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Posts posted by Bubbles

  1. Forgot about this thread. Good morning.

    Safe to say that fight wasn't as thrilling as the previous, however credit to AJ for playing smart.

    I reckon he'll beat Usyk, then go up against the winner of Fury v Wilder ( so Fury, obviously...) and then I think Fury will take his titles.

  2. 58 minutes ago, Alpha said:

    He's pretty much always an arse at this point in his camps. You know 2 weeks before the fight where they do some press he's a bit off with the media. 

    Some of his comments have been twisted. He said about everyone should bow to him if he beats Ruiz but it was a dig at Wilder and Tyson who said they knew Ruiz would win because he's massively underrated.

    Lennox Lewis has had a dig (as usual) and said Ruiz is up there with Tyson and Wilder but AJ has a lot to prove. That's a bit of a farce because AJ has the best record. He just got dropped in a fight like Lewis did by Rahman. 

    So AJ is saying all the people up Ruiz's arse better give him the same love when he knocks Ruiz out. (Which I hope he truly believes because if he is nervous then he's in trouble)

    I do agree he underestimated Ruiz though. Miller had him fired up and then failed his test. They shove a durable opponent in front of him not known to be a puncher. Wilder had smashed through Breazeale and AJ needed to make a big statement. So I certainly think he was focused on making a statement and forcing Wilder than facing the guy in front of him.

    Think he'll win if he's sensible and as confident as he sounds. Tricky though.

    Yes that makes sense,

    I'm one who will always root for the underdog in matches like these though, not saying Ruiz is the underdog because he's far from it but would love to see him win again, you could see how much the last win meant to him. it's great to see.

    However if Ruiz does win again that could put AJ's match(es) against Fury/Wilder at jeopardy, surely?

  3. 11 hours ago, Andicis said:

    Let's hope Joshua has developed a jab since the last fight, or he's in for another loss I reckon.

    still find it hilarious how he thought Ruiz would be a walk in the park and then wham, he loses his belts.

    Starting to dislike AJ, his comments over the past month or so have put me off him, would like Ruiz to beat him again.

  4. Just now, SaintRam said:

    They just sell 'em. 

    Surprised you've lost so many blizzard accounts though, somethings up there. Did you play Overwatch on console?

    Nah, PC, havent touched OW in 4-5 months though lol.

  5. My 4th blizzard account being hacked and taken over, even though there is blizzard authenticator enabled ? 

    Not bothered like, only used it for overwatch, hate that game with a passion.

    Enjoy a game full of stress, Chinese people who hacked me ?


  6. On 22/11/2019 at 18:16, Gap tooth ram said:

    Also tweeted that him and Dana White have something special planned, so expect some weird UFC / boxing hybrid match up.

    Mayweather v Khabib or McGregor.

  7. 5 minutes ago, David said:

    Of course and you are free to play terrible games whilst listening to terrible music, not stopping you, just making you aware it’s a terrible game that’s all. You can still enjoy it, but one day you will look back on this and agree with me. 

    It's terrible to you but not to others. Come on David, what music do you listen to, what games do you enjoy? Come on I want to call your taste terrible! 

  8. 2 minutes ago, David said:

    Shouldn’t do, as it’s all fair for a terribly overhyped game that failed to deliver.

    I agree with the over-hyped part however personally I feel like it delivered, I guess everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

  9. 4 minutes ago, Millenniumram said:

    Could barely bring myself to ride a horse in the epilogue... that final horse riding cutscene of the main game rather tugged on the heartstrings!?

    I was fuming with that, took me ages to find the Arabian White Coat horse and all for it to be dead. cheers Cockstar

  10. Watched the Game Changers last night, very skeptical about anything that promotes veganism etc, however it was great to see a lot of the benefits from it.

    It was that interesting and fact-filled that I am trying it out, one day a week for now and see what happens

    Film review 10/10 - great to see ol' Arnie on the tele

  11. On 13/11/2019 at 19:07, AdamRam said:

    I have started playing the new COD and surprisingly an enjoying it, but even then I have had it since launch and played only 4 hours max 

    It's the first CoD I have bought since Advanced Warfare. To me, this game is what CoD is all about and is fantastic. The campaign is awesome, the best since the xbox 360 days in my opinion. 

  12. 8 minutes ago, Smyth_18 said:

    Just want to make a quick point whilst i think about it because i believe this to be VERY important.

    Yesterday, looking back at my activity on the forum i was probably at my wittiest (if i do say so myself) and seemingly happiest.

    This couldn't be further from the truth.

    I spent most of the day waiting on a phone call from my Mum as my Grandma was in hospital getting results from some tests. All day i was in another world with worry. This forum, in particular the Paddy Padster thread was a huge outlet for me in which i genuinely enjoyed in the midst of worry.

    There isn't a particularly happy ending to the day either as it seems the results showed cancer. The rest of the day was a blur of giving support and trying to process the news for myself.


    I suppose the message is... You really don't know what is going on at the other side of peoples computer screens, so try and be nice to each other.


    Also, i suppose i should offer a bit of thanks to @David . For giving us this outlet. However, i must stress, this is the only thing you're good for.

    So sorry to hear this bud,

    I'm terrible with stuff like this but I'm sure everyone on the forum will agree with me when I say that you're not alone in this.

    Treasure your time with your Grandma, be there for her as much as you possibly can.

    I lost my Grandad 5 years ago to cancer and my biggest regret is not spending as much time as I possibly could with him.


    I seriously hope you and your family are okay, and I hope that your Grandma can beat it.

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