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Henri Lansbury - Signed for Aston Villa

DcFc Dyycheee

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1 minute ago, Derby_EnglandLoyal said:

My opinion of Lansbury still the same. Not really fickle at all. Pretty sure you don't like football but only into it because Clough name that's it. 

I don't like football? Not sure where you get that from pal. I'd be willing to bet I've seen more games and travelled further than you over the last 30 years watching the game and I know you're a real football (at least Derby and England) fanatic, it's the part of you I've got a bit of respect for. I like lads who like their football., I like loyal fans like you.. it's what makes the game so special... just my loyalty is different to yours, that makes you angry and I don't really know/care/understand why.

I should probably have just wrote "yawn" to be fair. I know you like your posts short and a little bit insulting.

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2 minutes ago, ronnieronalde said:

I don't like football? Not sure where you get that from pal. I'd be willing to bet I've seen more games and travelled further than you over the last 30 years watching the game and I know you're a real football (at least Derby and England) fanatic, it's the part of you I've got a bit of respect for. I like lads who like their football., I like loyal fans like you.. it's what makes the game so special... just my loyalty is different to yours, that makes you angry and I don't really know/care/understand why.

I should probably have just wrote "yawn" to be fair. I know you like your posts short and a little bit insulting.

I never angry at all. Just wondering that's all. :thumbsup::ph34r:

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15 minutes ago, Derby_EnglandLoyal said:

Ignore that account.

the same agent Dave whom tweeted this 

Agent Dave ‏@AgentDave_ Jan 5

Bakary Sako. #BCFC leading the race currently with the bigger offer but the player wants the #DCFC move. Get your wallet out and pay up...


what an imbecile  this fake  agent dave is   :thumbsup:

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6 minutes ago, ronnieronalde said:


I should probably have just wrote "yawn" to be fair. I know you like your posts short and a little bit insulting.



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39 minutes ago, Saturn5 said:

i think it means 

Us and Villa have bid 

We have offered a nice big contract 

total speculation by me but i can tweet it out if it gives it more credibility

Do sane people really believe that if you put something on Twitter it gives it a certain't level of credibility?

WOW!!! Just glad I'm bonkers then!

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48 minutes ago, ronnieronalde said:

Just for a tiny little bit of fun I might spend a couple of minutes reading some of your views on Lansbury over the last 12-18 months or so.

Then watch how quickly those views get changed if/when he signs.

You fickle fickle feckers.

Bit of a strange signing for me, wonder where all of these midfielders are going to fit. You'd think this would have to spell the end for Bryson and probably one other.

Whistling a happy tune again?

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2 minutes ago, Wolfie20 said:

Anyone who has to put 'Agent' in their Twitter "whatever it's called" must be a wannabe who won't admit to being a ' never will be" in a million years.

The Agent Provocateur account on Twitter is worth a follow, no wannabes on there

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15 minutes ago, Wolfie20 said:

Anyone who has to put 'Agent' in their Twitter "whatever it's called" must be a wannabe who won't admit to being a ' never will be" in a million years.

So he's a wannabe Dave who won't admit to being a "never will be" in a million years Dave :blink:

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