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Wassall lost Respect of the fan


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8 hours ago, igorlegend said:

So given chance to pay someone £3million today, or spread over three years you would pay it out today. Congratulations. 

Yes, some managers are paid up quickly...but to have it all sorted within days is not  feasible, not likely, and hardly in fact possible. Legal agreements take time.

refusing to consider the most likely course of events will leave you ignorant. It is certainly not nonsense to continue to continue to pay a manager.

if manager leaves for a new job, then payments made as per normal payroll end.


I don't disputing some managers keep getting paid when not managing at a club, but it is usually classed as ''gardening leave'' as they are still employed by the club.

So you think Clement is still employed with us and is still getting paid as per his contract because Mel said there was no gagging order at the breakfast club meeting?

If there was a contractual agreement arranged  do you seriously think Mel would disclose it, really? It will be confidential - FACT!

What we know is Clement was sacked and is not employed at Derby County as coach, whatever has been contractually drawn up as his pay off will stop with both sets of lawyers, the club and Clement and anything written on here is pure speculation!

It say it could be not feesible to have a contract drawn up is ludicrous, it can and usually is done and dusted in 48 hrs.


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On ‎10‎/‎03‎/‎2016 at 21:14, G STAR RAM said:

You say it may have been innocent but this is clearly trying to discredit Darren Wassall.

1 - How did the chat appear to be about what was happening on the pitch given that you say MM didn't turn round or react?

2 - How did the academy manager influence first team affairs? What evidence is there of this?

3 - How did DW seem to want to be close to MM? Was he pulling people out of their seats that were sat between them.


Seems obvious now though, surely (I'm not calling you Shirley!)

MM wants a 'production line' through from the Academy, who is in a better position to put the theory & practice forward than DW. DW who now wants a crack at being the main man!

1. What else would football 'people' talk about during the game?

2. DW is now 1st team manager, PC is gone.

3. He was sat close by!

But it is worrying to try and see where Mel's influence stops and DWs begins, it's all looking very chummy.

The next two games will either bring more turmoil or more denials. #weliveininterestingtimes

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7 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

Seems obvious now though, surely (I'm not calling you Shirley!)

MM wants a 'production line' through from the Academy, who is in a better position to put the theory & practice forward than DW. DW who now wants a crack at being the main man!

1. What else would football 'people' talk about during the game?

2. DW is now 1st team manager, PC is gone.

3. He was sat close by!

But it is worrying to try and see where Mel's influence stops and DWs begins, it's all looking very chummy.

The next two games will either bring more turmoil or more denials. #weliveininterestingtimes

Amazing how someone can report something that they have seen, add their own slant on it and within a few days people are adding their own bits, then with a few days it will be being passed off as fact.

All beginning to look a bit chummy? Just out of interest how many times have you actually seen MM and DW together?

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50 minutes ago, eddie said:


Sorry, I've just gone through your posts from Tuesday night replying to mine, and it seems to me that something has wound you up to the point that you are still seething three and a half days later, so let's have it out now. :D

At 21:38 you said...

I replied at 22:14 "Can't deny it - the decision to remove Clement but not have someone ready to step in looks very foolish and hasty." and added "This, however, is a porky" (meaning the bit about Mel Morris having already said that he isn't interested in promotion this season). Where and when has he ever said that he isn't interested in promotion? Mel said a lot of things, but I think that you have interpreted his words and actions and reached your own conclusion. He said the complete opposite at the Breakfast Club, stating categorically that the removal of Paul Clement was because he wasn't prepared to give up on the season, but he wasn't prepared to compromise his principles for promotion at any cost.

Moving on, your response was...

And I replied "You categorically stated that he doesn't want promotion, nothing about priorities, so stop back-sliding."

I do not wish to qualify that statement further. I stood by it then, and I stand by it after re-reading it.

Your response to that was...

