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Has anyone ever seen Clough make a tactical substitution?


I'm not talking about replacing a tired/injured Jamie Ward, or Craig Bryson. I mean a change of tactics. 


It NEVER happens. 


We bossed the first half, then broken nose changed things at half time. It was obvious, after ten minutes of the second half, that things needed to change. Clough never changes anything, and once Broken nose realised that, he made another change, that made them more competitive, and eventually won them the game. 


Infuriating to watch. 



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I am a big Clough fan (happy clapper if thats what floats your boat)




I agree


One of cloughs biggest weaknesses is changing things during the game and I think it is because if it goes wrong even more blame will be put on him. 


We never make radical changes, ever. Such as switching to 3 at the back or chucking on an additional forward. 



However I would argue in his defence that Clough has limited options.

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I'm not sure the tactics were at fault today. We dominated most of the game and had more than enough chances to have put it well out of sight before they scored.


The issue today was having poor strikers. Sammon is no striker - OK, he did well in some build up play but got a nose bleed when it looked like he might have to shoot. Martin was appalling. Jamie Ward was wasteful and Michael Jacobs has decided to model his attacking play on Tom Daley.


If we are to progress we need someone who can be relied upon to score goals regularly.

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Doyle and Bennett on the bench who are both hungry for game time..Bennett looked gutted when Clough called him back on to sit down..Surly with some energy up front would have helped us instead of Martin who looked uninterested today
Why give Doyle a contract then not make an effort to play him when you need a Goal.. Tactically woeful 

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Ipswich's subs won cock all.

The 2 big lads who came on could hardly kick a ball between them! They were brought on to hold out the game, for the point they planned for.

One lucky break doesn't mean his subs won the game.

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Why is "going to be a champions league player" Mason Bennett, not used?

Did our strikers look like scoring? No.

Why not change anything?

I'm asking a genuine question. Why not?


To be fair our strikers looked like scoring today.


I would argue Ward nearly scored from 12 yards.

Sammon hit the post.

Martin scored an onside goal.

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Ipswich's subs won cock all.

The 2 big lads who came on could hardly kick a ball between them! They were brought on to hold out the game, for the point they planned for.

One lucky break doesn't mean his subs won the game.

No, but his substitutions changed things, and gave derby an extra thing to think about.

Mason Bennetts pace, against a tired defence, would have given them an extra problem. We didn't change anything.

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And going back to my original post, has anyone, in 4 years, seen Clough make a tactical substitution?

 If by 'tactical' you mean a defensive substitution whereby Bucko is thrown on with 5 mins to go to shore up a point/victory then yes, loads of times. If you mean a positive change to attempt to win a game then I might need a bit longer to ponder that..

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You can't fault the tactics if you're dominating, creating decent chances and generally have a grip on the game..


I haven't seen the game but it sounds like Derby created a few chances, and should have scored at least one goal before they did..


That's not Clough's fault.. That's simply the strikers being off form.. If we were creating very little then Clough should have changed it to give the team more width, or go through the middle, whatever the scenario.. But I got the impression that what we were doing was fine and all that was missing was a clinical head infront of goal..


On a side note, we've had some right clowns infront of goal over the past few years.. Out of everywhere on the pitch, uptop is probably the only position NC hasn't improved since walking through the door.. Strange that given that he was a striker back in his playing days..

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