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Best / Worst Rams Players

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Best - 




Tin Man








Jacob Laursen


Leon Osman

Michael Johnson

Seth Lad


Worst - 


Mikkel Beck

Lauren Robert

Andy Todd (except the LC semi 1st leg)

Claude "Laughs everyday at the thought that people payed him to play football" Davis


Craig Fagan

John Harkes

Nick Pickering

Ian Ormanroyd

Mikkel Beck

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Best : Igor , Ace , Idiakez , Saunders , Kitson , and i actually did rate Commons quite alot


Worst: Beck, Clod Davis, Earnshaw, Sammon  :ph34r:


Sammon!!!  Really.


He may not be Pele but I have seen far, far worse players in a Derby shirt than him.

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Well, I'll choose to judge him once he's actually played a few games in the right position...


But you said he is "at least as good as John Stead", so you have judged him then, and others can't ?


He has played 21 games in how many years, makes you wonder if he is as good as a player who played 17 games for us in a short loan deal scoring 3 goals in the process, why NC hasnt played him more ?

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Fair enough -  what do you reckon his right position is?


Striker... As far as I've seen he's only been played as a winger so far... Have you seen the video of the goal he scored for the USA U-21s? The way he times the run is excellent and his finish is pretty handy... Both of those being skills which are difficult to showcase from the wing, but can make for a decent striker...





But you said he is "at least as good as John Stead", so you have judged him then, and others can't ?


He has played 21 games in how many years, makes you wonder if he is as good as a player who played 17 games for us in a short loan deal scoring 3 goals in the process, why NC hasnt played him more ?


I meant 'I think' at the start... I never rated Stead... he has no stand-out qualities as a forward (like Theo's pace for example)... However he was perfectly average at everything... I don't understand how Doyle (who on the RW has looked perfectly average... hasn't really done much wrong, just hasn't stood out as being good yet) doesn't get judged on the same merit?


And I'm pretty sure Stead played the majority of those games from the start, and played the full 90 for most... He scored 3 in the first 4/5 games and then didn't score again...


Doyle on the other hand has had 19 sub appearances for 10-15 mins at a time, playing out of position to cover somone who's tired at the end of a game...




I'm not syaing this kid is amazing... Just saying don't include him as one of our worst players ever when he's:

  • only 21
  • barely played for the first team
  • cost us nothing
  • probably on a very small wage
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Dean Holdsworth's brief spell was a real low point :(

Particularly when he came on at half time when we were 3-0 away at Leeds, at sweeper!! I think the most disappointing thing was that during the second half, despite him being about 36, despite him being a striker and despite him have played non-league the season before, he was our best player. Sums up Phil Brown I guess.

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