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Summer Transfer Suggestion Thread

South Ram

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Rosenior Keogh Shackell Forsyth

        Mulumbu Thorne

Russell     Hughes     Mcclean



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Rosenior Keogh Shackell Forsyth

        Mulumbu Thorne

Russell     Hughes     Mcclean


​sorry Rammyboy! That is woeful. You have an opportunity to shake things up and you replace our 'keeper with one who is worse (and throws in more!), you keep Forsyth and Keogh, inspite of them being main perps in the mental choke 2 years running!, You bring in McClean, even though he's had a worse season than Keogh, Bryson and Dawkins, ending in relegation, and you bring in a midfielder with a worse injury record than Thorne to be alongside Thorne.

No, just no. Try again!

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A few suggestions from the lower leagues:

Tavernier - Think many people (me included) suggested him as Wisdom's replacement at the start of this season but Wigan signed him. He didn't get a look in for them and went to Bristol City on loan and has done really well. Wigan will definitely be looking to sell and surely we could beat the wages Bristol City could offer

Jed Wallace - Linked heavily to Wolves as Sako's replacement. Before Ince's arrival, all 4 first team wingers would be used nearly every game and I think Wallace could provide a different option, a bit of a change from the rapid, run at the defenders type wingers we currently have

Luongo - Not seen too much of him but I know he's highly rated and has been linked with a lot of teams recently. If McClaren/Our new manager chose to play 4-2-3-1 he could fit in perfectly along side Thorne

Bailey Wright - Only 22 and already an Australian international. If Preston fail to win the play offs this season I can see a few teams trying for him, could be good competition for Albentosa/Keogh/Buxton.

​Now about to sign for QPR :angry:

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     Rosenior  Albentosa     Buxton     Obita


                        Hughes        Hendrick

            Ince                                      Russell


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What if our new manager plays the Real way 4 - 2 - 4 , or 3 - 3 - 4 ?.

​Just wait and see. He's not here 'yet'

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Rosenior Keogh Shackell Forsyth

        Mulumbu Thorne

Russell     Hughes     Mcclean


​We'd do well to get Federici seeing as he signed a 3-year contract with Bournemouth yesterday!

And where's Milner? Surely he's not good enough to only make our bench?!

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​We'd do well to get Federici seeing as he signed a 3-year contract with Bournemouth yesterday!

And where's Milner? Surely he's not good enough to only make our bench?!

​LOL that's funny as fk... Shane Long? :thumbsup:

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Christie  Keogh  Shackell  Forsyth

             Bridcutt / Thorne

           Hendrick      Hughes

Ince               Martin            Russell


Could also line up as a 4-2-3-1 with Bridcutt and Thorne holding, and Hughes behind Martin?

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Christie  Keogh  Shackell  Forsyth

             Bridcutt / Thorne

           Hendrick      Hughes

Ince               Martin            Russell


Could also line up as a 4-2-3-1 with Bridcutt and Thorne holding, and Hughes behind Martin?

​Bridcutt not coming to us...

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​LOL that's funny as fk... Shane Long? :thumbsup:

​Mate **** the whole Clement agreement. Someone asked yesterday what makes Clement our saviour. He isn't, Rammyboy is. With his astute signings and talent spotting we'd finish the season with 45 wins a 1 loss. The loss would be a 1-0 defeat away to Forest after Keogh goes to pass it back to Grant but actually plants it in the top corner and breaks the net.

Nobody's perfect.

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Christie  Keogh  Shackell  Forsyth

             Bridcutt / Thorne

           Hendrick      Hughes

Ince               Martin            Russell


Could also line up as a 4-2-3-1 with Bridcutt and Thorne holding, and Hughes behind Martin?

​After the last 2 months of the campaign, you'd keep Christie and Forsyth in the starting lineup? That's near suicidal if we want to push for promotion!

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