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Are many of us being driven mad?

Half fan

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A lot of the comments and speculation on here since December about Uncle Mel, Sam, Schteve, PC, DW and Arry are surely going a bit far, negatively or positvely. I for one am getting a bit worried about it. So many pages on Arry already! What???

I'm not a psychiatrist (at least I don't think I am) but may I suggest an analysis as to what lies behind the often ransid chatter?

  1. Out of the blue came a 4-4 draw against Ipswich, followed by some 12 months of what now seem like halcyon days. Some beautiful football and some memorable results.
  2. Accompanied by what now seems an incredible opportunity to see the likes of Butland, Wisdom, Lingard and Bamford in Derby shirts because of our head coach and his mate Eric.
  3. Even a day out at Wembley, which in all but one respect was a special occasion denied to most clubs' fans.
  4. Then for two seasons an expectation of the promotion at long long last which 'we deserve'.
  5. So the management seemed magical and on the whole we trusted its decision making. Remember when we often wrote 'in Schteve we trust' and the year our CEO was voted the best in the land -  whilst the absent non-executive Board edged upwards in our esteem?
  6. On top of this cream (not fruit) cake came the icing. A wealthy decisive English owner and a Ram ( I nearly added 'to boot' but thought this might have unintended consequences) who opened his cheque book and attracted 'one of the best coaches in Europe'.

So even though we are fifth with 'the best squad in the Championship' we are seemingly a largely worried, disappointed, restless and sometimes vitriolically critical bunch. You'd think it was Rams v Forest fans sometimes on here.

The simple explanation is that high expectation followed by some shockingly bad results and performances since Boxing Day has triggered such a downward spiral of managerial decisions and actions and publicity that many have now lost trust, respect and confidence in the off-field and on-field leadership.

It's the Obama syndrome but minus Trump on his charger. As with the USA, our stock has tumbled such that internal upheaval is afoot.

I suggest there are only four possible medications which can be prescribed for the distraught amongst us, so that this site retrieves some of its lost sanity:

  1. Rapid restoration to the elite position we used to enjoy. Or
  2. A Trump put in charge whose performance matches his PR. Or
  3. Emigration to a New World location such as Burton where the President is respected and anything is an incredible improvement on what used to be.
  4. It's only football. Focus soothingly on the Referendum instead - it could do with some of our insightful passion!

That's psychiatry for you.

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16 minutes ago, Alpha said:


That's me playing the trumpet in the cinema

I love some live vocals too. Well, thats aparently what the family with 4 kids to see Deadpool chose as an appropriate method of venting their frustrations

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5 minutes ago, Palmo said:

I love some live vocals too. Well, thats aparently what the family with 4 kids to see Deadpool chose as an appropriate method of venting their frustrations

Deadpool deserves more respect. You've paid your entrance fee, why didn't you flick popcorn at the Chadd massive?

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Steve McClaren has a lot to answer for.

I've got a poor memory but even I can cast my mind back 3 years to the Clough days, now I'm not going to knock Nigel here but attendances were down both home and away, the idea of signing a player another Shaun Barker type fee seemed laughable and we looked destined to be a mid table also ran forever.

There was no expectation of us challenging for promotion, the season ticket sales pitch told us we was but anyone with half an eye could see it was never realistic and that's what kept expectations down and a lot of fans seemed to just give up and accept it in a I can't be arsed attitude and voted with their feet. We had a brief spell of GSE out but that lasted the whole of 5 minutes before people gave up, wasn't there even a "planned protest" outside Pride Park and only a handful turned up? 

Fast forward 3 years and a trip to Wembley, a play off near miss, £25m spent, expectations are through the roof, fans are now arsed about it as they can finally see the Premier League light at the end of the tunnel, the League everyone mocks but that's a whole different post I could make.

We now have something to fight for, players that we all know deep inside are more than capable to take us up and should be doing better......we've got the garage with all the tools to rebuild an engine yet an apprentice mechanic left to his own devices and frustrations of 3 near misses in the row is boiling over now into anger.

