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Everything posted by Ram-Alf

  1. Half the players will be out of the door if we stay down ๐Ÿ‘
  2. Watched the highlights, Wow what a miss from CBT ๐Ÿ˜ฎ I usually look for an excuse for a player to miss an open goal...yes an open goal, The pitch looked great, The ball arrived at his feet with pace, Body looked perfect yet he contrived to put it wide ๐Ÿ™„ CBT mentioned in his post match presser that training was a little different but PW lets him play his own game ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธor summat to that effect, He said all was good in the changing room, He knew a lot of the players, All welcomed him and he's not left out in the banter stakes...so what's the issue, If I knew that I'd be a phycologist. His strength is his strength and pace that's what defenders hate, He drove at Portsmouth's players for our 1st goal at Pompey, Last night he shifted into the area like the wind...but ๐Ÿ‘Ž You could be right Jourdan...confidence ๐Ÿ‘Œ
  3. Cleethorpes Vs Belper tonight if it's still on? re arranged game after pitch waterlogged Belper Vs Cleethorpes on Saturday...I'll be there, 3 days of dry weather promised ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
  4. Gypsies were kicked off the land that became the Baseball Ground, A Gypsies curse was put on Derby County that they would never win the FA Cup...3 attempts later 2 in the 1890s and one in 1903 being a 0-6 defeat to Bury and things were looking grim. Move on to 1946 and those at DCFC seek out a Gypsy, They ask for the curse to be lifted, The resulting curse evaporated with a 4-1 win aet against Charlton Athletic. Nope I don't believe in curses either ๐Ÿ˜
  5. Arsenal Vs Bayern Munich. Rio Ferdinand Says...Bucayo Saca should have had a penalty in the dyeing seconds. Ian Wright says...Bucayo Saca shouldn't have had a penalty in the dyeing seconds. Ram-Alf says...Bucayo Saca knew full well what he was doing...by sticking his left leg into Neuers legs in the hope he would get a penalty, Referee never fell for it...neither did I ๐Ÿ‘Œ Fast Forward to 3.53
  6. We can all talk the talk...but walking the walk is a difficult tightrope when you're Birmingham City ๐Ÿ‘Ž I get a perverted sense of joy when seeing the 2nd city club in the relegation zone, Hindsight is a wonderful thing...who was the expert that decided Eustace wasn't the man to carry on his good work?, Who was the man who decided Rooney was the man to lead the charge to the promised land? WR(i still like the fella)was a figurehead a known "soccer" personality that will give the blue noses the impetus to move forward, Nope, After his walk out from DCFC and his utter failure in the USA soccer grounds shows what they did not know. The snake is now in charge, He's got the job until seasons end which makes my joy even more euphoric if the blue noses get relegated, I'm a vengeful bas***d where those who wish our club to die, I'm a vengeful bas***d when those who were our manager jump ship for 5 pieces of silver. Yes what goes around has the ability to come around and bite ya on the bum...happy days โ˜บ๏ธ
  7. I've just watched 2 hours of Alan Bates giving evidence in the Post Office enquirery, I'm no lover of this Government controlled business, The POL(Post Office Ltd)have been caught with their pants down, Hands in the cookie jar, Caught on CCTV, Witnessed by the Pope, Everyone grassing everyone up to hopefully clear their name...and they still think they've done nowt wrong. The POL were trying to bury all this at no matter what cost to the POL/Government(Us the Tax Payer)so it wouldn't have to pay out or anyone getting porridge, Now I'm one of the Worlds biggest sceptics where Governments? and MPs are concerned. Deny Deny Deny is their mantra and yet it's all there in email format as @1of4 has posted some poor sod will be made the scapegoat just like the Banking Scandal then all will be sorted ๐Ÿ˜ It's the Alan Bates of this World that Governments hate, Sticking their nose where it's not wanted, He was sacked in 2003 for being crap at his job, He was given extra tuition for being a Sub Postmaster, Time and time again he was given the opportunity to become a good Sub Postmaster but the Post Office had had enough of his stupidity where accounting was concerned, The trouble with all this is...he has paperwork from high up in the Post Office saying how good he was at his job and should be held up as a flagship of his excellence...or words to that effect. Ed Davey not come out well as he turned down a meeting with Alan Bates saying there would be little point as this is a POL matter not a Government matter, Then Alan Bates writes another letter saying as the Government are the paymaster it is their responsibility, Davey relents and gives Alan Bates an interview...only because he was warned that channel 4 news were going to do a piece on this subject and if he refused a meeting this would not look good. Wow got through all that without calling Bates...Master ๐Ÿ˜
