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High Street Shopping


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Is it set to become a thing of the past?

Comet, JJB, Jessops, HMV, Game, Clinton Cards have all gone tits up recently.

You can blame online shopping but all these stores also sold goods online, should the finger of blame be pointed at the supermarkets or are we the customers to blame?

Are you bothered by this, should we be bothered by this?

Just thought it would be an interesting talking point....

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HMV was overpriced anyway, no big loss.

GAME was the same, £45 for a game when you can just buy it off amazon, eBay or shopto...

The staff in the HMV Derby were terrible too, seemed such a hassle getting refunds, so won't get my sympathy.

Hope Gamestation and CEX are next to go tits up.

The future is downloading, whether it's legally or illegally.

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HMV not honouring gift vouchers is a disgrace. They were happy to take people's money for them and for them to now be worthless needs to be looked at. I don't have any by the way so this is not sour grapes it just seems to be another example of rip off Britain and although I sympathise with those that could be affected on the shopfloor, I have no sympathy for the decision makers at the top of the company.

On line is where it's at, not long ago I would have had to go to the shop after reading Daveo's post about the secret footballer, I just got onto the kindle and bish bosh, there it was, it's the way forward.

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I love hmv, there's just something about flicking through cd's and dvd's that i love. I bought me first record from there and it cost me 45p.

I'd rather go in hmv than go shopping anyday and spend hours just browsing

But i've never looked at the gadget bits.

I hope a buyer can be found, too many shops are going and it's a real shame.

Got to say though, hmv in derby was packed last time i went in, obviously not packed enough sadly.

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F**k knows what jobs all the many hundreds of thousands if not millions of people who work in retail are going to do. Online business just leaves the unseen side of retail, warehousing and courier work. Every day it seems I just see more and more "redundant" uses of human beings, whether it be turnstile operators at PP, automated factory/lab equipment, shopping online, drinking at home instead of the pub, I mean seriously, where the f**k are people going to work when there is nothing left but a few callcentres and offices?

We'll be queuing up at the dole office to get our book stamped by a robot.

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Isn't it lovely that non tax paying Amazon have killed off a company that paid tax for the last 100 years. I wonder why they are cheaper.

We have a huge store here perhaps similar to Debenhamn. A month ago I read that the they paid taxes for making 26500 euros whole year in 2011. Rest of the money they circle using taxing loopholes created for big businesses and rich people. Haven't used that store in about 15 years now.

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each one was set up to fail to a certain extent,

HMV are being made an example of by the banks they arent in as bad a condition as other companies that survived last year and will still be here but in 10 years time but with a lot fewer stores,

Game were absolutely stupid and still are for not embracing a number of issues (this is the sector I deal in) and to be frank all of there senior management should be shot!!

Clinton Cards was a forced administration as there largest supplier wanted to buy them instead of selling to them, jjb didnt define there market they were neither cheap, fashionable, or brand owners.

jessops again didnt define a proper point of sale,

there was no reason to go to jessops and spend 20% more than amazon,

if you want to be on the high street and stay there you have to offer something as an extra, either that is experience, product knowledge, additional content, choice warranty etc etc...

surely derby cant take any more pound shops or tit tat shops theres already loads!!

its a very telling sign that fufillment centres are being set up left right centre all over the uk and all of the main players are being bought or partnering with the big boys,

just wait till ebay set them up that will be the end of the high street

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Isn't it lovely that non tax paying Amazon have killed off a company that paid tax for the last 100 years. I wonder why they are cheaper.

to a certain extent this whole amazon thing isnt fair hmv had there chance to be an online presence and still tried to rip people off with pricing, they failed online. and in this day and age you cant fail online and expect stores to pick up the slack in a declining market

if anybody is to blame its itunes

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