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The Ukraine War


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23 minutes ago, Ramarena said:

So this week we’ve had, Ukraines withdrawal from Bakhmut and this “uprising” in Belgorod, which Ukraine will have absolute known about.

Add in the huge Russian artillery losses in the last week or so and this looks like the battlefield shaping excercises are really getting going.

I’d be expecting the counteroffensive very soon, as Ukraine gets the Russians to move their assets to advantageous positions for the attack.

BBC website ran an article today showing lots of alleged russian defensive positions. Trenches, dragons teeth, anti tank traps, all sorts.

then made the point that with all this knowledge, the Ukrainian army can just manoeuvre straight round them....

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We’ll from the details out there at the moment, if correct, it looks like these guys have taken the town Kozinka and are trying to get to the town of Grayvoron, this covers an area 3 times the size of Bakhmut……..

That makes this the most successful Russian offensive in 2023…………problem is it’s in Russia!

In response Russia has put an anti terrorism response in effect called Operation Edelweiss. This seems to be a mixture of what limited military response they can muster, alongside pulling all police out of the territory and telling the locals who haven’t left the area on mass, to arm themselves and shoot anyone they see who looks like police on sight.

Russia is claiming to have terminated at least 40 of the saboteurs, but is offering no evidence and the situation is on going.

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7 hours ago, Van der MoodHoover said:

BBC website ran an article today showing lots of alleged russian defensive positions. Trenches, dragons teeth, anti tank traps, all sorts.

then made the point that with all this knowledge, the Ukrainian army can just manoeuvre straight round them....

Yeah it’s starting to sound like what these guys did.

Russia had supposedly fortified areas of Belgorod incase Ukraine attacked. So they drove up the main road.

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Over 24 hours into this incursion and they still occupy the area they took yesterday.

Russian MoD has announced they have removed the nuclear weapons that were stored in the area.

Remarkable that they haven’t been dealt with yet!

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The Kremlin has issued new conscription rules.

Any conscript who receives a summons will be required to hand in their passport within 5 days of the order being issued. If the passport is not handed in, it will be invalidated.

Two ramifications come from this, first is those in Russia can’t legitimately escape the conscription.

And second, those who are abroad and receive a conscription order they don’t answer, will effectively be rendered stateless if they don’t have another citizenship.

Things seem to be gathering pace.

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38 minutes ago, Ramarena said:


And second, those who are abroad and receive a conscription order they don’t answer, will effectively be rendered stateless if they don’t have another citizenship.

Things seem to be gathering pace.

Where ever they are in the World a cancelled Russian passport will see the Country they are in give them a passport for that Country, They'll not be going back anyway, And I can't see Russia hunting them down with Novichok   

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13 hours ago, Highgate said:

Will there ever come a point when Putin thinks to himself that he made a huge mistake with the invasion? 

Even if he does, I don't suppose he would ever admit it to anyone.  


Well he thought or was told they'd be done in 4 weeks, 14 months later and 10s of 1000s of deaths on both sides, His Country ostracized/sanctioned by other countries, The cost running into 10s if not 100s of billions of £ $ €, Unrest in the Army, Oligarchs/Critics falling from hospital windows, Western goods no longer available in their shops, Scientists being arrested for treason, Car bombs, Attacks on small towns/villages inside Russia, Yet more conscription on the cards, Most Russian sportsmen/women can not partake in their chosen sport in the world.

Only a few years ago he was fated worldwide, Not too many want to have him over for lunch, So yep I'd have thought he sometimes thinks...Oooops I made a mistake here 🤷‍♀️ 

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From Sky News

Why China, Iran, Belarus and Armenia 'all fear' a Russian defeat in Ukraine

Moscow has been widely condemned for the war in Ukraine, but there are a few countries that could fear a Russian defeat.

Four countries in particular have emerged as key allies that are prepared to defend Moscow, an expert writing for the think tank Atlantic Council says: China, Iran, Belarus and Armenia.

