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Will Hughes signs new Rams contract


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sadly this doesn't mean anything will have changed.


This wouldn't have involved his representative/dad/agent* (delete as applicable) sitting around the table thrashing out new terms and a commitment to stay longer. This was part of the last contract to give him a payrise upon turning 18.

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This is nothing more than a pre-agreed 1 year extension triggered by his 18th birthday. I don't see how this changes anything.


Well previously he was only signed until 2015, now he has signed until 2016.

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sadly this doesn't mean anything will have changed.


This wouldn't have involved his representative/dad/agent* (delete as applicable) sitting around the table thrashing out new terms and a commitment to stay longer. This was part of the last contract to give him a payrise upon turning 18.


Why has he had to put pen to paper then if this was only a clause in a contract he had already signed?

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This is good news either way!


He might stay or go, with this extension the valuation of Hughes has now gone up! As the bidder will have to pay more to DCFC to buyout his contract.


I still think he will be leaving in the summer...

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This is something that would have happened anyway when he turned 18 – it's just the club desperately trying to spin it as good news


Notice how his contract extends until the end of 2016 but Nigel's quote only says "we look forward to seeing him here for the next 12 months"


Read into that what you will, but it does nothing to play down the rumours that we're selling him in the summer with a season-long loan back

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