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My Daughter.. :cool:  at the age of 11 she saw an ice skaking programme on tv, she says "ooh that looks good fun, can i try it"

So, off to the ice rink we go.. *****ing ourselves.. we look out across the ice and adults- kids alike are falling and slipping all over the place, anyway she steps on the ice , big smile on her face ,after the initial "this feels wierd" malarky, OFF she goes...

To cut a long story short.. she is now joined up with the NSSA  "Nottingham ice skating academy" Reprosenting GB .....dont hold that against me.. we dont have one in Derby!!

She skated with Torville and dean at the 2012 olimpic torch gala.. won gold in France.. and is now down in lee valey "London" competing.. then off to Belgium-scotland- sheffield......Syncronised ice skating is a LOST  uk sport but hopefully soon  to be  rejuvinated.

PROUD.. you bettya :)   oh and she has never stopped smiling.

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My Daughter.. :cool:  at the age of 11 she saw an ice skaking programme on tv, she says "ooh that looks good fun, can i try it"

So, off to the ice rink we go.. *****ing ourselves.. we look out across the ice and adults- kids alike are falling and slipping all over the place, anyway she steps on the ice , big smile on her face ,after the initial "this feels wierd" malarky, OFF she goes...

To cut a long story short.. she is now joined up with the NSSA  "Nottingham ice skating academy" Reprosenting GB .....dont hold that against me.. we dont have one in Derby!!

She skated with Torville and dean at the 2012 olimpic torch gala.. won gold in France.. and is now down in lee valey "London" competing.. then off to Belgium-scotland- sheffield......Syncronised ice skating is a LOST  uk sport but hopefully soon  to be  rejuvinated.

PROUD.. you bettya :)   oh and she has never stopped smiling.


Proud moment update!! just had word from belgium.. our girls got GOLD against 7 european countries :)  going to go get pi**ed now.

what a weekend, dogs lost.. just want our boys to win tomoz..that would be the perfect weekend.

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