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The demise of Forest


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Fawaz will just quit, he's there to make a quick buck, no prem no interest


Have you heard yourself

Who makes money out of owning ANY football team in England?

I'd also like to understand what makes you think he ll just fuk off? Has a history of taking over businesses making a quick buck before leaving?

Concerning if this is the case

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In fairness to Fawaz at present, at least, he seems to be trying to fit in and not upset your fans again like he did with your several managers.


Hopefully he won't change your colours to Lincoln green and call you the Robbin' Hoodies. Time will tell.

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In fairness to Fawaz at present, at least, he seems to be trying to fit in and not upset your fans again like he did with your several managers.

Hopefully he won't change your colours to Lincoln green and call you the Robbin' Hoodies. Time will tell.

Very much doubt it

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Looking at LTLF a little earlier, the conclusion I came to was that although some Forest fans are quite sensible and philosophical about their injury 'crisis' and some have even suggested that there are others in the squad who can 'do a job', many of the gumps are just like spoilt children.


"Boo hoo, Fawaz. We've broke our new shiny midfield - buy us a new one - NOW!!" (sound of stamping feet).

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Anyway let's get back to the reason why we re here. I'm gonna throw a grenade and walk off Banter :) A few stats off ltlf Not that it was worth the time. I compared the Premier League records for the two. Most successive weeks at the bottom of the table - Derby 28 (2007-08 ) Forest 21 (1998-99) Best points tally in a season. Us 77, them 55. Worst points tally in a season. Us 30, them 11. Most Goals scored in a Premiership season Forest 72 (94-95), Derby 52 (97-98 ). Fewest goals sored in a Premiership season, Forest 31 (96-97), Derby 20 (07-08 ). Most goals conceeded in a Premiership season Forest 69 (98-99), Derby 89 (07-08 ). Fewest goals conceded in a Premiership season Forest 43 (94-95), Derby 45 (98-99) Average of goals scored in a Premiership Season Forest 46, Derby 39. Average of goals conceded in a Premiership season Forest 57, Derby 60 Adjusting our 92-93 season to a 38 game season to march the other seasons, both teams have an average league position of 14th. Our points average is 47, compared to their 39. Removing the clubs worst seasons points totals (to wipe out their worst season) still sees us with 51 points to their 43. Removing the clubs best seasons points totals (to wipe out our best season) sees us with 39 to their 36 points. Trying my hardest to skew things in their favour by removing the best and worst points totals for each side as they do in ice skating (if I remember from the days of Torville and Dean) our average is 43 and theirs is 42 points. Removes our best and worst (77 and 30) and theirs (55 and 11) So how is their premiership record better? Really bored with this now. Need I say more Boooooom


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