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Still can't post on iPhone


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Sorry if this has been posted on the Help thread I just don't fancy scrolling through 12 pages to look for something that may or may not be there.

Basically, I can't post at all on my phone. I have an iPhone 5 and there's a small text box, with a drop down menu called "Insert other media" within it. Whenever I tap into the box, nothing happens. Also, the notifcation menu won't open, even when the red circle with a number in it is there to signify a notification.

Any solutions?

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Numerous issues trying to do anything on my I-Pad too, including replying directly to posts. Going to read the Dear Daveo page on here next, to see if there are any fixes but otherwise will leave it a few days to see if it improves. Hope so.

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Can those who are having issues set there DNS to Google.

On iPad/iPhone you can do this by going to settings > wifi > click the i next to your connection and then in DNS enter

Then click wifi top left and try again. I have no idea how to change DNS on Android devices.


By the way I'm not ignoring everyone, I'm bashing my keyboard here trying to find out the issue

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Yes daveo I appreciate your efforts. One of my problems being I can't read previous pages so I cant see what problems other people have had or how to solve them. 

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I have tried but I don't know what to do ... Going settings, wifi, then clicking on i just gives me info on the IP address etc, it mentions DNS but this also is just an IP address , there's nothing that allows me to change anything so far as I know. 

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At at the end of every day Google compile a report on your search history and websites visited and send it to your wife/partner and mother.

Also bear in mind that they pull a copy of your webcam stream, which they will now have set to ALWAYS ON. Just in case you like to 'entertain yourself' in the evenings......

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Well now I've gone back to the same problem, the DNS reverted to something else not and when I changed it still got loading.......... For evermore. Not worth sacrificing my tinder membership for. 

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