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The Politics Thread 2020


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6 minutes ago, Highgate said:

The coronavirus and the daily briefings are laying bare the ridiculous nature of Trump and his presidency.  Of course anybody who had being paying attention would have known that only too well already.  But he is really driving home the point now.

The things he is saying in the briefings are definitely starting to damage his hopes of re-election.  The best thing Biden can do is stay quiet and let Trump destroy himself. 

I think Labour tried that with the Brexit debate/debacle, and that didn't work out too well.

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I see a fair amount to be disappointed in with our government ministers through this ,,,,, but I’m willing to bet there’s a very good number of high profile opposition and other parties politicians secretly thanking they’re lucky stars they are not in power right now ,,,

sadley I’ve not got much faith in the majority of our politicians to be made of and posses the kind of stuff a real situation like this requires 

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1 hour ago, Uptherams said:

Once you stop shaking, you can go back and read what I've said, properly. You're being completely irrational. You are the one wanting to blame blame blame.

You also appear to be incapable of waiting for responses to criticisms before forming an opinion. Just like with The Times article yesterday. 

You're completely irrational.



This nurse has even deleted her account now. She mislead people, it did the rounds on social media. Gaining massive attention. You might think she's deleted because of abuse. She's almost certainly been advised by HR to delete her account and she'll be investigated. 

See there you go again, overstating your relevance. Shaking at what? You? I'm shaking with laughter old bean, that's about it! 

And the supporting evidence you've provided... the sum total of which is one nurse's deleted Twitter account. That's it!?! But it's 'gaining massive attention' is it? Like bigly and from all the right people, more attention than anything else and all the right people are saying so! Does that sum it up? Seriously, that's all you can offer to support your screeching about NHS failings and agendas! One deleted Twitter account... Get a grip man! 

I'll tell you what, there's a army transporter not so far from my place waiting to fly to Turkey to collect part of an 84 tonne consignment of PPE that apparently we don't really need. Why don't you give Matt Hancock a bell and tell him that he can save a load of taxpayers' dosh by simply cancelling the order as after all, it's the NHS' own fault they've not got any. Nobody else, just them. You can even offer the deleted Twitter account as evidence to support your theory. I'm sure he'll find it as compelling as I do ?

I might be 'irrational' old chum, but at least I'm not daft enough to believe you have the remotest semblance of a clue.

EDIT - I've just Googled, 'NHS Nurse lies about PPE shortages to have a look at the 'massive attention' it's getting - not a single result. Not one! Here's what did come up though... Do you see a theme developing or is it just an NHS conspiracy, a trick played upon us all by NHS activists with their Marxist agendas ?






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13 minutes ago, Archied said:

I see a fair amount to be disappointed in with our government ministers through this ,,,,, but I’m willing to bet there’s a very good number of high profile opposition and other parties politicians secretly thanking they’re lucky stars they are not in power right now ,,,

sadley I’ve not got much faith in the majority of our politicians to be made of and posses the kind of stuff a real situation like this requires 

Post of the Day K Ok GIF by Originals

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35 minutes ago, Highgate said:

The things he is saying in the briefings are definitely starting to damage his hopes of re-election.  The best thing Biden can do is stay quiet and let Trump destroy himself. 

But then again - you see his supporters gathering in the streets with placards saying "give me freedom or give me death" and you wonder whether other people's stupidity is his secret weapon

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28 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

I think Labour tried that with the Brexit debate/debacle, and that didn't work out too well.

Listening to Biden speak gives me the impression that saying as little as possible is going to be his best option.  Maybe he can get Obama to give a speech on his behalf or something.  There are more Democrat voters than Republican voters in the US and Biden has a real chance of winning if the doesn't do something stupid (which in his case is quite a large 'if').   Trump as we know will do plenty stupid.

There are many aspects of the Brexit debate that I didn't or will never understand.  However, Corbyn didn't play his hand astutely in my opinion. Admittedly, he was in a difficult position.

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17 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

See there you go again, overstating your relevance. Shaking at what? You? I'm shaking with laughter old bean, that's about it! 

And the supporting evidence you've provided... the sum total of which is one nurse's deleted Twitter account. That's it!?! But it's 'gaining massive attention' is it? Like bigly and from all the right people, more attention than anything else and all the right people are saying so! Does that sum it up? Seriously, that's all you can offer to support your screeching about NHS failings and agendas! One deleted Twitter account... Get a grip man! 

I'll tell you what, there's a army transporter not so far from my place waiting to fly to Turkey to collect part of an 84 tonne consignment of PPE that apparently we don't really need. Why don't you give Matt Hancock a bell and tell him that he can save a load of taxpayers' dosh by simply cancelling the order as after all, it's the NHS' own fault they've not got any. Nobody else, just them. You can even offer the deleted Twitter account as evidence to support your theory. I'm sure he'll find it as compelling as I do ?

I might be 'irrational' old chum, but at least I'm not daft enough to believe you have the remotest semblance of a clue.

EDIT - I've just Googled, 'NHS Nurse lies about PPE shortages to have a look at the 'massive attention' it's getting - not a single result. Not one! Here's what did come up though... Do you see a theme developing or is it just an NHS conspiracy, a trick played upon us all by NHS activists with their Marxist agendas ?






