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Star Wars episode 7

Hucknall Ram

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[size=3] [size=3]Wasn't the biggest fan of Episode 2 and 3 but I am looking forward to the new film[/size][/size]

Stars and fans react to Star Wars Disney deal

[size=3]the likes of Ewan McGregor and Mark Hamill speak about the internet-clogging announcement[/size]

Actors, directors and 'Star Wars' fans have been jamming the internet with their thoughts and analysis on the news that Disney has bought up Lucasfilm and is planning three new films.

[size=3][size=4]The $4.05 billion deal (£2.5 billion) promises its first 'Star Wars' feature, the seventh in the series, for 2015.

[Related story: [url=http://uk.movies.yahoo.com/blogs/movie-editors/disney-buys-star-wars-studio-announces-episode-7-224243313.html]Disney buys Star Wars studio]

[Related story: [url=http://uk.movies.yahoo.com/photos/rejected-star-wars-merchandise-slideshow/rejected-star-wars-merchandise-photo-1330529958.html]Rejected Star Wars merchandise]

http://l2.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/snfyxmytLUov72Xdt9WitA--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7cT04NTt3PTYzMA--/http://l.yimg.com/os/251/2012/10/31/07-jpg_112657[size=3]Star Wars... celebs, stars and fans react to Disney deal (Copyright: Lucasfilms)[/size]

And those in the movie business appear to be in favour of the move, taking to Twitter to voice their approval.

Self-confessed geek Simon Pegg said: “For the record, I have no problem with Disney, I am a huge fan and I'm sure it's actually good news for Star Wars fans.”

Director Kevin Smith was also in favour, adding on his Facebook page: “I'm all for it. Can't wait to see all the new movies they're gonna make. The 7 year old Kev who saw STAR WARS during its initial release in 1977 is finally gonna get all 9 STAR WARS movies he was promised back then. I'll be first in line to pay for whatever they do.”

But what of those previously involved in the George Lucas universe?

Ewan McGregor, who played Obi-Wan Kenobi in all three of the prequel trilogy films, was congratulatory, saying: “Disney have bought Lucasfilm and are planning on releasing Star Wars ep 7 in 2015!! Congrats George and best of luck with whatever is next.”

Peter Mayhew, the giant actor who played Chewbacca, was also positive about the move. “I've always liked that Mouse, and I'm looking forward to all the exciting possibilities this brings to the Star Wars Universe,” he tweeted.

But Luke Skywalker himself Mark Hamill was marginally less committal, saying: “Congratulations to George for today's mega-deal! Can't comment on Ep 7 before I have all the facts which are short supply right now – Patience.”

Meanwhile, 'Family Guy' creator Seth MacFarlane was predictably dry about the news.

“Looking forward to seeing what exciting new Star Wars adventures will be cooked up by the dream factory that brought us Mars Needs Moms!” he said.

He also responded to a fan tweet on the likelihood of using the sci-fi classic again in the future, as with his 'Laugh It Up, Fuzzball: The Family Guy Trilogy' animated re-imaginings of the original films.

“RT @TuesdaySwimGuy: WAIT! Since Star Wars was sold to Disney, does that mean no more family guy usage of it? // Alas, I'd bet money on it,” he replied.

Meanwhile, fans also appear to be cautiously pleased about the news. James Burns of fansite Jedi News told BBC News: “If you look at what Disney has done with Marvel and with Pixar, they've done an amazing job with those franchises.

“If you take a step back and look at it overall, I think what we're going to see is some amazing new films. I'm really excited about what we're going to be seeing in 2015.”[/size][/size]


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I'm going to wait on what their choice of storyline is and who they bring in before passing comment, you can bet it's going to be a little less dark than usual though for a Disney audience, no doubt very cliche too by the end of it.

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Well there have been rumours that Lucas had 9 stories in mind originally

But the next three will be the New republic thrives. The Jedi movement is rebuilt by Luke and Leia

Then the Sith emerges as a hidden threat in the form of a politician siding with whats left if the Empires troops and Starships

A politician gains power and becomes an emperor.

