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How do you find something that is lost?


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My iPad, not seen it for days, the dog doesn't know how to use it and the cats are not into technology. The battery has died so not showing up on Find my iPhone app. I need it, like right now?

Have you looked behind the fridge?


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Three Methods:Calming DownLooking for the ItemKeeping Objects from Getting Lost

Once again, you've lost your car keys, and you can't find them. It's frustrating, and it can cost you good will at work if you're late. You can find them or something else you lost, though, if you take a moment to calm down and follow these steps.

AdMethod 1 of 3: Calming Down

[Find Lost Objects Step 1]
Breathe in and out. Take a moment to take a few deep breaths. The breaths will help you calm down and refocus.[1]

Sometimes you get too stressed when searching for something, and you need to calm down to help you find the item. Your emotional response will distract you from looking.[2]

[Find Lost Objects Step 2]
Empty your brain. As you're breathing deeply, take a moment to clear your head of other thoughts. Stop trying to frantically think about where you left it, and just keep your mind clear.[3]
[Find Lost Objects Step 3]
Remember that it's not the end of the world. If you let adrenaline take control, you won't be able to focus. Calm down, and take a step back. 
[Find Lost Objects Step 4]
Put it in context. What were you doing when you last had the item? Where were you going? Thinking through the context of when you saw it last can help you remember where you put it down.[4]
[Find Lost Objects Step 5]
Be confident. Tell yourself you will be able to find what you've lost. By bolstering yourself up, you not only calm yourself down, you also give yourself the energy you need to go find it.[5]

Method 2 of 3: Looking for the Item

[Find Lost Objects Step 6]
Always check where the item should be first. That is, if you always put your keys by the door, look by the door first. They may have fallen off the table or be under your purse.[6]
[Find Lost Objects Step 7]
Clean up. Sometimes the easiest way to find an object is to start cleaning away the clutter. You'll be better able to see what's there if you move away everything else.[7]
[Find Lost Objects Step 8]
Be systematic. If you're certain you've lost an item in a certain room, divide it into sections. Go through each section one by one, checking under furniture and lifting up other items.[8]
[Find Lost Objects Step 9]
Check odd places. Sometimes, you may stick something in an odd place without realizing it. For instance, you may stick your coffee cup in the freezer without realizing it, especially if you're half asleep. The item will be where you least expect it.
[Find Lost Objects Step 10]
Look thoroughly. Sometimes your eye will dart over an area where you think the item can't be. Take the time to intentionally look around the room to make sure it isn't around.[9]
[Find Lost Objects Step 11]
Check your pockets. Don't forget to check the pockets for the item. Look in your coat, your pants, and your purse or briefcase.
[Find Lost Objects Step 12]
Check your car. If it's an item you carry with you, make sure to check your car, as well as the house.
[Find Lost Objects Step 13]
Retrace your steps. Though you've already thought back, actually retracing your steps can help you remember where the item is or actually find the item. Go through the motions of where you've been since you had the object last.[10]
[Find Lost Objects Step 14]
Look in the same place. If you commonly lose an item, look in the place you found it last time, as it may have ended up there again.
[Find Lost Objects Step 15]
Call any place you have been. If you can't physically get in the car and drive to them, call the places you've been today. For instance, if you stopped at a convenience store, call and ask them if they found it.[11]
[Find Lost Objects Step 16]
Search for your lost item from a different perspective. Try looking for your lost item by standing on a stool, crouching down on the floor, looking down while standing upright, or looking up while standing upright. Sometimes your mind finds things easier from a different perspective.

Method 3 of 3: Keeping Objects from Getting Lost

[Find Lost Objects Step 17]
Say the place you're putting an object in a sentence. For instance, if you're putting your book in a different place than you normally do, name that place out loud: "I'm putting the book on the bathroom counter."[12]

Psychologists note that putting it into a full sentence helps you remember.[13]

[Find Lost Objects Step 18]
Pinpoint the item you lose most. For instance, maybe you misplace your cellphone all the time. If that's the case, figure out how you lose it and correct the behavior. Maybe you lose it because you forget to put it in your pocket. If that's true, then you should always make a point to return your phone to your pocket.[14]
[Find Lost Objects Step 19]
Make certain areas clutter-free. If you're always losing stuff on your desk, for example, decide to keep it as free of clutter as possible, so you can always find what you need.[15]
[Find Lost Objects Step 20]
Always look behind you when exiting. As you get off the bus or get out of the taxicab, make it a habit to look behind you. You'll be less likely to leave something behind.[16]
[Find Lost Objects Step 21]
Be mindful. You often lose items when you let your mind wander. If you're just going through the motions without really thinking about it, you may put an item somewhere odd and forget about it. Try to be mindful of what you're doing as you go through your day.[17]
[Find Lost Objects Step 22]
Figure out the best place to store items. Things should be stored where you use them the most. For instance, have a hook by your door for your keys, since that's where you'll use them the most.[18]
[Find Lost Objects Step 23]
Always put items in the right place. When you come in the door, put your keys on the hook. When you take your shoes off, place them by the dresser. If you always take the time to put items in the same place, you won't lose them.[19]
[Find Lost Objects Step 24]
Put your name on it. Especially with expensive items, write your name, address, and phone number on it. That way, if you lose it somewhere public, you'll have a chance that someone will return it.[20]
[Find Lost Objects Step 25]
Make yourself human. That is, put pictures of kids in your wallet. Take pictures of yourself that you keep on your camera, stating who you are and why you'd like your camera back. If you humanize yourself for the person who finds your item, he or she is more likely to return it.[21]


The answers probably in here somewhere .. 

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