I understand the frustration, I don't understand the anger and I won't ever understand how people can sit here and seriously type that they are not renewing because they don't like the direction the club is heading in. I'm not knocking them, each to their own I would never look down on any fan that chooses not to spend their money on a season ticket.

I just remember what it felt like with nothing to fight for, no hope and the only excitement we had was Robbie Savage twirling a scarf above his girly head. The bloke was even called a legend for it. 

Maybe I am feeling slightly more positive because of the Moor Farm meets I don't know, I will admit it feels good that the forum has been recognised by the club and an owner that has reached out to us and takes an active interest in the fans feelings. 

I would like to think that if I did have serious serious concerns over the club this wouldn't cloud my judgement, I'm not happy about the Wassall appointment, it wasn't the right move for me and I will hold my hands up if he goes on to prove us wrong.

'Arry as Director of Football scared the life out of me, as a football advisor, someone to hold Daz Waz's hand I'm actually ok with whoevers decision it was to bring him in.

Last week I bought my first season ticket again after health issues and can. not. wait. If we don't go up this season fine, I'll get more games for my money, positive steps are being taken to move forward and if half of next season is wasted giving Daz Was work experience I'm feeling pretty confident that Mel will pull the trigger as he so ruthlessly did with Clement.

Apologies if I sound like a happy clapper, I just don't think it's half as bad as some are making on.

Off to pack my bag now, leaving for Derby in a few hours. I maybe a tiny little bit excited for tomorrow, apologies for that as well.

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Sorry about the follow up long post, wanted to rant about something but I thought I'd get a telling off from Leeds Ram and RamNut but sod it, come at me!

Going back to the fans not wanting to renew, as I said I would never look down on people for not renewing, £400-£500 up front for a seasons worth of entertainment is a lot to ask for when there is no guarantees of not being entertained.

All this good riddance rubbish and yes I'm looking at you Mostyn, football loyalty is dumb, more fool the fan that believes he has to keep stumping up that kind of money to keep up his loyalty status. 

As I said I bought my season ticket last week, what I forgot to add was I would never have bought one if I was in the position to do so 3 years ago. Not a chance. If that makes me a half fan, not loyalty is some eyes so be it, I won't lose any sleep over it. £500 is 166 pints in Grimsby money, that's a good 16 nights out that is if you don't count the robbing taxi cnuts that think I'm a tourist with my Derbyshire Barry White accent, thinking they can take me on a tour of Grimsby before booting me out the cab.

We have had a few on this forum recently making posts refusing to renew, not going to another game whilst Redknapp is here and they get shot down by others, why? Because they have made a personal decision whether or not to fork out £500, 'kin ell, I'll come round and start telling you what TV package to have! 

Yes I don't understand the reasons some are giving, that's not to say they are not entitled to have their own opinion. Some see these public displays of "non loyalty" on forums such as this as attention seeking, not at all, are they not allowed to put their opinion out there in the public domain hoping the club picks up and understands how they feel?

The owner reads this forum and those with negative views shouldn't feel like they have to be quiet in fear of being shot down, I just wish they did it in a non abusive way, if all you're going to do is call someone clueless and a clown, asking them to leave "your" club I wouldn't be so eager to listen to your feedback on how I was doing my job.

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This thread is quite unusual as a lot of common sense is being spoken. A few years ago I would of given my right arm for an owner who is a lifelong Ram and wealthy enough to get us up and sustain it. ( sh.. Sounds like a Viagra advert new sponsor maybe ?) We should be well pleased that we have Mel as owner.

I haven't been a big fan of Darren W, (although he was a cracking defender), and my opinion of him worsened after the naive substitutions at Rotherham, but I reckon Harry's input may galvanise us, to at least going into the play offs as the "Form team ".

3 points tomorrow no probs 3-1 to the Rams.


