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London Rams

Angry Ram

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Thanks I-Ram. I sometimes worry about my background and whether that makes me a proper fan or whether when people see me they'll think "prawn sandwich brigade". But in reality I'm no different to any Derby fan - I go to as many games as I can.

I go to the Brighton game every year, how do you like it down there?

Fortunately live just outside the hubbub that is Brighton. Great place for events and a good pi$$-up, and perhaps a weekend if you don't know Brighton too well. Obviously best known as the gay capital of the UK, but it's quite a vibrant and chilled place and gaydom is not shoved in your face. There are obviously places you can go if you do want it shoved in your face. Unfortunately it's quite a dirty City from the perspective that there there is little green space/garden area serving central properties and as a result the streets are lined with rubbish bins, that are invariably spewing their contents. Unbelievable, and ironic, that the Greens control the Council given the way they have failed miserably to manage this situation better. Perhaps we can meet up for the Brighton game, or perhaps Fulham or Brentford in the coming weeks. No funny stuff though!

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150+ in the local supporters' club, mostly residing in London and South-East. Personally I'm originally from the Derby area but have been down here for a long time now. Some of the other older Rams fans I know down here are Southerners and started following Derby in the 70s (one particularly after the 5-3 Cup turnaround at White Hart Lane - Roger Davies). Younger ones now are mostly Derby (and area) ex-pats. We always meet up before local games and Brentford will be no different; we're just worried that there won't be enought tickets to satisfy demand.

Oh and PS - there's a QandA session on the Friday evening with Sam Rush and John Vicars - a pub in Covent Garden. This as far as I know is being organised by the Punjabi Rams.

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