  8. I can confirm this, My mate who lives in Fulham is called "Strummer" Just don't get how they get that name from Walter ๐Ÿ˜
  9. Have we had this Referee before? Wycombe Wanderers v Derby County (19:45) ALEX CHILOWICZ Declan O'Shea and Alistair Nelson Fourth Official : Samuel Fudge
  10. I think G Star is an accountant ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ or a Postman ๐Ÿ˜
  11. Wrong time, Wrong managers, Wrong sport...golf, He piled weight on when at Wednesday, He'd sooner be on the lash/golf with mates than working hard at the training ground. He undoubtably had talent as the playoff at Leeds shown, I also remember a goal he scored at PP when playing Sheff Utd winning 2-1...busting a gut to get a foot before their keeper to score. Seen a good few players on the local parks who could have made a decent living at Pro football...imo but partying with mates and girls put a stop to all this, Phil Foden and Mason Greenwood both sent home from England duties many years ago for some indiscretion...look at them both now...one ๐Ÿ‘ the other ๐Ÿ‘Ž
  12. Leicester City 2 Birmingham 1 Peaky Blinders, Birmingham City Council, Cadburys Chocolate, Jasper Carrot, Noddy Holder, New Street Station, Spaghetti Junction, Toya Wilcox...your boys took one hell of a beating ๐Ÿคฃ
  13. Or this one...he did weigh a ton
  14. Just to add from my last post, I now weigh circa 16stone, I walk for an hour every day except when raining, Sunshine is just around the corner so I can get in my garden and spend more time outside...praise the Lord โ˜บ๏ธ As for the nice things, I chomped through a bag of liquorice allsorts last night when watching a film, Film was good the allsorts were even better ๐Ÿ˜
  15. DCFC receive a parcel from Texas USA it's coming home...
  16. I worked the doors in the 80s so lifting weights(no steroids)was common practice, As I got older I stopped doing the doors and stopped the weights, Getting even older and working part time I had plenty of time to eat and chill out, The lbs went on but I never noticed, Eating is a great habit, Eating the nice stuff but the stuff that puts weight on is even better. She bailed out so I was cooking for myself, Dead easy aint it, Microwave meals, Fish n chips...pizzas wow what a life, Then one day I bought myself a nice gold chain and took a selfie...fcuk me I thought "you fat bas***d", So I took up running, There's a long hill where I live, Not steep but just keeps going on and on, My 1st run I got about halfway up then walked to the top, I was bo****ed, Walked a bit then ran a bit, Next Morning aches all over, You think I'll give today a miss, Nope I went again and again the objective was to get to the top of the hill without stopping...after around 7 attempts I made the summit...the buzz I got was great....altho out of breath. I lost 3 stone over the 2 years I went from 18.4 to 15.2, Covid kept me going as there was nowt else to do, I eat pretty healthy now, Salads and pasta, Jacket tators, I have the nice stuff every now and then, Running is off the menu as I got Sciatica some 18months ago and the knees are getting as old as myself ๐Ÿ˜ฌ Now over to you BatRam, Having all the gear at home is convenient as you'll find, There will be days when you say...I'll give today a miss and work twice as hard tomorrow...simple aint it...no! All in the mind, If you want to get where you want to be then you have to go for it...no excuses...all the best๐Ÿ‘
  17. Should have got Morecambe's architect in ๐Ÿ‘
  18. Just finished all episodes, Confusing, Absorbing, Strange, Marvelous, Different...one for @Carl Sagan me thinks ๐Ÿ‘ 8/10
  19. Oooo I don't know, He's done enough posts to have learned by now
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