Wardy Subbed 17 mins hamstring.

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Wassall isn't the best option but you can't deny he's got us playing positive front foot football again. Think with Redknapp there to guide we'll see a decent end to the season. I get frustrated with the club a lot lately especially seeing all these other clubs go all the way as we fall away and seem to beat ourselves every time. Why can't we ever play well all season and finish top two? Just once in my lifetime please?

Watching Bournemouth do so well, a team we went toe to toe with last season and got the better of in is especially frustrating. We got relegated the first season I ever got a season ticket, maybe it's all my fault? Am I cursed?


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59 minutes ago, Daveo said:

Sorry about the follow up long post, wanted to rant about something but I thought I'd get a telling off from Leeds Ram and RamNut but sod it, come at me!

Going back to the fans not wanting to renew, as I said I would never look down on people for not renewing, £400-£500 up front for a seasons worth of entertainment is a lot to ask for when there is no guarantees of not being entertained.

All this good riddance rubbish and yes I'm looking at you Mostyn, football loyalty is dumb, more fool the fan that believes he has to keep stumping up that kind of money to keep up his loyalty status. 

As I said I bought my season ticket last week, what I forgot to add was I would never have bought one if I was in the position to do so 3 years ago. Not a chance. If that makes me a half fan, not loyalty is some eyes so be it, I won't lose any sleep over it. £500 is 166 pints in Grimsby money, that's a good 16 nights out that is if you don't count the robbing taxi cnuts that think I'm a tourist with my Derbyshire Barry White accent, thinking they can take me on a tour of Grimsby before booting me out the cab.

We have had a few on this forum recently making posts refusing to renew, not going to another game whilst Redknapp is here and they get shot down by others, why? Because they have made a personal decision whether or not to fork out £500, 'kin ell, I'll come round and start telling you what TV package to have! 

Yes I don't understand the reasons some are giving, that's not to say they are not entitled to have their own opinion. Some see these public displays of "non loyalty" on forums such as this as attention seeking, not at all, are they not allowed to put their opinion out there in the public domain hoping the club picks up and understands how they feel?

The owner reads this forum and those with negative views shouldn't feel like they have to be quiet in fear of being shot down, I just wish they did it in a non abusive way, if all you're going to do is call someone clueless and a clown, asking them to leave "your" club I wouldn't be so eager to listen to your feedback on how I was doing my job.

I agree with a lot of this post but I would like to comment about one aspect of some of the negative posters and that is their repetition of the same points over and over again, which can be quite wearying for the rest of us. If I have an opinion on a topic I try to post it once in a relevant thread rather than turning every thread into my personal crusade against whatever it is I want the world to know about. 

Judging from recent polls on here I feel that people who haven't lost all faith in the club are still in the majority but some days you would think we don't exist.

On the season ticket issue I didn't respond by saying that I would be renewing mine. Several posts of that nature would make pretty boring reading and we would immediately be accused of playing the loyalty card by one or other of the Forum ranters. 

I am a bit uncertain how this season is going to end up and that makes me nervous. I still however look forward to every game and will be renewing my season ticket again regardless of how this season ends. 

There, now I have said it I will try not to say it again. Who actually cares, anyway? I am just one in twenty odd thousand and my decision either way isn't going to make or break my club.

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13 hours ago, Daveo said:

Steve McClaren has a lot to answer for.

I've got a poor memory but even I can cast my mind back 3 years to the Clough days, now I'm not going to knock Nigel here but attendances were down both home and away, the idea of signing a player another Shaun Barker type fee seemed laughable and we looked destined to be a mid table also ran forever.

There was no expectation of us challenging for promotion, the season ticket sales pitch told us we was but anyone with half an eye could see it was never realistic and that's what kept expectations down and a lot of fans seemed to just give up and accept it in a I can't be arsed attitude and voted with their feet. We had a brief spell of GSE out but that lasted the whole of 5 minutes before people gave up, wasn't there even a "planned protest" outside Pride Park and only a handful turned up? 

