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Wembley play off final - arse twitchometer.


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I was as well (different company though) weren't they in the turd division at the time as well. I remember when they went down I left a British Tourist Board brochure for British Seaside Towns on every Gumps' desk - so many seaside towns in the lower divisions at the time. Went down like a bowl of sick - ace

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I've gone back to DEFCON 5 now that it's QPR. Nothing to fear there. They'll try to play football, and get brushed aside. Wigan would have been smart enough to try and shut our game down. QPR are too clueless for that, plus they're far too far up their own @r$e$ to realise that they need to do it.

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I've been at 10 since Brighton... Going on holiday straight after and barely given it a second thought.

Me and the lad are nervous wrecks.. Longest week of my life...

Had a dream last night that the wife binned the tickets by mistake.. Spent an hour tossing and turning, finally had to go down and check they were still in the safe.. 

I'm 52 ffs behaving like a 10 year old.

I'm lovin it  :frantics:

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Woke up this morning, felt great, beautiful sunny day out, the dogs were playing in the garden, I was sat eating porridge with maple syrup and drinking a nice cup of fruit tea on the patio, I could not have been more relaxed.... when it hit me again.....we are going to be at Wembley on Saturday for the play off final, winner takes all, nothing for the losers (except the gate receipts of course) I had flash backs of the joy after beating west brom and the awful low after losing to the bin dippers.

My wife keeps reminding me, I am 42 years old, this level of nervousness/excitement-anticipation etc etc should be reserved for anyone under the age if 14.....(she doesn't understand football)

So, to summarise, in just the space of about 20 minutes I have gone from a 1 to a warp factor 20 and then everything in between....!

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