And I never bothered responding because I just didn't think it warranted it. Clearly you were - and still are - in a huff. I'm not going to say that something has been festering with you for the last 83 or so hours, but seeing one of my posts has obvously brought it back, and I don't blame you for that. I'm sorry, but I'm wasn't going to wade through the other 593 of your posts or the rest of the thread searching for the evidence that you stating categorically "Mel Morris has already said that he isn't interested in promotion this season" actually means something other than "Mel Morris has already said that he isn't interested in promotion this season".

The problem with messageboards is the absence of context, and the fact that I didn't get that context when there were no clues that I SHOULD have been applying context to my interpretation of your statement bears that out.

Sorry for boring you, and everybody else. And no, I didn't obtain this information through having your previous responses bookmarked - I used the 'Notifications' bit at the top of the page. However, it's true that I insult people on occasion, and it's also true that I'm old, so I reckon that makes us even.

I also haven't misquoted you - I've just gone back to page 1 of the thread and it's not as though I cut and pasted somethng out of context - I quoted your entire quote.

Quote at 21.38 is NOT mine.   Inglorious ...Igorlegend.......com ci, comme ca.

i expect zero response from you. Just stick to reading a users name, and memorising it. If unsure.......re read the posts.  Oops you just have read Inflorious's posts...and again claimed I said i wrote the quote....dear oh dear. Boring? Entertaining as you, the multi quote person cannot accept I never posted those words....

I suggest you stop quoting other people's posts as my own.

i have tried and tried to explain.  You obviously don't do detail. My bookmark references refer to you back in May (when most knew SM could no longer continue) saying "bookmarked" to all the correct predictions.

You actually quoted inglorious yourself at 22.14pm on Tuesday.....but obviously for whatever reason still think I posted his words.   I tried to tell you your error on Tuesday. I took offence at your reference to me talking crap...when you could not even read my words correctly.

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1 hour ago, eddie said:


Sorry, I've just gone through your posts from Tuesday night replying to mine, and it seems to me that something has wound you up to the point that you are still seething three and a half days later, so let's have it out now. :D

At 21:38 you said...

I replied at 22:14 "Can't deny it - the decision to remove Clement but not have someone ready to step in looks very foolish and hasty." and added "This, however, is a porky" (meaning the bit about Mel Morris having already said that he isn't interested in promotion this season). Where and when has he ever said that he isn't interested in promotion? Mel said a lot of things, but I think that you have interpreted his words and actions and reached your own conclusion. He said the complete opposite at the Breakfast Club, stating categorically that the removal of Paul Clement was because he wasn't prepared to give up on the season, but he wasn't prepared to compromise his principles for promotion at any cost.

Moving on, your response was...

And I replied "You categorically stated that he doesn't want promotion, nothing about priorities, so stop back-sliding."

I do not wish to qualify that statement further. I stood by it then, and I stand by it after re-reading it.

Your response to that was...

And I never bothered responding because I just didn't think it warranted it. Clearly you were - and still are - in a huff. I'm not going to say that something has been festering with you for the last 83 or so hours, but seeing one of my posts has obvously brought it back, and I don't blame you for that. I'm sorry, but I'm wasn't going to wade through the other 593 of your posts or the rest of the thread searching for the evidence that you stating categorically "Mel Morris has already said that he isn't interested in promotion this season" actually means something other than "Mel Morris has already said that he isn't interested in promotion this season".

The problem with messageboards is the absence of context, and the fact that I didn't get that context when there were no clues that I SHOULD have been applying context to my interpretation of your statement bears that out.

Sorry for boring you, and everybody else. And no, I didn't obtain this information through having your previous responses bookmarked - I used the 'Notifications' bit at the top of the page. However, it's true that I insult people on occasion, and it's also true that I'm old, so I reckon that makes us even.

I also haven't misquoted you - I've just gone back to page 1 of the thread and it's not as though I cut and pasted somethng out of context - I quoted your entire quote.

Can we have the radio silence back please


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Has anyone seen Inglorious and Igorlegend in the same room?


anyway, whats everyone arguing about?

where we are where we are.

its what happens next that matters now.

