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Conspiracy Theories


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1 hour ago, StringerBell said:

It's almost as if some people have an agenda.

Oh the irony! Someone trying to expose agendas accused of having an agenda! 

I personally wonder why, if ISIS is what the media are telling us it is, why they haven't defended their religion and attacked Israel.  

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3 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

Oh the irony! Someone trying to expose agendas accused of having an agenda! 

I personally wonder why, if ISIS is what the media are telling us it is, why they haven't defended their religion and attacked Israel.  

They don't really have the capability of attacking Israel in a conventional war to my knowledge.

There is no irony in that. People pushing conspiracy theories are almost always the ones with the agendas. There's really good money in pushing complete sausages in the form of conspiracy theories, really good money. I mean, let's be honest here, if you've got the ability to write that way you could claim that the world is being run by frogs or something equally silly and there would be people who would lap it up. Conspiracy theories of this sort are the step down from that, believable enough to the uneducated in those particular topics to get enough sales, clicks, whatever your fancy. 

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6 minutes ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

People who can't accept that some things remain intact after an explosion have no idea how explosions work.


4 minutes ago, Albert said:

They don't really have the capability of attacking Israel in a conventional war to my knowledge.

There is no irony in that. People pushing conspiracy theories are almost always the ones with the agendas. There's really good money in pushing complete sausages in the form of conspiracy theories, really good money. I mean, let's be honest here, if you've got the ability to write that way you could claim that the world is being run by frogs or something equally silly and there would be people who would lap it up. Conspiracy theories of this sort are the step down from that, believable enough to the uneducated in those particular topics to get enough sales, clicks, whatever your fancy. 

It's not the fact the passport remains in tact, it's the speed they associated it with a terrorist and not a victim. 

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2 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:


It's not the fact the passport remains in tact, it's the speed they associated it with a terrorist and not a victim. 

There were few victims, and to my knowledge the owner of the passport was already being watched. Just because you lack the understanding as to how something happened, doesn't mean that it's unreasonable or showing something sinister. 

This was an extremely high profile case, it's not unreasonable for them to figured some details out quickly. 

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24 minutes ago, Albert said:

There were few victims, and to my knowledge the owner of the passport was already being watched. Just because you lack the understanding as to how something happened, doesn't mean that it's unreasonable or showing something sinister. 

This was an extremely high profile case, it's not unreasonable for them to figured some details out quickly. 

It's also easy for people to jump to conclusions before evidence is collected and assessed.

I wonder what the motive would be for security forces or some such group to plant a Syrian passport at the scene.

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12 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:


It's not the fact the passport remains in tact, it's the speed they associated it with a terrorist and not a victim. 

That might be your concern although I doubt it. However, I've even seen it suggested this attack was orchestrated by certain powers that be, I don't know - the Illuminati I'm guessing, in order to fuel a war in Syria. 

So that's what it is. And that's why it's on this thread.

If ISIS is what the media say it is? ISIS are what they say they are.

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You have to wonder when people lost the ability to use common sense in certain situations, when did we become conditioned to believe everything the media force feed us.

Surely the question isn't would a passport remain intact if caught in an explosion, but, why would a suicide bomber take his passport with him!!!!!!  

One would think the Parisienne police would find a passport very useful in identifying somebody if stopped on the way to commit the crime. So why take it with you and risk the coordinated events that must have been planned over several days/weeks.





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1 hour ago, Ramkesian said:


You have to wonder when people lost the ability to use common sense in certain situations, when did we become conditioned to believe everything the media force feed us.

Surely the question isn't would a passport remain intact if caught in an explosion, but, why would a suicide bomber take his passport with him!!!!!!  

One would think the Parisienne police would find a passport very useful in identifying somebody if stopped on the way to commit the crime. So why take it with you and risk the coordinated events that must have been planned over several days/weeks.










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5 hours ago, Ramkesian said:


You have to wonder when people lost the ability to use common sense in certain situations, when did we become conditioned to believe everything the media force feed us.

Surely the question isn't would a passport remain intact if caught in an explosion, but, why would a suicide bomber take his passport with him!!!!!!  

One would think the Parisienne police would find a passport very useful in identifying somebody if stopped on the way to commit the crime. So why take it with you and risk the coordinated events that must have been planned over several days/weeks.





Maybe the terrorist wanted to be identified quickly.

And why would his passport be incriminating anyway? Surely the explosives strapped to his waist and the Kalashnikovs in the boot would be more likely to be a cause for concern to the Police, rather than possessing a Syrian passport.

This idea that absolutely everything is destroyed and burned in an explosion is completely false. Shoes, toys and books survived the plane crash in Ukraine - are we supposed to believe that they were planted there too?

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12 hours ago, Ramkesian said:


You have to wonder when people lost the ability to use common sense in certain situations, when did we become conditioned to believe everything the media force feed us.

Surely the question isn't would a passport remain intact if caught in an explosion, but, why would a suicide bomber take his passport with him!!!!!!  

One would think the Parisienne police would find a passport very useful in identifying somebody if stopped on the way to commit the crime. So why take it with you and risk the coordinated events that must have been planned over several days/weeks.





You have to wonder when people lost the ability to use common sense in certain situations, when did everyone with zero education in a topic immediately jump to trying to turn anything into a conspiracy, when one doesn't even make sense in the context. 

As to why they would have the passport with them, they can be useful as identification, and to be blunt about it, I think other things that they were carrying and their intentions that day made it unlikely to be an issue to carry. It's the old thing about doing something you're not meant to though, look confident and carry your papers. 

