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3 minutes ago, Millenniumram said:

...I'm sure she's a good actress, but doctor who has always been a bloke and that shouldn't be changed, if it was a woman and first and they changed the doctor to a man the BBC would be under a sexism investigation, really don't understand it

This is a being who can regenerate into anything, why not a woman. The reason it's always been a bloke is because it's only recently women have been allowed to be doctors! FFS it's a story, of course there are 'issues' involved.

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4 minutes ago, Millenniumram said:

Knew this would happen, the BBC can't write a decent show anymore so they drag viewers in through being politically correct. Every episode recently seems to have some sort of social issue shoehorned into it, its completely ruined the show and this will be the last nail in the coffin imo. I'm sure she's a good actress, but doctor who has always been a bloke and that shouldn't be changed, if it was a woman and first and they changed the doctor to a man the BBC would be under a sexism investigation, really don't understand it

Don't watch it then

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I don't have a problem with this in particular as yeah the Doctor can regenerate. So it makes sense (I think - don't know too much about  the lore of Doctor Who). So I'm pretty indifferent to a woman as the Doctor.

But the universe is full of oestrogen, trust me, it's unbearable.

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He's always been a man. I'm the books he was a man. I just feel this is a box ticking exercise by the BBC. We've had bisexual time lords in Torchwood (which I enjoyed). We've now got a black lesbian companion. Not a problem. No need to mess with the central character for PC reasons. 

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1 hour ago, Millenniumram said:

Knew this would happen, the BBC can't write a decent show anymore so they drag viewers in through being politically correct. Every episode recently seems to have some sort of social issue shoehorned into it, its completely ruined the show and this will be the last nail in the coffin imo. I'm sure she's a good actress, but doctor who has always been a bloke and that shouldn't be changed, if it was a woman and first and they changed the doctor to a man the BBC would be under a sexism investigation, really don't understand it

Well, stamp your little feet then.

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2 hours ago, Millenniumram said:

Knew this would happen, the BBC can't write a decent show anymore so they drag viewers in through being politically correct. Every episode recently seems to have some sort of social issue shoehorned into it, its completely ruined the show and this will be the last nail in the coffin imo. I'm sure she's a good actress, but doctor who has always been a bloke and that shouldn't be changed, if it was a woman and first and they changed the doctor to a man the BBC would be under a sexism investigation, really don't understand it

There seems to be so much joy had in some quarters by depriving boys of their toys. People who couldn't give a monkeys about James Bond clamouring for a female Bond just to make a point for example. It's pretty vile. Come up with your own characters - Hunger Games was good.

I've seen people replying to you not to watch it then. That'd be my advice too, but they might want to have a look at the state of Marvel comics. Iron Man is now a black girl. Captain America was black and apparently old Captain America is and always has been a double agent Nazi. Thor is a woman. Spiderman is a mix of black and Hispanic. Ms Marvel is Muslim. I'm pretty sure Black Panther isn't white now though.

Some of the garbage that the characters have been saying too, it beggars belief. I'd advise looking it up. One example I can think of is when they made Red Skull have perfectly reasonable views on immigration to make people who have perfectly reasonable views on immigration seem like Nazi supervillains. Not to mention one of the artists leaving pro-Hezbollah messages in the art.

Subsequently the VP of Marvel has come out and said sales have plummeted and it's because of this pushing diversity through established characters.

We'll see how people react to the new Doctor, although like I said, if there's one character it could be argued it would make sense to change it'd be Doctor Who due to the whole regeneration thing. But in a bit of foreshadowing, a male character regenerated last season as a woman before promptly saying "ah, back to normal am I? Only time I've been a man, that last body. Dear Lord how do you cope with all that ego?" So even if it does make sense to have the character become a woman, it looks like they're doing it for pretty spiteful reasons. Still, I don't pay the license fee so who am I to complain?

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10 minutes ago, StringerBell said:

There seems to be so much joy had in some quarters by depriving boys of their toys. People who couldn't give a monkeys about James Bond clamouring for a female Bond just to make a point for example. It's pretty vile. Come up with your own characters - Hunger Games was good.

I've seen people replying to you not to watch it then. That'd be my advice too, but they might want to have a look at the state of Marvel comics. Iron Man is now a black girl. Captain America was black and apparently old Captain America is and always has been a double agent Nazi. Thor is a woman. Spiderman is a mix of black and Hispanic. Ms Marvel is Muslim. I'm pretty sure Black Panther isn't white now though.

Some of the garbage that the characters have been saying too, it beggars belief. I'd advise looking it up. One example I can think of is when they made Red Skull have perfectly reasonable views on immigration to make people who have perfectly reasonable views on immigration seem like Nazi supervillains. Not to mention one of the artists leaving pro-Hezbollah messages in the art.

Subsequently the VP of Marvel has come out and said sales have plummeted and it's because of this pushing diversity through established characters.

We'll see how people react to the new Doctor, although like I said, if there's one character it could be argued it would make sense to change it'd be Doctor Who due to the whole regeneration thing. But in a bit of foreshadowing, a male character regenerated last season as a woman before promptly saying "ah, back to normal am I? Only time I've been a man, that last body. Dear Lord how do you cope with all that ego?" So even if it does make sense to have the character become a woman, it looks like they're doing it for pretty spiteful reasons. Still, I don't pay the license fee so who am I to complain?

