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Just go for it derby let's make the play offs


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I’m happy with us not getting promoted this season if we get another disappointing result on Sat.  I’d personally like an exciting recruitment in the summer and hit League 1 next year like Plymouth have this, it’d be great.

If we fluke a promotion via the playoffs then fair enough, but it will be a fluke if we do.

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2 hours ago, Boycie said:

I’m happy with us not getting promoted this season if we get another disappointing result on Sat.  I’d personally like an exciting recruitment in the summer and hit League 1 next year like Plymouth have this, it’d be great.

If we fluke a promotion via the playoffs then fair enough, but it will be a fluke if we do.

Why a fluke we been hitting form at the right time by winning promation most of these resitions will go and give warn larger market to sign players with.

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11 hours ago, B4ev6is said:

Why a fluke we been hitting form at the right time by winning promation most of these resitions will go and give warn larger market to sign players with.

Form? Well I guess we’re unbeaten. Hardly swashbuckling form mind.

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21 minutes ago, Boycie said:

Form? Well I guess we’re unbeaten. Hardly swashbuckling form mind.

We are limping towards the finish line , I agree. But that could all change tomorrow. A good 4-0 win and a 1-0 v Pompey . Rest players v Wendies and everything looks much better for the cup games to come.

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1 hour ago, B4ev6is said:

Well tell me why the champership program says we are hitting form at the right time.

I’m not confident that our current “form” will secure enough points, sorry to waz on yer cheerios.

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18 hours ago, B4ev6is said:

... most of these resitions will go...

Not sure about that.

They have promised no more than "A review". 

There may be a bit of leeway given.  Maybe the severity of some of the restrictions will be reduced?... Fingers crossed!

But I really don't think "Most restrictions" will be completely lifted though.  Why would they?

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2 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

Not sure about that.

They have promised no more than "A review". 

There may be a bit of leeway given.  Maybe the severity of some of the restrictions will be reduced?... Fingers crossed!

But I really don't think "Most restrictions" will be completely lifted though.  Why would they?

Well with promation money that will help clear bit money of our debt but also some sign players with.

Not that I trust efl not one little bit I still hate them.

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4 hours ago, B4ev6is said:

Well with promation money that will help clear bit money of our debt but also some sign players with.

Not that I trust efl not one little bit I still hate them.

Mate, the debt has been settled, people who let’s say were owed £1000 maybe got £100. The agreements were made that Derby started with no debt, all the people who were owed money had to take what was offered or take nothing if Derby went bankrupt.

The EFL won’t let Derby splash Clowes cash incase he does the same as Mel Morris.  It’s up to Clowes to show the EFL that he’s not going to be reckless.  
So any slight loosening of financial restrictions would be welcome.  But they won’t lift loads or the other clubs will kick off again.

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2 hours ago, Boycie said:

Mate, the debt has been settled, people who let’s say were owed £1000 maybe got £100. The agreements were made that Derby started with no debt, all the people who were owed money had to take what was offered or take nothing if Derby went bankrupt.

The EFL won’t let Derby splash Clowes cash incase he does the same as Mel Morris.  It’s up to Clowes to show the EFL that he’s not going to be reckless.  
So any slight loosening of financial restrictions would be welcome.  But they won’t lift loads or the other clubs will kick off again.

Hasn't clows already showed he keep tight control of money avaible to the club.

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15 hours ago, B4ev6is said:

Well with promation money that will help clear bit money of our debt but also some sign players with.

Not that I trust efl not one little bit I still hate them.

Do we still owe Arsenal money for Beilik? Play off final income could settle that. 

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9 hours ago, B4ev6is said:

Hasn't clows already showed he keep tight control of money avaible to the club.

Yes he has.

... But one year ago, he promised to do it for two years.  That means there's still a year to go.


If your boss said you can have 6 months off work, and then sacked you after 3 months for having too much time off, would that be fair?  

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1 hour ago, B4ev6is said:

Thing is I think he should be given leeway as spending on players and also said we are ahead of time so sure we can spend a little bit.

I agree that we should be allowed to "spend a little bit", and if I'm honest, I think the EFL may well just agree to that when it's time for the 12 month review.

But that's a million miles away from your statement "... most of the restrictions will go...", to which I was initially responding.  

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