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Focus On September.


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One of the hardest months I can remember as a Derby fan.


Millwall Away - Lost 2-1 there last season, notoriously tricky place to go even if we are on paper the better side.


Bolton Away - Lost 2-0 there last season, started the season badly but not a game I fancy on a tuesday night.


Reading Home - Recently relegated, lost on valentines day in this fixure during their promotion season, only home game of the month - need to make it count, very hard game.


Leicester Away - last fixture we lost 4-1, playing there on a tuesday night with one eye on Forest it is almost inevitable we will lose this, seeing as it is usually a formality against these in recent years.


Forest Away - last fixture we won 1-0 but we were against a different beast, they're much better this time round and under the tutorship of 'the poison dwarf' 


In all honesty, and regrettably we could lose the next 5 games back to back without doing much wrong, and with 2 local derbies in the same week they will be mentality drained as well as physically. I'm going into next month expecting nothing, and in more of hope than anything else. Anyone else the same? could be a hard place to be around at the end of the month, I can imagine the Clough Out bandwagon will be in full flow, especially if we lose to Forest to cap it off.  

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Fancy us at Millwall, rest are tough.

I'd take 6 points from those games and I think we're capable of that. Gives us something to build on in Nov.


November? Have you written October off already?!

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Well I thought this month was tricky. Surely it can't get harder after September?

December looks alright. I fancy us to win plenty of them.

I think we'll beat Millwall and I don't think we'll lose to Bolton. The rest I'm not confident about.

If we lose to Reading people will go nuts because its at home.

Our home games have been a bit tricky. Two teams that pretty much always beat us and Blackburn. Really disappointed with the opening day game. Can't believe we messed that up. 2 points we threw away

We'll go into October with away form better than our home form!! Lol

Well, that's if we're having October this year Asanovic?

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Having more away games than home games seems to suit as at the minute.


Bolton and Reading aren't unbeatable, not by a long chalk. Bolton have made a surprisingly bad start, they look shaky, and Reading haven't been as impressive. Not to mention they've lost Mariappa and Kebe in the space of a few days, their recent 6-0 loss to P'boro in the cup wasn't even with a particularly weakened squad.


Squad that started against P'boro:


  • 01 Federici
  • 02 Gunter
  • 06 Mariappa
  • 17 Gorkss Booked
  • 24 Cummings
  • 16 Akpan Booked
  • 19 Robson-Kanu
  • 23 Williams Booked
  • 37 Obita
  • 07 Pogrebnyak
  • 09 Le Fondre Booked


I tend to count on this a lot, but Clough must have realised something in the last 3 unsuccessful home games and hopefully we'll see a little change in the coming home games.


Anything can happen in the Championship and it's impossible to predict a result, especially one a month or so away. So dunny worry lads, it'll all be okay.

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6 points and a cup win would be alright for me.


It's a tough set of fixtures but in the last year or two we;ve been pretty good at bouncing back from disappointments, just not that great at stringing a run together.


This league is so unpredictable, we could come out of this run unbeaten just as easily as losing every game!


A good start against Milwall will be important, this side has got it in them, it would be good to string a few wins together to boost confidence, we seem to be swinging from extremes so far!

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It's going off on a slight early diversion but it's clearly related to Septembers games.


The Forest match, it's more than just a game, it's a battle of the good versus evil way of how to run a football club.


I'll leave it to you to decide which side of the fence we sit on.


It won't be the nicey nicey affair we had while O'Driscoll was in charge. It won't be the timid 1-1 of the McLeish reign. Billy will have them on the verge of a mental and physical breakdown in their efforts to beat us. The chaos surrounding the build up to the kneegate saga shows how dirty he is prepared to play in order to try to get an edge.


This will be a real feisty game, with Billy having his lot ready to roll over squealing at the slightest contact, while smashing through the back of Chris Martin and pleading innocence. Cohen will try to get someone sent off for sure. It's a shame we're going to be missing Jeff as he would have given us a much bigger physical presence.


It's a massive game for them, we're the huge under dogs, especially after the amount of cash Billy has thrown at his efforts of building another competitive squad, he's always only ever two or players away. With what they've spent they should smash this league out of site. If they don't Billy has no excuses whatsoever. If they're ever more than 3 points away from top 2, I reckon Fawaz will get demanding and Billy will get nervous.


I get the feeling Nigel might not like Billy either, so we're going to be up for this one like never before. I just hope we're within touching distance of the top 6 when we get there.


Bring on the Reds.

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