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Morbid thought for Xmas Day from The Grinch


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How much did Pearson's appointment cost us in fiscal terms. For this exercise the alternative appointment from June onwards being Steve Mac,

The obvious cost being the cost of his contract and those of other staff,

Other major costs would be his transfer deals. Vydra (£8m), Anya (£4.5m) and Wilson (loan fee) are the incoming costs. Outgoing deals were Hendrick (£10.5m), Martin (£3m loan fee) and Grant (loan fee). So did we overpay for Vydra and Anya based on their form so far? I would suggest yes by about 50% but it is still early days. I have no complaints about the money received for Hendrick or Martin's loan fee, though with the latter deal I disagreed with it happening at all.

Minor costs would include loss of income from home matches under Pearson. 

The potential major cost would be if the early poor season form can't be sufficiently compensated for and we come close to being promoted automatically and miss out in the play offs, or just fail to reach the play offs.

So in my view, Pearson's appointment cost us around £10m with the potential to cost us 10 or 12 times that.

Merry Christmas.   


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Biggest cost to me was that I was not enjoying going to the football.

Beyond that, I am happy we have people in charge who will ensure the financial side of the club is all in order.

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We paid what we paid for the signings.  Not really our concern as a fan I trust the people paid a lot more than I get paid to make the correct financial decisions for the club. 

As we've seen from the so called "poor" signings under Clements brief stay that players can take a while to settle . Pearce, Johnson , Butterfield and Baird are all prime examples of this.

Vydra and Anya will both come good for this club and add further depth to our squad.


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Anya at cost was a snip. We've yet to see anything near what he's got to offer. Vydra was about 5 mill too much than what we paid IMO.

As for the 'Pearson Effect' I see what you're saying but we weren't to know that Mac would see us on this cracking run. Just like if Pearson had got us more points than he did, what if Mac had not done as well as he has? All ifs and buts.

The season is long enough. If we're good enough to get promoted then we will do.

I do concede that it is reasonable to have expected Pearson to have achieved a higher points haul meaning overall we should be battling with Newcastle and Brighton.

I think you are right with that for sure.

We'll get where we need to be.

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In a alternative world where Mac took over in June, who's to say the players wouldn't have thrown a wobbly at his appointment?

They could have thought sod this for a game of soldiers, we need a proper man like Pearson in charge, not someone who's left us once and been sacked from a bigger job, and underperformed for Steve from the start.

We'd then have sacked him, bought in Pearson to replace him, and be in much deeper difficulty now, with no chance of Mel having the gonads to pull the trigger once more before the end of the season.

Things have worked out well so far, and if it took the appointment of Pearson to make the scales fall from Mel's eyes, it was worth every penny of his money, not ours.

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Rumour has it that SM was offered his job back to cancel part of his severance deal..... ie he was the cheap option  and least disruptive of FFP.   Fortunately part of the deal seems to be that he maintained the support team 'in situ' and they agreed to stay. So there was no payoff to coaches . Pearson will be being paid on the drip ??  And we still have Chrissie Powell and a good coaching team .

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Wasn't Pearson suspended? You don't get suspended for nothing. You don't suspend someone without cast iron evidence.

i doubt we are still paying him.

i assume he may have been paid something.

if it was me, and I'd got a serious situation that could drag on, but ultimately I was correct in what I wanted to achieve, and had the money to want it to end sooner rather than later, I'd of paid him the remained of the first years contract and told him to be quiet about the whole affair or the truth will come out.

but that's just speculation.

merry Xmas.

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1 hour ago, t'oldu said:

Rumour has it that SM was offered his job back to cancel part of his severance deal..... ie he was the cheap option  and least disruptive of FFP.   Fortunately part of the deal seems to be that he maintained the support team 'in situ' and they agreed to stay. So there was no payoff to coaches . Pearson will be being paid on the drip ??  And we still have Chrissie Powell and a good coaching team .

Rumour from where? 

Twitter has never really a medium to heavily rely upon!

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1 hour ago, t'oldu said:

Rumour has it that SM was offered his job back to cancel part of his severance deal..... ie he was the cheap option  and least disruptive of FFP.   Fortunately part of the deal seems to be that he maintained the support team 'in situ' and they agreed to stay. So there was no payoff to coaches . Pearson will be being paid on the drip ??  And we still have Chrissie Powell and a good coaching team .

Dang you got some story there - where'd all that come from?

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14 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Biggest cost to me was that I was not enjoying going to the football.

Beyond that, I am happy we have people in charge who will ensure the financial side of the club is all in order.


Has it left us in a worse position for the next 1 or 2 transfer windows?

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4 hours ago, sage said:

I went to Benfica and Barnsley away to see abject football. 


Unfortunately, we don't have a right to divine football. You should have witnessed some of our performances back in 1980 through to 1986.

I'm trying to work out who you are blaming, going by the almost continual misery that seeps out of pretty well every one of your posts nowadays. Mel? Clement? Pearson? Clough? Keogh? Which one killed your frog?

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14 minutes ago, eddie said:


Unfortunately, we don't have a right to divine football. You should have witnessed some of our performances back in 1980 through to 1986.

I'm trying to work out who you are blaming, going by the almost continual misery that seeps out of pretty well every one of your posts nowadays. Mel? Clement? Pearson? Clough? Keogh? Which one killed your frog?

I had a season ticket in the 80s. I saw that rubbish.

I think we are in a decent position now. We certainly have a generous owner, great facilities and a top coach. 

However, i still think that the NP appointment, even though he is long gone, will continue you to affect us. 

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