Publications tend not to go after individual doctor's and nurses. They also tend not to call someone a liar, just like most journalists or Investigators, because that's not what they do and they also don't want to get into a legal situation. 

You're just posting articles. You haven't even read any of them, let alone bothered to seek out counter articles and press realeses. What i see is support from you about the notion of systemic shortages, instead of shortages for the entirity of the NHS. 

You litterally asked for an example of activist nurses and doctors spreading misinformation. 

Here's another.


Of course you've cited the government purchasing and recieving more PPE as evidence to your cause. You're so predictable. So the government continually sourcing more PPE is now a bad thing? What else do you expect? Labour would be doing the exact same things. 

I'm always highly suspicious of political activists. They plant their flag in the ground. There's no reason or logic, just playing for their team. 

You strike me as a political activist.

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8 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

But then again - you see his supporters gathering in the streets with placards saying "give me freedom or give me death" and you wonder whether other people's stupidity is his secret weapon

He's got 40% of those that vote in the US guaranteed.  He appointed two conservative supreme court judges....so that's the Evangelical and other conservative Christian vote locked in......despite his flamboyant personal immorality.  The far-right/racist vote think he is the Messiah and are extremely eager to vote for him...although they would be voting Republican anyway you'd have to assume.  The very wealthy are very much in his corner too, as they should be, given that his presidency and indeed the Republican party in general seems to be devoted to working in their interests.  It's the white working-class non Evangelical voter, which voted for Trump in large numbers as the 'outsider - drain the swamp' candidate in 2016, where he might be vulnerable.  If enough of them vote for Biden in swing states then it's goodbye Trump.

Biden needs to energize the Bernie Sanders voter, so expect Biden to adopt some 'Bernie-light' policies in the coming months.  The centre-right voter  (the natural Biden voter) will stay with him because he isn't Bernie or Warren, but he needs to make sure that those from the left side of the party aren't apathetic come election day if he is going to win. 

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1 hour ago, Highgate said:

Biden needs to energize the Bernie Sanders voter, so expect Biden to adopt some 'Bernie-light' policies in the coming months.  The centre-right voter  (the natural Biden voter) will stay with him because he isn't Bernie or Warren, but he needs to make sure that those from the left side of the party aren't apathetic come election day if he is going to win. 

This is a good point. The left can't be apathetic and then spend the next term moaning about Trump. Can't have it both ways. Put up or shut up, they're the two options here.

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5 hours ago, SchtivePesley said:

Yes, and it doesn't help that our political class has solidified so hard into majority public school, entitled upper classes that they genuinely didn't think that any of this would affect them directly. The same as when you ask someone like Jacob Rees Mogg if he could survive on the amount of Universal Credit someone gets - they will never have to, so they don't actually care. In which case - why are they the ones making the decisions on the stuff that will never affect them?  I'm afraid it's been painfully obvious for a long time that our politicians don't represent us adequately. But while they can divide and conquer over party political lines, they continue to get away with it. When you find yourself in the midst of a crisis that affects everyone equally - then it really does become clear that these people have no idea what they are doing. The daily briefings are just pathetic


The daily briefings have been much better since Johnson took ill.

Let's not forget that a proportion of them are led by scientific and medical experts, not politicians.

The completely pointless part of the briefings are when it gets passed over to the media for their daily attempt to try and catch the Government out or demand an apology.

Since early on we have known PPE is a problem and when this is all over, I think we all hope that this, along with other issues will be investigated, but the media think its a good idea to ask question after question on it every day.

It's not because they want to know the answer, they dont care, it just to try and beat the Government over and over.

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1 hour ago, Uptherams said:


Overall, we rate Guido Fawkes Right Biased due to word choices that favor the Right and Mixed for factual reporting based on poor sourcing. (M. Huitsing 6/13/2018) Updated (10/18/2019)

Source: https://order-order.com

Other than Guido Fawkes, known for poor sourcing, any source? 

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2 minutes ago, GboroRam said:


Overall, we rate Guido Fawkes Right Biased due to word choices that favor the Right and Mixed for factual reporting based on poor sourcing. (M. Huitsing 6/13/2018) Updated (10/18/2019)

Source: https://order-order.com

Other than Guido Fawkes, known for poor sourcing, any source? 

Click on the hyperlinks within the article itself. 

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22 minutes ago, GboroRam said:


Overall, we rate Guido Fawkes Right Biased due to word choices that favor the Right and Mixed for factual reporting based on poor sourcing. (M. Huitsing 6/13/2018) Updated (10/18/2019)

Source: https://order-order.com

Other than Guido Fawkes, known for poor sourcing, any source? 

Are you disputing any of the content?

Who is doing the fact checking? 

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25 minutes ago, GboroRam said:


Overall, we rate Guido Fawkes Right Biased due to word choices that favor the Right and Mixed for factual reporting based on poor sourcing. (M. Huitsing 6/13/2018) Updated (10/18/2019)

Source: https://order-order.com

Other than Guido Fawkes, known for poor sourcing, any source? 

Lost all respect for him after that gunpowder plot malarkey 

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1 hour ago, Uptherams said:

Did she donate PPE from her own pocket?

I don't see anything claiming she misappropriated NHS supplies?

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