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Everything posted by Srg

  1. Srg

    Paris Olympics

    It is right up there. It not "walking" by anyone average person's metric, either. I think dressage takes the biscuit though. Horses prancing around to pop music and scored by a judge? Nah.
  2. + Friday night and kids holidays
  3. We literally scored from 2 set pieces in the last game we played.
  4. Between Dembele and JWZ there's a weird new thing among some fans where if they don't immediately sign then we should sack them off. It's proper odd.
  5. Summerville already been sold to West Ham, so your description needs a slight update.
  6. You're asking him to change who he is because people are either too lazy or don't have the time to listen to him? Come off it.
  7. Various posters, you only need to see the likes of @Caerphilly Ramcorrecting people based on the facts of what was actually said after practically every time Warne speaks.
  8. I mean there's a lot of nonsense in that post, but the first paragraph is fair enough. The massive caveat to this is, if that is the case, don't speak with the confidence of someone who has taken the time to actually listen to it.
  9. Basically. Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. Doesn't help either when there seems to be a tendency by some not to even actually listen to what he says themselves and either take it second hand or read it, which removes a lot of context.
  10. Srg

    Paris Olympics

    Believe it’s like this until at least 2032.
  11. Srg

    Paris Olympics

    It’s because Discovery has most of the rights this time. (Which you can get free with sky, if the sign up website actually works - it didn’t when I tried at the weekend)
  12. Surprised still nothing from Tyrese Campbell (yes, I know about his dad’s tragic passing) but do think he would be a good option with where we are at right now.
  13. Murphy went off injured in the first half of their last friendly too. Not sure how serious.
  14. Looks like you will, but it should at least be obvious and you can quickly show it and keep walking. That said, they still check for block don't they, to stop people standing in the wrong one?
  15. Cashin continuing to play like a 3 legged donkey for the duration of August to avoid a big money move.
  16. Interesting that a player West Brom have bid for was left out the squad... yet here we are. I think it's more important to see how quickly they sign their replacement keeper. Sounds like they're now close, which should then aid us.
  17. The only weird thing about it is just how public they’ve made it on there side. I’d imagine transfers like this aren’t as uncommon as we probably think.
  18. As another poster said, it was the misinterpretation of “free to leave” and “leave for free”.
  19. Because they’ve already spent an absolute fortune. PSR rules aren’t in play in league one. Their owners are loaded.
  20. Worth noting Birmingham will likely offer more than us if they really do want him. They also have his brother, who has been linked with a move away.
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