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When it is ok to boo? ( someone ask wardy please)


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Being the best defender in this team doesn't mean he's good enough though does it?




No it doesn't. I agree fully that our defence is not good enough right now. I'm really disappointed as I thought Grant, Keogh and Buxton would make us really solid.


Grant hasn't been the keeper I expected so far. For most of the goals so far this season they're in before he's reacted. I know they're going in from close range and freak clearances, but he hasn't even lloked like moving for too many in my eyes. He's got to buck his ideas up as well.


All of that together means it definitely shouldn't  Buxton who is singled out as the scapegoat. That's just a weak post. He hasn't been our worst defender this season.

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play smith at centre half  freeman full back send buxton back to non league football from whence he came

Why are you blaming Bucko ?

This is now getting to be a little more than a slight problem we have no idea how to beat teams at home

come on guys any ideas on how we sort this out ? i know booing isnt the answer but what then ?

Supporting the team. We used to be so loud always trying to spur Derby on and now its so quite compared to back then. Pay all this money to go and watch derby and then sit in your seat and talk about how the games are going in the prem like the people infront of me.


I show how I feel on here, but when im at the game I cheer them on and sing because that's what you are meant to do.

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How does Bucko bare the brunt of the blame when there are 3 defenders worse than him?!


Absolutely. Keogh really worries me. He seems to only have two passes; 40 yard Gerrard-esque boot or sideways to Bucko. He looks panicked when he receives the ball, too eager to get rid and certainly not captain material. Eustace does the organisation and talking that I expect Keogh to be doing.
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Absolutely. Keogh really worries me. He seems to only have two passes; 40 yard Gerrard-esque boot or sideways to Bucko. He looks panicked when he receives the ball, too eager to get rid and certainly not captain material. Eustace does the organisation and talking that I expect Keogh to be doing.

Couldn't agree more. He's just not Captain material. He gives the ball away sideways as soon as he gets it, it's almost as if he panics with it and spends a lot of the game shrugging his shoulders, like he's got no answers.
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Couldn't agree more. He's just not Captain material. He gives the ball away sideways as soon as he gets it, it's almost as if he panics with it and spends a lot of the game shrugging his shoulders, like he's got no answers.

And the amount of whinging he does to the referee is embarrassing. The free kick's been given, Richard. Stop pissing & moaning and sort your defence out.
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Perhaps we just need to be as attack minded at home as possible, offense being the best form of defense etc.

go all out for the win. We seem to be "going for it" when we are away, and worried about conceding at home.Also

lets give Jacobs, Sammon and Davies a chance, after all they were playing last season when we only lost four.

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