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You have to wonder when people became so easily manipulated, dismissing all but the official versions force feed to the masses via corporate owned media outlets.

Albert, you are correct in saying there are some incredibly wierd conspiracy theories out there, so far off the mark that they can be dismissed straight away. But to ridicule every option is fool hardy at best, there are people that have put hundreds of hours in research on theories, and can provide links to websites and books so that you can check facts for yourself. But I doubt you would have gone down that route, it's easier to deny.

Take global warming for instance, we were force feed the idea that we are to blame for the increase in carbon footprint, we were told by experts that the polar ice caps would melt and the entire shape of our coast lines would change, then so called conspiracy theories proved that the planet was actually heading for a mini ice age and the official story was altered to climate change to explain away the fluctuation of world wide temperatures.

31,000 experts now question the official versions, but in your eyes these educated people are, how did you put it in a previous post, that's right "IDIOTS".

The events in Paris on Friday were well coordinated, automatic weapons, explosives, military style gunmen on rooftops, Do you really think the terrorists would leave anything to chance after all that planning. Strange how the one passport found at the scene happened to be Syrian, even though there were French nationals involved. 

It reminds me of the passport found by the FBI agent on top of the rubble at ground zero after 911, of all the passengers and cabin crew on the planes the one passport that survived the impact and inferno that was that intense it destroyed planes,victims bodies and the towers belonged to one of the hijackers, how convenient.

You have to ask who gains most by the events in Paris, US and NATO have been trying to oust Assad for years, they are now pushing for Assad's removal, even though he is fighting the very same terrorists. The irony is France funded and trained Syrian rebel forces in an attempt to remove Assad, most of those rebels then changed sides and joined ISIS, strange world, hey.


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21 minutes ago, Ramkesian said:



It reminds me of the passport found by the FBI agent on top of the rubble at ground zero after 911, of all the passengers and cabin crew on the planes the one passport that survived the impact and inferno that was that intense it destroyed planes,victims bodies and the towers belonged to one of the hijackers, how convenient.


A quick look on google shows that's not even true. "You can check facts for yourself".

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The issue isn't whether the passport was found at 911 or not, it's the fact that ABC News and the Associated Press reported that it was found which would have been a huge influence on public opinion re Muslim involvement. 

A Syrian passport reportedly found near one of the terrorist has exactly the same effect, removing any doubt in some peoples minds.

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10 hours ago, Ramkesian said:

You have to wonder when people became so easily manipulated, dismissing all but the official versions force feed to the masses via corporate owned media outlets.

Albert, you are correct in saying there are some incredibly wierd conspiracy theories out there, so far off the mark that they can be dismissed straight away. But to ridicule every option is fool hardy at best, there are people that have put hundreds of hours in research on theories, and can provide links to websites and books so that you can check facts for yourself. But I doubt you would have gone down that route, it's easier to deny.

Take global warming for instance, we were force feed the idea that we are to blame for the increase in carbon footprint, we were told by experts that the polar ice caps would melt and the entire shape of our coast lines would change, then so called conspiracy theories proved that the planet was actually heading for a mini ice age and the official story was altered to climate change to explain away the fluctuation of world wide temperatures.

31,000 experts now question the official versions, but in your eyes these educated people are, how did you put it in a previous post, that's right "IDIOTS".

The events in Paris on Friday were well coordinated, automatic weapons, explosives, military style gunmen on rooftops, Do you really think the terrorists would leave anything to chance after all that planning. Strange how the one passport found at the scene happened to be Syrian, even though there were French nationals involved. 

It reminds me of the passport found by the FBI agent on top of the rubble at ground zero after 911, of all the passengers and cabin crew on the planes the one passport that survived the impact and inferno that was that intense it destroyed planes,victims bodies and the towers belonged to one of the hijackers, how convenient.

You have to ask who gains most by the events in Paris, US and NATO have been trying to oust Assad for years, they are now pushing for Assad's removal, even though he is fighting the very same terrorists. The irony is France funded and trained Syrian rebel forces in an attempt to remove Assad, most of those rebels then changed sides and joined ISIS, strange world, hey.


Hundreds of hours?! Wowzers, I'm sure they hand out PhDs to effort like that!

...no wait, scrap that, they hand out PhDs for literally years of research by people who have demonstrated that they understand the material they're researching. 

Did I use the term idiots?

Anyone actually in the field of climate science knows that it's actually exceedingly complicated, and the media loves taking one doom and gloom side or another on it. The simple point is that whilst we are observing warming (and still are for the record) and that it appears to be linked with man made phenomena, climate systems are exceedingly complicated and any forecast is going to have issue. If you've ever been told something ridiculous like "we're going to become Venus", or "we're heading for an iceage", then that probably wasn't a great source. What we do know is that right now the world is warming, and we aren't entirely sure what the long term effects are, but our best forecasts seem to suggest bad things. 

That brings us back to the point about the media. If you're just following one source or a close group of them, you're probably in for a bad time. The media prefer sensationalism over actual facts for the most part. 

You seem to be drastically overestimating the coordination and planning of the attacks, the thing about such attacks is that whilst they are organised, due to the nature of the organisation certain member of the team can make odd or drastically poor decisions. A member having their passport on them isn't the most bizarre thing to happen, particularly for someone who has come into the country on that passport. 

Also, you again seem to be entirely ignoring that explosions don't simply destroy all objects within their vicinity, and there were a horrifying number of objects that were sent from the World Trade Centre and the planes on that awful day. There is no scientific reason to question a passport surviving. You only have to look at recent tragedies to see the number and type of objects that can survive explosions, even missiles. 

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