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My Feet - Any Internet Doctors?


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I don't think it's gout, gout effects your joints, and generally occurs if you eat a lot of food high in DNA such as red meats, alcohol, mushrooms, anchovies etc. Since you said it was effecting your whole foot I'd take a guess at a bacterial infection but which one i'm not sure.


Feet are a common place for bacterial infections, warm and moist so they breed quicker then Boycie on heat.


Play it safe and go to your GP!

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Tell Mrs Daveo to clean her teeth and use mouthwash before sucking your toes to cut the risk of spreading infection.


I know, I know, it can break the "moment" and its hardly romantic, but I'm sure she wont mind as long as you do it with a bit of tact.



"Ey up pet, brush yer gnashers and gis me toes a nosh", should do it?

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