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Cat Owners Question

Sith Happens

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I rescued a kitten (about 2 weeks old) from the beach and have had him about 6 or 7 months now.

He's an absolute monster - bites my ankles and hands all the time and bombs about my apartment like he's wired up to a high voltage electric generator. 

I've had him snipped and this was supposed to calm him down, but if anything he's gotten worse. He's already clawed his way through the cupboards and he also worked out how to open the fridge.

I've no idea how to train him to be normal, and tips off the internet like buying a waterbottle and spraying his face when he misbehaves hasn't altered anything.

Seriously, I'd back him to take down a dog twice his size. I thought somebody might have abondoned him at the beach, yet now I reckon he was a born and bred street kitten with the mentality of a lion.




Beautifully marked tho , Bris , you must admit..



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Oh and puppy's do far far more damage than kittens ever did to me for those saying get a dog.

Love my dog to bits but my legs and arms have been covered in scratches, he's **** and pissed on the carpet but through that now, good as gold with going outside. Oh, destroyed a nice trainer collection and the other day I went to toilet, came out and he had chewed the missus handbag strap off and the end of the hoover charger in under 5 minutes despite the house being covered with dog toys.

If you can't handle kittens DO NOT get a dog.

In the end tho they all make awesome pets. 


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I rescued a kitten (about 2 weeks old) from the beach and have had him about 6 or 7 months now.

He's an absolute monster - bites my ankles and hands all the time and bombs about my apartment like he's wired up to a high voltage electric generator. 

I've had him snipped and this was supposed to calm him down, but if anything he's gotten worse. He's already clawed his way through the cupboards and he also worked out how to open the fridge.

I've no idea how to train him to be normal, and tips off the internet like buying a waterbottle and spraying his face when he misbehaves hasn't altered anything.

Seriously, I'd back him to take down a dog twice his size. I thought somebody might have abondoned him at the beach, yet now I reckon he was a born and bred street kitten with the mentality of a lion.



Boy cats are far more mental in my experience.  We rescued a boy kitten a while back and he shredded me. It was like having a miniature panther in the house hunting me. He is settling down a bit now after a year. 

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Used to run a game shoot,was always having trouble with cats,found the best way to get rid was to shoot them with a .22 and then take them to the nearest road put them under the back wheel of the car and squash them,if so called owners want to keep these things as pets they should try feeding them,I know people might say it is in a cats natural instinct to hunt,but so was mine whenever I saw a cat,here kitty kitty

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Used to run a game shoot,was always having trouble with cats,found the best way to get rid was to shoot them with a .22 and then take them to the nearest road put them under the back wheel of the car and squash them,if so called owners want to keep these things as pets they should try feeding them,I know people might say it is in a cats natural instinct to hunt,but so was mine whenever I saw a cat,here kitty kitty

Ha ha. Utter rubbish.  

My cat is fed plenty and she still goes out and catches mice etc. 

Can only assume you are on the wind up posting such a steaming pile of cat poo! 

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The thing is with these deterrents you never know if they've worked or the cat has found somewhere else it prefers. Unless you went for the tightly compacted barb wire prison look.

Not sure why you are trying to keep an unwanted cat out but if it's poo it might not be cats, fox poo is very similar

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The joke of this thread is that here we have a prime example of man trying to work out how to change nature. Cats will do what they like

We're arrogant fools aren't we?

If you go down that route then you could argue its against nature to actually keep cats (or rabbits) as pets and therefore it would then be a non issue. Arrogant is a bit harsh.

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I've been advised to get an ultrasonic thing to put in garden to keep out an unwanted neighbourhood cat.


Dunno whether the pitch would also freak the rabbits tho...

next door neighbour has one...they dont work

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If you go down that route then you could argue its against nature to actually keep cats (or rabbits) as pets and therefore it would then be a non issue. Arrogant is a bit harsh.

You can include Dogs and Grimsby women in that, although some would say they are the same there is a slight difference in the genes

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My cats don't wear collars as they are dangerous. I've seen a cat have its leg amputated after being caught in a collar. They don't make a difference to catching prey either. My cats bring daily mice, rats, frogs and yes, baby rabbits (twice). They are ordinary moggies, not big beasts. 

Cats hate smells. Try lemon or garlic. Get some jars and half fill with water and put a few garlic cloves in. Leave around the garden to fester until they stink badly. Cats hate it. 

Anyone can deter my cats with spraying water (they'll laugh in your face) or shoo them off or chase them but you hurt them and the dog will remove your bits for you. 

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I had those quick release ones on mine, waste of time, kept losing the things. Water doesn't deter him either, jumped in the bath when it was full of water, not sure he realised it was full but still kept jumping in the the thing, not like he jumped on the edge and then in, straight jump floor and in. He's weird tho.




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@Ewe Ram...your shoo them comment reminded me of an old joke, hope you haven't heard it, 

A bloke goes for a job at a blacksmiths, the owner says to him "Have you ever shoed a horse" ? "No" says the bloke, " but I've told a donkey to **** off"

Yeah yeah, I'll get me coat. getmecoat.gif

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