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Everything posted by G STAR RAM

  1. Nope, its called an opinion. Do you have any hard evidence that they are there on merit and not just for filling quotas? If not....actually I won't even bother going there 😂
  2. Yes, its an assertion I'm more than happy to stand by, unless there is any evidence to the contrary?
  3. And what about the people employing these pundits based on their gender rather than merit?
  4. Will probably only be 29,999 as there was one poster on here said he wouldn't be going while Warne is still here...
  5. Not sure what I'm missing here but why would the prosecutors not call the 'victim' to give evidence?! And FWIW, I always have and always think Barton is a scumbag, think what he has said proves that, but don't have any issues with his underlying point which I believe is spot on.
  6. Id say its already worked, look at well paid jobs and prominent positions. Continuing to push the agenda too far, will be self defeating, and draw the sort of reactions that we are seeing from Barton, in my opinion. You only need to look at social media reactions to see that he is saying what a lot of other people are thinking.
  7. Historically. Currently my children have absolutely zero privilege over their peers based on sex or gender. If anything their friends from ethnic minorities are probably growing up in better conditions and are more likely to end up with better jobs. If people stopped pretending we are still living in the 1960s, 70s and 80s then there would be no need to try and push this agenda onto kids.... I think the over representation of ethnic minorities in the Premier League and the prominence the female game has now, is enough for kids to enable them to aspire to be anything they want to be.
  8. The competence is obviously down to personal opinion. And yes, at the time, Graeme Souness was probably a good choice. Past his sell by date now Id say but we want to be inclusive to old people as well I'm assuming?
  9. Can you give me one example of an advantage my kids have over their minority classmates? Of course ITV wanting mainly women or ethnic minorities in their studios affects my white male child, how can you say it doesnt?!?! And where are the campaigns for representation down coal mines, for refuse collectors, for labourers? Have I missed them? Or do we just want representation in well paid jobs?
  10. My kids don't need to be flooded with the opposite sex or ethnic minorities, they see them every day at school and don't look at them any differently to how they look at people of the same race or gender. The only people keeping race/sex as an issue are the ones who claim to be wanting to eradicate racism/sexism. Putting people into jobs that they are not really qualified to do or are not competent at, just because of their sex/race, will not promote a positive image, it will lead to people pointing out their sex and race and is completely self defeating.
  11. So ok, if we want to go down this route why were there 2 women and Ian Wright in the studio yesterday, why wasnt there a white man? Silly, isn't it? Who is deciding what is fair representation?
  12. Well most of the pundits were men that had played the game at the top level. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of male pundits that I cant stand too.
  13. God I hope not...an all white panel? 😬
  14. The guy is a knob, always has been, but I think there will be an awful lot of fans out there who agree with his point. If anyone can seriously tell me that all of these women are there for their knowledge of the mens game then I'm afraid you're just kidding yourselves. Football has become one massive box ticking exercise over the last 5/10 years whether you like to admit it or not.
  15. Alluded to him not being match fit, something about him not training well on Thursday. Said they wouldn't play an outfield player who wasnt 100% and the same goes for goalkeepers. Said the coaching team collectively agreed Vickers deserved his chance. Hopefully Ive not taken anything out of context or misquoted but that was what I took from the interview but only heard it once.
  16. How does Warne get the blame today? He didn't make any changes to make us more defensive and I certainly didn't see him on the touchline waving players back. At some point in time people are going to have to realise that in football when a team has a slender deficit in the second half they will often throw the kitchen sink and put the other team under pressure.
  17. Devil's advocate here but our club took the tax payer for around £20m...
  18. Cashin played his part, but a confident Wildsmith would have cleared up the mess. In my opinion he's been at fault for 4 of our last 5 goals conceded, so can't have too many complaints if he has been dropped based on performance.
  19. Its awful isnt it, starting one of your squad players because Nyambe has gone off to the African Nations, what is Warne thinking?
  20. Seriously, find something better to do with your time because you're a real drain on this forum and I imagine its also bad for your mental health. There's lots more activities out there to do which I am sure you will find fun.
  21. Well now I'm terrified, because you're usually so positive.
  22. Profits??? 😂 In the 2 years prior to promotion, they made losses of £61m and that was after £18m profits on player sales and a £5m loan write off! Dont forget this was against the backdrop of a limit of £39m allowable losses over a 3 year period (magically adjusted for everyone for DCFC for Covid years). £200m to £250m spent on players. Even if all on 4 year contracts thats another £50m to £60m per year on their costs, on top of the additional wage bill. Dont think it takes a genius to work out they will be relying on some creative accounting to be within P&S limits. All that aside, I'll take very little pleasure in seeing them sanctioned in a league where their competitors are allowed to do what they like for years and years unsanctioned. Obviously if they charges had arisen in the division where they should have I may feel a little different.
  23. Our charge bore absolutely no resemblance to this or Sheff Wed.
  24. Agreed, cant see us making up the 4 point gap with only 21 games remaining.
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