, just like with olympics people havent stopped caring back we can drive now making running obsolete. I also think spectacle and community events (like football) will be in more demand as people become more disconnected by technology.

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20 hours ago, FindernRam said:

In mid 1970's I went to a really glossy Microsoft shindig in London. Subject: The paperless office. 

Forecast: No paper in offices by mid 80's.

We know how that worked out. 

I feel the same about AI

It took a little longer than that but nowadays people generally do not  print. Some sectors might still be required to print but very few.

As far AI there is a lot of hype for sure but in 30 years+ in IT, I was asked to name the 3 most impressive things I experienced, my answers were. no.1 tinternet, no 2 AI, no3  Take your pick, with virtualisation & cloud being pretty high up.

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