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I think it's really tough, this one. I agree that not going is the best protest but why should we have to not attend to make the point. Swings and roundabouts!

The best protest at ticket prices would be for whole stadiums to empty at 30 mind for 15 min's leading up to half time, and show the cameras what empty stadiums could look like. 

Ah, I wondered why the South Stand emptied before ht, I didn't realise they were doing a mini protest :)


is is it the same for the half fans who leave 10 mins before the end of the game with the match at 1-1 and everything to play for?


only joking half fans, no offence :)

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And risk missing a goal?! It's a tough one this as I want to have my cake and eat it!

I  want to join in the protests but I  also want to see the match. :ph34r:

I was truly impressed when the Cardiff fans boycotted Leeds last season - that takes some doing. 

We threatened to boycott QPR when they demanded £50.

They backed down.

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If fans were that seriously against ticket prices, missing 1 game out the whole season to get your point across isn't much too ask. Waving a banner around for a game and singing the odd song isn't going to change anything, the club will just be like here we go again and laugh it off. 

They might take it more seriously if it was an empty ground or continuous chanting and banners for the entire season. One game will do sod all, sorry.


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If fans were that seriously against ticket prices, missing 1 game out the whole season to get your point across isn't much too ask. Waving a banner around for a game and singing the odd song isn't going to change anything, the club will just be like here we go again and laugh it off. 

They might take it more seriously if it was an empty ground or continuous chanting and banners for the entire season. One game will do sod all, sorry.


I've argued this for ages

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Look how angry all these people are at paying money they didn't have to pay for a match they can obviously afford. 

If people are paying it then it's obviously affordable isn't it? Expensive but affordable. 

Has anyone actually enjoyed spending money? Ever wish you'd paid a bit more for those trainers? An extra £20 would make you feel better about wearing them. 

No, nobody cares if you're happy with the price or not. If you pay it, then you're happy. It's not a gas bill. 


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Look how angry all these people are at paying money they didn't have to pay for a match they can obviously afford. 

If people are paying it then it's obviously affordable isn't it? Expensive but affordable. 

Has anyone actually enjoyed spending money? Ever wish you'd paid a bit more for those trainers? An extra £20 would make you feel better about wearing them. 

No, nobody cares if you're happy with the price or not. If you pay it, then you're happy. It's not a gas bill. 


Exactly, it's that simple, if you can't afford it, don't pay it. Enough people do that and the prices fall again. If you pay to go to the game, clearly you're not that bothered about the price.

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I agree with that at grounds that aren't full but in the upper echelons of the Premier League there will always be enough well off fans to replace the ones who can't afford the prices. Which is why the prices have got so silly in the first place. 

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yep knew about it but couldn't say anything

Is this the thing you mentioned a few weeks ago that was all hush hush?


Fair play to Mel, he clearly loves the club and is trying everything to improve all areas.

Shame the pies have changed from Hollands to Pukka though ;)

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