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36 minutes ago, igorlegend said:

Quote at 21.38 is NOT mine.   Inglorious ...Igorlegend.......com ci, comme ca.

i expect zero response from you. Just stick to reading a users name, and memorising it. If unsure.......re read the posts.  Oops you just have read Inflorious's posts...and again claimed I said i wrote the quote....dear oh dear. Boring? Entertaining as you, the multi quote person cannot accept I never posted those words....

I suggest you stop quoting other people's posts as my own.

i have tried and tried to explain.  You obviously don't do detail. My bookmark references refer to you back in May (when most knew SM could no longer continue) saying "bookmarked" to all the correct predictions.

You actually quoted inglorious yourself at 22.14pm on Tuesday.....but obviously for whatever reason still think I posted his words.   I tried to tell you your error on Tuesday. I took offence at your reference to me talking crap...when you could not even read my words correctly.

I shall hold my hands up and apologise - I honestly thought that you were Inglorious - and say 'touche' re the bookmarks. For crying out loud, that bit was 10 months ago and I'm supposed to remember everything? I'm lucky if I can remember to type and breathe at the same time nowadays - throw in additional complications of people morphing into other users then morphing back - how am I supposed to cope?

Anyway, I'm off to Rotherham now. Have fun, @Inglorius I mean @igorlegend


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1 minute ago, eddie said:

I shall hold my hands up and apologise - I honestly thought that you were Inglorious - and say 'touche' re the bookmarks. For crying out loud, that bit was 10 months ago and I'm supposed to remember everything? I'm lucky if I can remember to type and breathe at the same time nowadays - throw in additional complications of people morphing into other users then morphing back - how am I supposed to cope?

Anyway, I'm off to Rotherham now. Have fun, @Inglorius I mean @igorlegend


Bring back a good win and performance please :-)

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4 minutes ago, RamNut said:

Has anyone seen Inglorious and Igorlegend in the same room?


anyway, whats everyone arguing about?

where we are where we are.

its what happens next that matters now.

You still here....thought you would have been banned by now ;-)

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deep breathe.....thanks for reading and enjoy the game!

although, controversially I just want a win and performance can go do one !!

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1 hour ago, eddie said:

He said the complete opposite at the Breakfast Club, stating categorically that the removal of Paul Clement was because he wasn't prepared to give up on the season, but he wasn't prepared to compromise his principles for promotion at any cost.

So glad to hear MM has principles he won't compromise - stuff the rest of you wanting promotion as a priority, Mel knows best! :p

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1 hour ago, toddy said:

I don't disputing some managers keep getting paid when not managing at a club, but it is usually classed as ''gardening leave'' as they are still employed by the club.

So you think Clement is still employed with us and is still getting paid as per his contract because Mel said there was no gagging order at the breakfast club meeting?

If there was a contractual agreement arranged  do you seriously think Mel would disclose it, really? It will be confidential - FACT!

What we know is Clement was sacked and is not employed at Derby County as coach, whatever has been contractually drawn up as his pay off will stop with both sets of lawyers, the club and Clement and anything written on here is pure speculation!

It say it could be not feesible to have a contract drawn up is ludicrous, it can and usually is done and dusted in 48 hrs.


the quicker an agreement is signed, the larger the payout to the sacked person. Simple negotiation skills dictate that.

PC owed his contract in full....why within 48hours would he take less?

only my opinion, but I would pay him monthly, await for him to want to leave and take another job in the summer, thus saving the club millions. And avoiding a large one of charge in this years accounts.

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11 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

So glad to hear MM has principles he won't compromise - stuff the rest of you wanting promotion as a priority, Mel knows best! :p

Nice one @toddy - I quite agree.

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Sorry to say but what a fu&k up

tacties for the subs was shocking. 

DW comes over at the end only to turn back round tail between his legs with boos ringing out. 

He is losing all the fans and soon will be out the club and not going back to the u21. 

You slated me for asking his days again maybe you agreed now ?

adm put a simply poll on Darren waffle in or out ! If you dare 


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