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Silver Linings


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Having got back from the game and had 90 minutes for my blood pressure to return to normal, three positives have come out of today.

1) We played well for 70 minutes and made it clear what our best formation is.

2) It has made it clear to those fools in both management and fans that you defend from the front and losing a target man means we concede goals.

3) It will give even someone as loyal/stubborn as MM sufficient evidence to start the recruitment process even if it means the next manager won't start until the summer. At least the planning can start now.



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Agree very much with one and two. If we can keep Thorn and Martin fit in and on form for the run-in, we still have a chance, especially if fit and on form Bryson and Hendrick accompany them. It's a tried and tested formula, flanked by changing wing support.

Wassall should have known all that - it's hardly as if he's just landed from Mars. However, there's no evidence Mel is going to change his mind. He may well just see it part of DW's learning curve.


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3 minutes ago, sage said:


3) It will give even someone as loyal/stubborn as MM sufficient evidence to start the recruitment process even if it means the next manager won't start until the summer. At least the planning can start now.



I wouldn't bank on it. Moronic Mel does things his way as he is a  clueless dictator who  has shown his complete incompetence. Wirhin a few months he has effed up years of good work done by the American consortium and Sam Rush. The latter now relegated to moronic mels poodle. God this club is a joke and an embarrassment right now. I have zero faith the dictator can pull a rabbit out of the hat after such monumental failings shown so far. 

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dont forget that our goals are coming from our strikers nowadays instead of the midfield too...a good sign to my mind that the systems are coming together at last after clement dismantled the team.

in my opinion,wassell is on steep learning curve and will certainly have learnt a massive lesson from this one...he must be kicking himself  after those disastrous substitutions today which effectively turned the game on its head...imagine how the rest of the team are feeling too...they will be bloody furious after probably the best performance of the year up to that point was thrown away by the changes

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5 minutes ago, sage said:

Having got back from the game and had 90 minutes for my blood pressure to return to normal, three positives have come out of today.

1) We played well for 70 minutes and made it clear what our best formation is.

2) It has made it clear to those fools in both management and fans that you defend from the front and losing a target man means we concede goals.

3) It will give even someone as loyal/stubborn as MM sufficient evidence to start the recruitment process even if it means the next manager won't start until the summer. At least the planning can start now.



1/ Absolutely agree

2/ As above, the target man is paramount plus if you add Thorne protecting our back 4 to that too. Spot on!

3/ Again ^, with Boro looking for a new gaffer as well as the 3 that come down from the premiership. We need a decision made yesterday before the good candidates are gone. 

But all in all agree totally, well said. 

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Haven't really made any progress have we this year.

We discovered we play 433, we need a fit Thorne and Martin and that a midfielder that gets forward fast and often will create space and opportunities with the way we can play when the tempo is quick and the touches are minimal.  

Did anyone not know this in July? Apart from Clement and the scouts

I liked Clement. Think he could have done more than he did. Which is a shame. We've wasted a season. Getting promoted now could hurt us in the long term?

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I thought that the first half was steady, no more, no less. We were clearly the better side and Camp kept them in it. The second half, until the substitutions, was on a par with the performance against Wolves at home - every player putting in 7 or 8 out of 10 performances. The last 10 minutes - well, it's the first time in 50 years watching Derby that I've seen us go from 3-0 up and fail to win. I've seen plenty of near squeaks - times we have ended up winning 3-2 or 4-3, a 5-0 lead which ended up as 5-4 (Darlington in the league cup in 1967 when Reg Matthews got injured and John O'Hare had to go in goal), loads of times that the wheels fell off and we've conceded 3, 4 or 5 in a short time, and of course times when we lost 3 goal leads over 2 legs. But I cannot recall such a collapse in such a short time from such a position of strength.

I'm not angry any more (I'm too long in the tooth for that) - but I can sure as hell appreciate the reasons why people are.

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3) It will give someone as loyal/stubborn as MM sufficient evidence to start the recruitment process even if it means the next manager won't start until the summer. At least the planning can start now.

We planned very wise to bring in Paul Clement, that went wrong. How often are we going to keep planning, we have been the big club in the championship over the last 3 seasons. We have some very talented players, who some how have stayed  with us. They will be gone in the summer if we are still in the Championship, and I would not blame them. We need to bring in some Manager/Coach now, get this talented lot to work, pinch a promotion place whether it be 2nd or Play Off winners. Get in the Premiership with all that extra money being thrown at your club and maintain the squad to improve each and every season. Can MM not see this is the season to go up, with all the monies being made available. It will be harder next season will the extra ash the relegated teams will have given to them to mount an immediate return to the Division we should be in 


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I think no. 3 if MM is looking for the right person I honestly believe that the right person will not take a job with the first club that comes along. The right person will be looking for the right club for him too. So when we do get someone in it will be because they fit the mould and not run to the first club that offers them a job. 

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6 minutes ago, Rammeister said:

Leeds 4-3 Derby in 1997.

We were 3 up after 30 odd minutes.

Yes, you are right. Funny how that one was suppressed by my memory.

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12 minutes ago, Rammeister said:

Leeds 4-3 Derby in 1997.

We were 3 up after 30 odd minutes.

I was sat in the Revie stand too that day, that was hard to take.

But whilst that was annoying Leeds in those days were a far better outfit than bloody Rotherham United, and that collapse didn't take place in the final 8 mins either. 

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