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right bad night apparently ? yes we are not winning too much lately but we played Watford who would have gone top if they won, we are expecting to be top of the league and trouncing every side we come up against, well the football league decided to put all sides on a equal footing to make the season more competitive and give the less supported and financially restrictive sides more clout, we have the financial fair play rules that are going to make the championship sides more competitive when/if they reach the promised land.

all these years we have had Man Utd winning every title available, 40m here and 40m there and they won every week because they could afford to have the best, then we had Mr Chelsea, Mr Man City ploughed millions of money into the respected clubs and poor old Man Utd can no longer expect to get the cream of the crop when transfers are available and guess what.. they are suffering.

we have spent no money really, this is the truth...

so we relied on a system that would make us more competitive in the premier league, so our boss Mr Steve had a good thought about what he wanted to achieve, so he knew a defensive midfielder was a crucial position and so we had Eustace who is a sprightly 35 years young so he knew that he would require cover and decided on Mr Thorne who was a revelation last year, and then he cemented the position by going to Real Madrid (not a bad side) and asking can we have Mr Mascarell for cover of the cover and he also came.

we have had some of the worse look that I can ever remember with our injury list, should Mr Steve loan/buy twenty defensive midfielders and ten strikers in case the rest pull up, and into this equation make sure they will want to sit on our bench and be able to score three goals per game when called upon, I personally think we are expecting too much, we do not have the divine right to be table toppers.

good luck the rams for the rest of the season and lets not forget we have the greatest football team with the finest history and the best prepared for life in the Prem.

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No team is prepared for the Prem, not until they know they are promoted then they have to prepare in the summer by strengthening their squad. That means bringing in better players than they have, and at least 3 or 4 quality ones. Burnley and Leicester didn't do it and even though they have huffed and puffed they lack that extra quality to push on from last season which to be honest was not as strong as this season.

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Surely saying we have the most prepared team for the prem contradicts the whole point of the rest of the article? Or do you mean the club in terms of infrastructure, stadium, training ground, support etc. Then I would agree along with clubs like wolves Norwich etc. 

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Yes i was thinking of the facilities, the ground and the coaching we have in place, i think mac would use the same formation for the prem, the use of the defensive midfield role to combat the attacking threat, that's why he is trying to keep this team playing in the formation that he hopes to play next year, this would make the transition easier.

Surely saying we have the most prepared team for the prem contradicts the whole point of the rest of the article? Or do you mean the club in terms of infrastructure, stadium, training ground, support etc. Then I would agree along with clubs like wolves Norwich etc.

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Yes i was thinking of the facilities, the ground and the coaching we have in place, i think mac would use the same formation for the prem, the use of the defensive midfield role to combat the attacking threat, that's why he is trying to keep this team playing in the formation that he hopes to play next year, this would make the transition easier.

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Maybe a few people expect us to trounce everyone, they'd be the ones complaining during a game whilst we're winning comfortably despite not playing our best, but you can't shove everyone who's currently feeling negative in the same grouping.

Very few people expect us to win every game, but what everyone should demand is, as a team who were looking to be serious contenders for automatic promotion, that when we do lose it's because we've been outplayed by the opposition, or beaten by their good play -  not because we ourselves have conspired to **** up good positions with stupid mistakes time and time AND time AND TIME again.

Injuries are a factor, but not an excuse for the level of individual capitulation that the players who are fit to play have shown recently.

What's most annoying is that some of us KNEW what would happen if we reached a stage where questions were asked of our defending, and it's now playing out - horrribly, but not wholly unexpectedly - if that isn't a reason to feel defeated/defeatist and frustrated I don't know what is.

The last two months have almost totally killed my enthusiasm, I just hope the next two can reinvigorate it.

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Maybe a few people expect us to trounce everyone, they'd be the ones complaining during a game whilst we're winning comfortably despite not playing our best, but you can't shove everyone who's currently feeling negative in the same grouping.

Very few people expect us to win every game, but what everyone should demand is, as a team who were looking to be serious contenders for automatic promotion, that when we do lose it's because we've been outplayed by the opposition, or beaten by their good play -  not because we ourselves have conspired to **** up good positions with stupid mistakes time and time AND time AND TIME again.

Injuries are a factor, but not an excuse for the level of individual capitulation that the players who are fit to play have shown recently.

What's most annoying is that some of us KNEW what would happen if we reached a stage where questions were asked of our defending, and it's now playing out - horrribly, but not wholly unexpectedly - if that isn't a reason to feel defeated/defeatist and frustrated I don't know what is.

The last two months have almost totally killed my enthusiasm, I just hope the next two can reinvigorate it.

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I'm a big believer that the top 3 over the course of the season should be promoted. 

Last season, I thought we were good enough. This season, bar very small glimpses, I've been slightly underwhelmed which tells me we aren't good enough. 

I don't think it matters all that much, to be honest. We have the budget to improve given promotion to the Premier League. 

There are a number of good teams in the division this season, but all have shown inconsistencies - including us. 

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We have been exposed that is for sure, mac never knew how our defence would stand up being exposed with no defensive midfielder, we had Thorne in the run in last year and he was amazing, so then we relied heavily on a 35 year old eustace who broke down, mascarell wasn't a defensive midfielder especially in the championship.



so we are trying to cover the deficiency of the lack of cover for defence, so our attackers have stopped bombing forward and fear creeps in.


mac will get it right, if we sneak a win against Wigan


it might turn the corner.

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We have been exposed that is for sure, mac never knew how our defence would stand up being exposed with no defensive midfielder, we had Thorne in the run in last year and he was amazing, so then we relied heavily on a 35 year old eustace who broke down, mascarell wasn't a defensive midfielder especially in the championship.



so we are trying to cover the deficiency of the lack of cover for defence, so our attackers have stopped bombing forward and fear creeps in.


mac will get it right, if we sneak a win against Wigan


it might turn the corner.

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 "Brian Clough used to be frustrated with his defenders, after he'd scored enough goals to win, which is why Ole Big Head, always built his own teams from the back.  "

 BC knew the value of building from the back.  Those of us old enough will recall the remarkable scoreline from the 60's : Charlton 7 v Middlesborough  6, and in the dressing room after the game Cloughie's post- match rollicking to the 'Boro defence - " If I get 7 at home next week, we might get a point" .

Even as a player he recognised it, and it remained true throughout his managerial career.


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