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Reggie Greenwood

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Everything posted by Reggie Greenwood

  1. Try Darwin Place Car Park. Easy to get out of afterwards as well
  2. Add Daisy from David Cooperfield to that list
  3. Why is everyone getting into a flap over this ? Has it been tweeted on twitter ?
  4. I can’t because these days I’d spend more time going to the loo than watching the game 😩
  5. What amazes me is that the articles like the Vampire Ship and others are still on the internet and haven’t been challenged or asked to be taken down by Marinikas even though they have been up there for years ? I wonder why ?
  6. Missed out alleged match fixing and witness intimidation ( the ones that haven’t mysteriously died or disappeared )
  7. Exeter and Silk Mill I believe
  8. Put as much as you can afford in and then pray Liz Truss doesn’t become PM again
  9. Vinyl and Rams memorabilia for me. More so the vinyl than the memorabilia
  10. You might have to connect with like minded Rams fans as well 😱
  11. I am 64 and told my bosses yesterday that I will retire on the 31st of Jan next year. Sorting the finances with my advisor in July. Won’t have a fortune but should be comfortable. Not really decided how my time will be filled but with Partner , Grand Kids , probably spending time watching cricket at Derbyshire in the Summer , the Rams in winter , connecting with mates seeing bands plus being able to get more time listening to my vinyl I’m sure I’ll be ok.
  12. Leeds gone done in 1970 I think for fielding a reserve team against us the week before they had a Fairs Cup game. We won 4-1. Can’t remember if they were fined or docked points
  13. If so wouldn’t be surprised if the EFL charged them for playing weakened teams . It won’t matter as we will beat Carlisle 🐏🐏🐏
  14. Don’t think they would want to go into the play offs having been smashed by Bolton. Would hope that they put a stronger , if not their strongest team out.
  15. I posted this up a couple of years ago and our friend Red Dawn called it unproven spam. Fingers in ears la la la won’t hear anything bad about the lovely Mr Marinikas
  16. 1-0 would do keeps the GD well in check
  17. Check out the Bolton forums. Many calls for Evatt to go. They want practical winning football not occasionally brilliant but ultimately failing football. who would be a football manager !
  18. I read last week that it was a decision by Ferguson at the start of the season to play as a team with more pace. He said JCH couldn’t offer that and told him as much. Would be used as a back up until sold. The sale didn’t happen , the club said no fall out because of that and he has been used ( although sparingly ) since then .
  19. Hope it’s called off soon @Eddie you must be cream crackered by now 😅
  20. See @Srg ‘s explanation above , the council have reasonable doubts about the ownership / investment into the club who could renegotiate the lease.
  21. Was that the same fan twice ? 😅
  22. I hope that you are opening the match day thread on the first game of next season @Comrade 86 as that will mean we are up 🐏
  23. Nothing reported , a mate of my works at the club and chats with DC on a regular basis . When I mentioned to them about the transfer budget he said that there was likely to be a new partner to help with the finance.They Mentioned a couple of other things that might happen if and when we get to the Prem but won’t mention those as they could likely be identified from it. No further info on who it could be or how much it could be worth.
  24. Cov have a last second goal chalked off by VAR. Jammy Manure barstewards
  25. This is an implicit attempt by Marinikas to threaten PMGOL. He knows exactly what he is doing. Just a bit more subtle than the tactics he can use in Greece.
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