Fast forward 3 years and a trip to Wembley, a play off near miss, £25m spent, expectations are through the roof, fans are now arsed about it as they can finally see the Premier League light at the end of the tunnel, the League everyone mocks but that's a whole different post I could make.

We now have something to fight for, players that we all know deep inside are more than capable to take us up and should be doing better......we've got the garage with all the tools to rebuild an engine yet an apprentice mechanic left to his own devices and frustrations of 3 near misses in the row is boiling over now into anger.

I understand the frustration, I don't understand the anger and I won't ever understand how people can sit here and seriously type that they are not renewing because they don't like the direction the club is heading in. I'm not knocking them, each to their own I would never look down on any fan that chooses not to spend their money on a season ticket.

I just remember what it felt like with nothing to fight for, no hope and the only excitement we had was Robbie Savage twirling a scarf above his girly head. The bloke was even called a legend for it. 

Maybe I am feeling slightly more positive because of the Moor Farm meets I don't know, I will admit it feels good that the forum has been recognised by the club and an owner that has reached out to us and takes an active interest in the fans feelings. 

I would like to think that if I did have serious serious concerns over the club this wouldn't cloud my judgement, I'm not happy about the Wassall appointment, it wasn't the right move for me and I will hold my hands up if he goes on to prove us wrong.

'Arry as Director of Football scared the life out of me, as a football advisor, someone to hold Daz Waz's hand I'm actually ok with whoevers decision it was to bring him in.

Last week I bought my first season ticket again after health issues and can. not. wait. If we don't go up this season fine, I'll get more games for my money, positive steps are being taken to move forward and if half of next season is wasted giving Daz Was work experience I'm feeling pretty confident that Mel will pull the trigger as he so ruthlessly did with Clement.

Apologies if I sound like a happy clapper, I just don't think it's half as bad as some are making on.

Off to pack my bag now, leaving for Derby in a few hours. I maybe a tiny little bit excited for tomorrow, apologies for that as well.


12 hours ago, Daveo said:

Sorry about the follow up long post, wanted to rant about something but I thought I'd get a telling off from Leeds Ram and RamNut but sod it, come at me!

Going back to the fans not wanting to renew, as I said I would never look down on people for not renewing, £400-£500 up front for a seasons worth of entertainment is a lot to ask for when there is no guarantees of not being entertained.

All this good riddance rubbish and yes I'm looking at you Mostyn, football loyalty is dumb, more fool the fan that believes he has to keep stumping up that kind of money to keep up his loyalty status. 

As I said I bought my season ticket last week, what I forgot to add was I would never have bought one if I was in the position to do so 3 years ago. Not a chance. If that makes me a half fan, not loyalty is some eyes so be it, I won't lose any sleep over it. £500 is 166 pints in Grimsby money, that's a good 16 nights out that is if you don't count the robbing taxi cnuts that think I'm a tourist with my Derbyshire Barry White accent, thinking they can take me on a tour of Grimsby before booting me out the cab.

We have had a few on this forum recently making posts refusing to renew, not going to another game whilst Redknapp is here and they get shot down by others, why? Because they have made a personal decision whether or not to fork out £500, 'kin ell, I'll come round and start telling you what TV package to have! 

Yes I don't understand the reasons some are giving, that's not to say they are not entitled to have their own opinion. Some see these public displays of "non loyalty" on forums such as this as attention seeking, not at all, are they not allowed to put their opinion out there in the public domain hoping the club picks up and understands how they feel?

The owner reads this forum and those with negative views shouldn't feel like they have to be quiet in fear of being shot down, I just wish they did it in a non abusive way, if all you're going to do is call someone clueless and a clown, asking them to leave "your" club I wouldn't be so eager to listen to your feedback on how I was doing my job.

I will never ever say this again...come 'ere @Daveo, I wanna give you a hug!

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