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Sam Rush's side of the story


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Good - glad you appreciated it. Perhaps you'll learn to make one yourself one day.

You came up with a statement that was questionable at best, and I called you out on it. Did a man in the pub tell you that he wanted Derby to lose, and then you decided on the basis of that to make a general, sweeping statement? I haven't seen or heard ANYONE say that they wanted McClaren to fail - but I have seen plenty who have suggested that he would. I know there are people who didn't stay to see the second half too. Would you like to vent your spleen in their general direction too?

I'm not the one venting my spleen.

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You only have to read some of the bitter 'put the club before family' guff and such like.

There are clearly people willing the new manager to fail so they can chuck it back in the faces of Rush and the board.

So true, I've got the tweets on my timeline to back this up.

Twenty minutes into the Ipswich game:

"Nice to see Mcclarens working his magic lol #cloughin"

"The McClaren affect is working I see"

"Bet we wouldn't have conceded so early if Nigel was ere, r u watchin Sam rush u *****!"

"Double figures lol, Sam rush you are a genius #cloughin"

"Hope we get murdered so rush looks a total tit"

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You only have to read some of the bitter 'put the club before family' guff and such like.

There are clearly people willing the new manager to fail so they can chuck it back in the faces of Rush and the board.

Spleen venting

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I imagine most of the clubs in the league will publish accounts which are in the public domain, although playing staff wages will not be explicitly stated they must surely give a good indicator of how Derbys budget compares.

Really cannot get over how badly you have taken this Ronnie. Managers and boards come and go but the club will always remain the same. Stop over analysing things that we will never have the full facts to understand and just stick to getting behind the club we all love.



It sickens me as well gstar, Rush has no class that's for sure, giving the scum laughing rights over someone who has served the club well under severe constraints. We all have to move on now, onwards and upwards/downwards :D

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Any Derby supporter that wants us to lose ought to take a long hard look at themselves.

The devotion to the mediocrity embodied by Clough is frankly inexplicable. Those of us that never rated him never wanted Derby to lose. Personally, I took each defeat as one more step towards the inevitable parting of the ways. There were many, even up to last week, who, blinded by their love of the nice bloke, never even entertained the thought that there may be a time when he's not Derby manager.

Spleen venting

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So true, I've got the tweets on my timeline to back this up.

Twenty minutes into the Ipswich game:

"Nice to see Mcclarens working his magic lol #cloughin"

"The McClaren affect is working I see"

"Bet we wouldn't have conceded so early if Nigel was ere, r u watchin Sam rush u *****!"

"Double figures lol, Sam rush you are a genius #cloughin"

"Hope we get murdered so rush looks a total tit"

So it's gone from people on the forum to people on twitter. Any examples of people hoping we lose on this forum?

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Example of what me being criticised?I think most of the posts have been deleted by the mods for the fruity language


Andy in Liverpool suggested that 'Clough lovers' wanted Derby to lose and McClaren to fail.


I'm not the one who, on Tuesday night, apparently suggested that Darren Wassall was perhaps orchestrating a heavy defeat as a pro-Clough protest. I read the match thread after I got back from Derby - I notice that your contribution to the bonhomie was to say "It gets better" when the fourth goal went in.


I suggest that before you two carry on with your wild accusations, you ought to


a) look at yourselves


b) get off your fat arses, get out of your armchairs when Derby are playing at home and try supporting the team for once.


Frankly, I don't consider either of you to be 'true' supporters.

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Go and have another read of the Steve McClaren thread, for example.


I read your contribution to the match thread - that tells me everything I need to know about you, suggesting that perhaps Wassall was getting them to play badly on purpose.


Get out of that.

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I didn't want Cloughie gone but I don't want SM to fail, that would have bugger all benefit to anybody.

The voice of reason.


This is getting pretty depressing. I can remember Thatcher winning Elections because people wanted to say they voted for the winner!! Can't the "Clough Out" brigade now just sit back and support SM? Your work is done. You have no need to gloat, nor should you if you are a true Derby fan [therein lies the rub for many].


This was no bigger fan of Clough than me. I think the way he was sacked stinks [in particular the timing]. I now move on and hope that SM does well for MY team. Well done if you didn't like NC and chin up if you did. What matters now is the future. No point in dwelling on what might have happened etc. It didn't..... for a number of reasons..

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