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Cigarette Plain Packaging


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Reading up quickly on it,this initiative could possibly work to thwart the idea of smoking.

I for one never have smoked a cigarette and never intend to.Lung cancer comes from it,and tbh does absolutely nothing for you.Adults who have smoked for years do not really pertain to this idea of plain packaging,but hopefully will help youth.

Legal drinking age here in States is 21,but of course that does not stop those underage from doing it and that has led to wrecks,fighting,etc.

Smoking is bad commercials and alcohol ones as well are all over the tv here...but I honestly think most American teenagers could not give a rat's ass about them.

I just hope plans like these don't go up in smoke and really become meaningful in both the short and long term.

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Of course you can otherwise Chilcot's inquiry would out before May, can't have that out and have people doing a protest vote against Labour because of Blair's lies.


But getting back on topic and answer Daveo's question re banning them, as you rightly point out, the huge revenue will be a factor but so will counterfeit stuff that have even worse things in them that bona fide cigarettes do now.


Where I work (no names no pack drill) "genuine" pouches of tobacco are quite easy to come by, I tried a roll up off a bloke who bought some and no way was that the genuine article but the government know if they banned tobacco, a black market would spring up overnight.  Smoker's gonna smoke.

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Reading up quickly on it,this initiative could possibly work to thwart the idea of smoking.

I for one never have smoked a cigarette and never intend to.Lung cancer comes from it,and tbh does absolutely nothing for you.Adults who have smoked for years do not really pertain to this idea of plain packaging,but hopefully will help youth.

Legal drinking age here in States is 21,but of course that does not stop those underage from doing it and that has led to wrecks,fighting,etc.

Smoking is bad commercials and alcohol ones as well are all over the tv here...but I honestly think most American teenagers could not give a rat's ass about them.

I just hope plans like these don't go up in smoke and really become meaningful in both the short and long term.

Cigarettes aren't advertised here anymore and in shops they are behind cupboard doors behind counters, so you can't even see the packaging.

I really do not know the point in this.

What are they expecting to happen? Go up to the counter, "can I have a pack of 20 Mayfair"... Get handed fags from in the cupboard... "Oh **** that packaging is disgusting, I don't want them."

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 in shops they are behind cupboard doors behind counters, so you can't even see the packaging.



Maybe for the first few days after the law was changed but I can't remember the last time I went into a shop and the ciggies weren't on full view. Even in the big supermarkets.

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 how come alcohol won't be forced to use plain packaging?


Because alcohol isn't harmful (and maybe beneficial) in moderate amounts. The vast majority of drinkers don't need to be penalised for a minority with a problem. 


When the cigarette industry can independently prove that there is a safe level of smoking, then maybe you would have a point.

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Cigarettes aren't advertised here anymore and in shops they are behind cupboard doors behind counters, so you can't even see the packaging.

I really do not know the point in this.

What are they expecting to happen? Go up to the counter, "can I have a pack of 20 Mayfair"... Get handed fags from in the cupboard... "Oh **** that packaging is disgusting, I don't want them."

Really? They are advertised every time someone leaves a packet on a table, every time someone takes a packet out of their pocket. The packaging itself is advertising. If it weren't, the tobacco companies wouldn't be so upset by this.

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