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Dad furious after girl, 11, has mouth Sellotaped by teacher


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Really don't know how you lot can justify taping a child's mouth shut... It's the parents' job to teach the kid about respect, not the teacher. So while I agree that the parents have to do a better job of raising the girl, the problem needs to be dealt with at home responsibly, not at school.

It can be justified because no physical or psychological harm was done, and it probably had the desired effect of shutting the class up so that the teacher could his job.

As for teaching respect being the parent's job, yes it is, but this particular parent doesn't seem to have been very successful, does he?

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It can be justified because no physical or psychological harm was done, and it probably had the desired effect of shutting the class up so that the teacher could his job.

As for teaching respect being the parent's job, yes it is, but this particular parent doesn't seem to have been very successful, does he?

He hasn't done a good job of teaching the kid respect, but that doesn't mean the teacher can do it for him. 

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My old school this! It's a ridiculous story - nobody was hurt, she shut up for 15 minutes and would have learnt something..... If her dad didn't go running into school moaning about it. The teacher in question is one of those likeable funny teachers and did it in jest - the girl herself was even laughing! (So I've been told, I have friends who work there now).


It also happened 6 months ago, he's only shouting about it now because the school got put into special measures last week. 

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The kid was a little ****, the dad is a ****, the teacher was clueless, the school is ******.


Makes you proud to be British.

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My old school this! It's a ridiculous story .



I used to go to this school as well, iquite  literally left it last year, i know the teacher who 'did it' and i have 2 younger brothers who go there.


her 'dad' running off to the press has gone off on quite a tangent, as this is, to what i understand, is what actually happened:


The teacher (who was a physics/astronomy teacher, and was as i know, one of the fun jolly ones that everyone likes) told her that if she didn't shut up then he would sellotape her mouth together, what is perceived to then happen is that she then sellotaped her own mouth up and ran out with this story


which i find to agree as in this part 


At the time of the incident, former head teacher Mike McCandless had to get both sides of the story and written statements from other pupils.


it doesnt actually say anything about this being neither true nor false, and would only suit with the teacher not being disciplined


The girl in question, can't actually walk down the corridors without a member of staff with her at all times since the majority if not the whole school now despise her for this as despite the teacher not being punished (for not doing it) he has since resigned from his post, which is a shame as he is, or was, a very good teacher


thats just what ive gleamed from my two younger brothers, and another science teacher who lives on my street, as well as some of my friends who are still in regular contact with the school (teachers)


i will also say that this has nothing to do at all with the school being put into special measures, it says in the post 'former headteacher Mike McCandless', well this isnt quite true, as the last headteacher left last year to go back up to scotland (he was scottish) for family reasons, and Mike mccandless was the 1st deputy headteacher, so was more of an 'interim headteacher' until a new one had been appointed, the ofsted inspection took place just 2 weeks after the new head had came in, and neither did it help as several excellent teachers had left to take up new jobs.


It is a shame really what the press can actually do, because the William Allitt is actually a very good school, and have had the best exam results against the other schools in the area, and a vast amount of applicants for new yr7 pupils are at least 2-3x further away from the William Allitt than they are to the other local schools, my aunt, who's daughter is to join yr7 at allit next year, lives bang on pingle (one of the local schools if you dont know) front door only applied to the allitt despite meaing she would have to do 2mile walk to get there, as the others are no way near its standards


i'm just going to say, that if i had a child that was to join yr7 in a year or so, i would only contemplate WIlliam Allitt and would have no inclination to send them anywhere else.


just a bit of info from someone, how do you say it? #ITK (not like that nixon bloke :))

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I used to go to this school as well, iquite  literally left it last year, i know the teacher who 'did it' and i have 2 younger brothers who go there.


her 'dad' running off to the press has gone off on quite a tangent, as this is, to what i understand, is what actually happened:


The teacher (who was a physics/astronomy teacher, and was as i know, one of the fun jolly ones that everyone likes) told her that if she didn't shut up then he would sellotape her mouth together, what is perceived to then happen is that she then sellotaped her own mouth up and ran out with this story


which i find to agree as in this part 



it doesnt actually say anything about this being neither true nor false, and would only suit with the teacher not being disciplined


The girl in question, can't actually walk down the corridors without a member of staff with her at all times since the majority if not the whole school now despise her for this as despite the teacher not being punished (for not doing it) he has since resigned from his post, which is a shame as he is, or was, a very good teacher


thats just what ive gleamed from my two younger brothers, and another science teacher who lives on my street, as well as some of my friends who are still in regular contact with the school (teachers)


i will also say that this has nothing to do at all with the school being put into special measures, it says in the post 'former headteacher Mike McCandless', well this isnt quite true, as the last headteacher left last year to go back up to scotland (he was scottish) for family reasons, and Mike mccandless was the 1st deputy headteacher, so was more of an 'interim headteacher' until a new one had been appointed, the ofsted inspection took place just 2 weeks after the new head had came in, and neither did it help as several excellent teachers had left to take up new jobs.


It is a shame really what the press can actually do, because the William Allitt is actually a very good school, and have had the best exam results against the other schools in the area, and a vast amount of applicants for new yr7 pupils are at least 2-3x further away from the William Allitt than they are to the other local schools, my aunt, who's daughter is to join yr7 at allit next year, lives bang on pingle (one of the local schools if you dont know) front door only applied to the allitt despite meaing she would have to do 2mile walk to get there, as the others are no way near its standards


i'm just going to say, that if i had a child that was to join yr7 in a year or so, i would only contemplate WIlliam Allitt and would have no inclination to send them anywhere else.


just a bit of info from someone, how do you say it? #ITK (not like that nixon bloke :))



I remember McCandless, he was maths back thenIIRC, but he had only just joined the year I was leaving (04) . Allitt was a brilliant school if it was anything like it was when I went.

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