This is really the point I'm trying to make, it strikes me that all these charectar changes are being done for purely PC reasons, and not the good of the story. I have no problem with new charectars being women, minority ethnic backgrounds, different religions whatever, as long as it's a new charectar based around that background and not changing an existing one! Got no problem with someone like Rey in Star Wars, my only annoyance is when charectars are changed, there's just no need! Maybe we should make Wonder Woman a man, wonder if that would go down well!

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3 hours ago, David said:

The thing is I can sort of see where these "bigots" are coming from, Dr Who is traditionally a man, for those that have grown up with the series it's all they have known.

When Jack Reacher was made into a film the book lovers complained as in the books he was a big tall guy, then you have Tom Cruise playing the role.

Sci fi you have to let your imagination run a little wild anyway but let's say they made Obi Wan a woman, a long running series of films and suddenly the gender has been switched.

For me it's not sexism, it's not being a bigot, it's just your favourite tv show being tinkered with too much.

Had the series started out with a woman as the Doc, then switched to a man I'm sure you would see the same backlash.


Well first of all The Title is "The Doctor" and no reason of course why a doctor cant be female. Also Doctor Who has traditionally regenerated, he has been young and old, skinny, fat all shapes and sizes. Of all the characters , a female Doctor who was bound to happen. A female James Bond i would have more of a problem with. 

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3 minutes ago, Millenniumram said:

This is really the point I'm trying to make, it strikes me that all these charectar changes are being done for purely PC reasons, and not the good of the story. I have no problem with new charectars being women, minority ethnic backgrounds, different religions whatever, as long as it's a new charectar based around that background and not changing an existing one! Got no problem with someone like Rey in Star Wars, my only annoyance is when charectars are changed, there's just no need! Maybe we should make Wonder Woman a man, wonder if that would go down well!

Ah Star Wars! My personal fave! You've started me off now.

I also don't have a problem with Rey. In an era where there are so many unbelievable female action heroes it makes perfect sense to the in-universe lore of Star Wars for there to be powerful female force users. As a tiny green frog said "size matter not. Judge me by my size do you? Hmm? Hmm?"

But despite the fact I have no problem with Rey I'm not giving Star Wars a pass on this issue. Rogue One for instance, the Star Wars version of a gritty war film that was supposed to be geared towards 30 something neckbeards like me starred a 5ft 2 posh lass called Felicity who looks like she couldn't punch her way out of a wet paper bag.

Of all the 8 main human hero characters from the last 2 films (9 if Kelly Marie Tran is a major character) every one is either a woman or black/asian/East Asian/Hispanic. The four human villains so far - three white men and one blonde woman. ?

Plus, I'm trying to keep up with the whole Star Wars canon since Disney pushed the reset button and wiped all the old novels and comic books out. Things have jumped out to me - the Empire/First Order are supposed to be space Nazis but there's been a plethora of ethnic diversity (Finn being the obvious one but there are others.) I think maybe the xenophobia is towards alien races but that's not been made that clear. The guys who wrote Rogue One said the Empire are white supremacists so what gives? There's been a number of gay characters and they are really pushing the ethnic diversity. I don't mind it. It's just there's obviously an agenda behind it. We know this because of comments made by JJ Abrams about diversity and Kathleen Kennedy saying it was a "priority" to get a female director. Personally I'd have said it was a priority to get the most qualified director but then I'm more interested in good stories being told well than I am ramming identity politics down long time Star Wars fans throats.


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45 minutes ago, StringerBell said:


Of all the 8 main human hero characters from the last 2 films (9 if Kelly Marie Tran is a major character) every one is either a woman or black/asian/East Asian/Hispanic. The four human villains so far - three white men and one....


I think it's a good thing that non-white males get to see films where people like themselves play lead roles.

I also think it's a good thing for white males to see people not like them playing lead roles in films.

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52 minutes ago, StringerBell said:

Ah Star Wars! My personal fave! You've started me off now.

I also don't have a problem with Rey. In an era where there are so many unbelievable female action heroes it makes perfect sense to the in-universe lore of Star Wars for there to be powerful female force users. As a tiny green frog said "size matter not. Judge me by my size do you? Hmm? Hmm?"

But despite the fact I have no problem with Rey I'm not giving Star Wars a pass on this issue. Rogue One for instance, the Star Wars version of a gritty war film that was supposed to be geared towards 30 something neckbeards like me starred a 5ft 2 posh lass called Felicity who looks like she couldn't punch her way out of a wet paper bag.

Of all the 8 main human hero characters from the last 2 films (9 if Kelly Marie Tran is a major character) every one is either a woman or black/asian/East Asian/Hispanic. The four human villains so far - three white men and one blonde woman. ?

Plus, I'm trying to keep up with the whole Star Wars canon since Disney pushed the reset button and wiped all the old novels and comic books out. Things have jumped out to me - the Empire/First Order are supposed to be space Nazis but there's been a plethora of ethnic diversity (Finn being the obvious one but there are others.) I think maybe the xenophobia is towards alien races but that's not been made that clear. The guys who wrote Rogue One said the Empire are white supremacists so what gives? There's been a number of gay characters and they are really pushing the ethnic diversity. I don't mind it. It's just there's obviously an agenda behind it. We know this because of comments made by JJ Abrams about diversity and Kathleen Kennedy saying it was a "priority" to get a female director. Personally I'd have said it was a priority to get the most qualified director but then I'm more interested in good stories being told well than I am ramming identity politics down long time Star Wars fans throats.


You realise that Felicity is an actress in a fantasy film, right?

the point is you don't have to be a muscle-headed gym queen to be a hero. Even people who can't punch their way out of a paper bag can make a difference. 

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