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The demise of Forest


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you are Billy Davies, and I claim my £5 luncheon voucher.


Sorry, he's off on holiday for a couple of weeks. Can he give it to you when he gets back?

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Good afternoon

Sorry for crashing your forum but we're after the support of fans up and down the country. 
You might be aware of our situation, we're currently playing 'home' games 34 miles from the Ricoh. The owners of the Ricoh (ACL - owned half by a charity and half by Coventry City Council) have said they'll let us play there rent free for 3 years whilst we build a new stadium. Our owners, for reasons unbeknown to anyone sensible, have said no to this. Plans to build a new stadium were due to be with us but as yet, nothing. 
The owners say they're in active discussions with 2 boroughs about land for a new stadium. Fans have contacted all local boroughs and none say there's any discussions going on. And there's no gaurantee that any new stadium will be built in Coventry. All a bit of a mess and unfortunately, the fans suffer.

Coventry fans are boycotting home games this season...our attendances are our lowest ever recorded, away though, our fans are travelling strong...we took 7,500 to MK Dons just before Xmas....as many as home fans on that day and you might have seen our protests during BT Sports recent coverage of our cup game away at Arsenal.


We're started an online petition to try and raise 100,000 signatures in order to try and enforce a House of Commons Select Committee grilling of all parties involved in our downfall (and there's a few). We hope that this won't only shed light on who is to blame for our situation, but provide some transparency for the powers the rule the game, to effectively manage club ownership and stop situations like ours, Hulls, Cardiffs, Lutons, Rangers etc etc.

Please could you sign the attached petition? It will take 2 minutes, you won't get junk mail and you'll hopefully assist with a better environment for fans of football.


We need about 400 signatures from every professional club in England and Scotland as well as 50,000 from our fans. Please do share.

Thanks all, its for the fans and the good of the game everywhere.
Every vote counts!

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Brayford looks a good player.


Surprised you let him go


There's a couple of million reasons why we did.


We're not all owned by fridge-rich sheikhs.

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No I don't know Please explain tho

In the fourth book of the very badly planned Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy trilogy, a highly advanced species wanted to know the Answer to 'Life, the Universe and Everything'.


So, they built a super computer called Deep Thought to find the answer.


After many thousands of years of computing Deep Thought was ready to give the answer, and the answer was......42..


Of course the answer didn't mean much but that was because no one really new what the question was. To find the question would need a much bigger, more powerful computer. And that's how planet Earth came to be built.


All clear now, Stoners? :p

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Do we get to call you Majikthise or Vroomfondel?
Call me what ever you want ;) I was eluding to the fact I was singled out for not knowing something that 'everyone' knew and also I wouldn't know the answer cos I haven't read a particular book. Hence being from Nottingham I must be thick. But I was infact correct and all this without reading the book or watching a tv series. Which invariably make me more educated that you dimwits;) as I worked it out myself :) How's Jeremy Kyle this morning ;)
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Call me what ever you want ;) I was eluding to the fact I was singled out for not knowing something that 'everyone' knew and also I wouldn't know the answer cos I haven't read a particular book. Hence being from Nottingham I must be thick. But I was infact correct and all this without reading the book or watching a tv series. Which invariably make me more educated that you dimwits;) as I worked it out myself :) How's Jeremy Kyle this morning ;)


Haven't a clue what you are talking about. Does he sing in Paper Lace or something?

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Call me what ever you want ;) I was eluding to the fact I was singled out for not knowing something that 'everyone' knew and also I wouldn't know the answer cos I haven't read a particular book. Hence being from Nottingham I must be thick. But I was infact correct and all this without reading the book or watching a tv series. Which invariably make me more educated that you dimwits;) as I worked it out myself :) How's Jeremy Kyle this morning ;)

It doesn't make you more intelligent, it just highlights your able to use Google. Don't tell me, you're too busy thinking of new neknominations...

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