Seen it all before

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Well there have been rumours that Lucas had 9 stories in mind originally

But the next three will be the New republic thrives. The Jedi movement is rebuilt by Luke and Leia

Then the Sith emerges as a hidden threat in the form of a politician siding with whats left if the Empires troops and Starships

A politician gains power and becomes an emperor.

Seen it all before

Is that all confirmed Davenport or just rumour?

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If Darth's as nasty as he always is, it'll get my vote. I love Star Wars films.

But Disney? Don't think it'll work somehow and somebody ought to put some mousetraps out for Mickey, he gets well and truly on me nerves.

If 9 films was the plan, Lucas should have kept hold of it.

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Disney make great films, given the last couple of Star Wars I would say its going to breathe new life into it. You only have to see what they did with the avengers to know they will make a good job.

And mickey is magical, we are going to see him again next year in Florida, a place only bettered by Vegas, but u can't take kids there :-(

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Just my thoughts

But if you read the spin off books set after the original films that's the line they follow - and they all had to be licensed by Mr Lucas before publication

There are quite a few books that follow different characters, though they're not 'official', rather fan takes on possible storylines throughout the galaxy etc. Better than fan-fiction, mostly, I listened to a decent one about a Sith lord trying to find an artifact, wasn't bad at all, rooting for the bad guy is always pretty interesting in a book.

Seeing as it's Halloween, thought i'd link this, it's an audiobook about a virus that hits an Imperial prison barge in the middle of nowhere when it docks for repairs, and...well.....zombies happen. Lots of them. Excellent story, voice acting is spot on and it's genuinely quite creepy. The whole thing is here: [url=http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA4484AEFBF333133]http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA4484AEFBF333133

I'd advise anyone to give that a go, it's a little slow, the first hour or so, but after its set the scene and the characters up it's a very good audiobook, the sound effects and what-not are fantastic.

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Well there have been rumours that Lucas had 9 stories in mind originally

That's not really rumour, that's been well known for years (decades!).

There are quite a few books that follow different characters, though they're not 'official', rather fan takes on possible storylines throughout the galaxy etc. Better than fan-fiction, mostly, I listened to a decent one about a Sith lord trying to find an artifact, wasn't bad at all, rooting for the bad guy is always pretty interesting in a book.

Are these actual books or audio books ("listened to a decent one"?) or just stuff you've found online?

There are many official Star Wars books that were authorised by Lucas and are official Star Wars canon. These would be ripe for the "new film every two years" suggestion and apparently some of them are very good (better stories than any of the Star Wars films)...

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That's not really rumour, that's been well known for years (decades!).

Are these actual books or audio books ("listened to a decent one"?) or just stuff you've found online?

There are many official Star Wars books that were authorised by Lucas and are official Star Wars canon. These would be ripe for the "new film every two years" suggestion and apparently some of them are very good (better stories than any of the Star Wars films)...

They weren't fan fiction, i've listened to actual books that're published and released as mainly audiobooks but come with a pdf file to read it upon purchase if you'd prefer that, or you can simply buy the paperback version I believe.

The playlist i've just linked, give it a listen, the guy has a number of other Star Wars audiobooks on there too, well worth a go if you're a fan. I'm not a huge one, but zombies and Star Wars actually works brilliantly, atleast in the case of that one. They're not all as 'out there' as that one either, a few of them on there are incredibly detailed, the Sith lord one particularly.

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Base it all off of Timothy Zahn. That'll work for me.

Would like to see them but with Luke, Leia & Han still being the primary characters in those I can't see it as the actors are now too old.

Despite the fact he signs the stories off, Lucas doesn't consider the Expanded Universe to be truely 'cannon' but if he were to adhere to that my best guess would be structuring the new trilogy around Han & Leia's kids and have their parents as well as Uncle Luke (now head of the new Jedi order) and other characters from the originals flit in and out of the story, at least in the Episode 7. That way all of them are tied together by the Skywalker family tree...

An interesting plot point would be that the New Republic can now be viewed as the Empire and the remnants of the Empire is now the rebel force. A complete 180 from the originals.

Yes I know, that's quite sad isn't it... 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/unsure' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':unsure:' />

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