Despite their standing, these countries are "united by a common fear" of what a Russian defeat in might mean for them, according to Taras Kuzio, professor of political science at the National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy.

While China has stopped short of "outright support" for Russia's invasion, it has adopted a position that could be termed as "Kremlin-friendly neutrality", Mr Kuzio says.

He suggests a Russian defeat would "considerably complicate" any future Chinese efforts to invade Taiwan, adding that if Western military aid helps Ukraine win it could increase the chances of similar support for Taiwan against possible Chinese aggression. 

In Belarus, a Russian defeat would likely "reignite domestic unrest" and affect Alexander Lukashenko's regime.

But Armenia, Mr Kuzio says, remains heavily invested in the view of "Russia as a protector" against perceived threats to national security posed by Azerbaijan and Turkey.

Iran, he says, shares China's geopolitical motivations for supporting Russia's war, but the leadership is fearful that a Russian defeat could "increase demands for democratic change" inside Iran. 

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15 hours ago, Highgate said:

Will there ever come a point when Putin thinks to himself that he made a huge mistake with the invasion? 

Even if he does, I don't suppose he would ever admit it to anyone.  


He may have thought that months ago. But how can he go back? 

How can any Russian leader go to the negotiating table and leave with anything like guarantees about NATO borders and recognised territory. 

It's been worse than 'their Vietnam'

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34 minutes ago, Alpha said:

He may have thought that months ago. But how can he go back? 

How can any Russian leader go to the negotiating table and leave with anything like guarantees about NATO borders and recognised territory. 

It's been worse than 'their Vietnam'

youd think they might have learned from their excursion into afghanistan back in the 1980s that apparently militarily weak nations have a habit of not conveniently collapsing to fit the Kremlin projection models..... 

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Look's like at least some of this group have left the area from what I can tell.

They held a press conference next the border, declaring their incursion a success gaining 40 Km's, with more success to come. They said they lost two soldiers, with 10 injured.

Compare that to Russian claims that they killed 80 of them. The true figure is probably somewhere in the middle. 

Best part of this incursion, is the comedy footage of newly re-instated General Lapin (who Putin demoted when he lost Kharkiv) power walking round a random village like a headless chicken, barking orders at soldiers who clearly don't know what to do. 

Edited by Ramarena
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9 minutes ago, Ramarena said:

Look's like at least some of this group have left the area from what I can tell.

They held a press conference next the border, declaring their incursion a success gaining 40 Km's, with more success to come. They said they lost two soldiers, with 10 injured.

Compare that to Russian claims that they killed 80 of them. The true figure is probably somewhere in the middle. 

Best part of this incursion, is the comedy footage of newly re-instated General Lapin (who Putin demoted when he lost Kharkiv) power walking round a random village like a headless chicken, barking orders at soldiers who clearly don't know what to do. 

do you have a link to that comedy footage?

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The Belarus opposition leader Valery Tsepkalo is claiming Lukashenko has been rushed to hospital again, after meeting Putin earlier today.

After his Victory day visit with Putin Lukashenko ended up in hospital.

Itll be interesting to see if is true. So far very few media outlets are doing more than monitoring the claim.

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10 hours ago, Ramarena said:

The Belarus opposition leader Valery Tsepkalo is claiming Lukashenko has been rushed to hospital again, after meeting Putin earlier today.

After his Victory day visit with Putin Lukashenko ended up in hospital.


Hiya Alex...try some of this new...ichokvon tea I was sent from India...it really has a kick to it 😁 

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Don’t know when it was recorded, so can’t 100% confirm the hospital story being false, but Lukashenko appeared in a recorded message on Russian tv last night. 

He was offering nuclear weapons, to countries that join the state of Russia and Belarus. “Join the Union State of Belarus and Russia. That’s all: there will be nuclear weapons for everyone.”

This comes two days after Putin moved nuclear weapons into Belarus. Probably as a pretext to a coup if Lukashenko does kick the bucket.

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