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Everything posted by G STAR RAM

  1. Not sure if its backed up by stats, but to my mind one of the major problems with Bird is that we don't get him on the ball in advanced positions.
  2. Wasnt aware regarding the lease, thank you.
  3. 43% of passes going backwards or sidewards then. Obviously my previous post was tongue in cheek, didn’t expect it to be this bad though.
  4. If the last line is correct, which I don't doubt, isnt Clowes missing a trick by not having the ground and the club in the same company, eliminating the rent and giving us more wiggle room for P&S? Or maybe this is his route for getting some return on his investment.
  5. Not sure how he could have made it worse for us? He owned a football ground, that was worthless without a team to play in it and had a £23m debt against it which he had personally guaranteed. Even by selling the ground for £1, he was £23m better off than the worse case scenario.
  6. Bravo MM. It wouldn't have mattered if he sold the ground or not as there was a lease in place for DCFC anyway.
  7. Id say the fact that he, incorrectly once again, states Gellaw Newco 202 owns Derby County, tells us alot more about his credibility than any name calling.
  8. Just hope he didn't hear this from the same journalists that allegedly told him DCFC owed MM in excess of £200m 😂
  9. So what KM was saying is fair play to MM for writing off his investment that he had no way of recouping? Very strange thing to say.
  10. Thank goodness for that, think your post may have ran into 3 or 4 pages based on the referee's performance last night 😂
  11. And we're all having a party, All having a party, All having a paaaaaarty, When Middlesbrough cry...
  12. I did make it up, its probably closer to 95%. There were numerous times last night when simple passes were put straight out of play, nothing to do with fast forward play, just a lack of care with the ball, thats not on the manager. Which of our players are not capable of playing fast football in your opinion?
  13. However the midfield is set up does not excuse walking around the pitch for 60 minutes like last night. The fastest I saw Hourihane run was when we got a free kick that he wanted to take.
  14. Why is it chaotic taking no more than 3 touches? These are professional footballer for goodness sake. The quality of the passing was absolutely woeful last night, that's not down to the manager. And if Warne is encouraging the players to move it forward quickly, why do 90% of Bird and Hourihanes passes go backwards, often to the same player it has just come from? This isn't really a defence of Warne because the shape of the team that was working during our good run is no longer working and needs mixing up.
  15. To be fair, it probably hasn't, imagine we are in a much better financial position than most Championship and Premier League clubs now. Agree about Clowes though.
  16. Not sure what more there is to say? Share premium is when shares are purchased at higher than nominal value. The share premium account increased every time MM converted his (or should I say the parent company's) loans into equity. Why only so many shares were issued and purchased at a premium I don't know. There was no special rights attached to the shares.
  17. This information is readily available on Companies House. The share premium at date we entered administration was the same as the last accounts filed so can be unpicked from all previous accounts and share allotment documents on Companies House.
  18. Hope not, still waiting for an answer as to why he is repeating alleged comments made by some un-named journalists which, given the information available, he must know to be untrue if he is the 'football finance expert' he seems to enjoy being marketed as...
  19. MM puts £100m into Sevco as a directors/shareholders loan. Sevco buys £100m shares in DCFC. Sevco has a creditor (MM) of £100m. DCFC has no creditor. Not sure which part you are not grasping?
  20. I'm sorry but I believe that this is factually incorrect, unless you have some evidence of what happened after 30 June 2018?
  21. Yes and as Ive said before Sevco and Gellaw were the vehicles used by MM to purchase shares in DCFC and the ground. So MM may have put money into Sevco and Gellaw as a directors/shareholders loan, to provide the funds to purchase share capital, however, these amounts are not then owed by the company who's share capital has been purchased. From memory MM originally paid £50m for the shares, he then introduced another £100m in equity (displayed in the movement between 2015 and 2018 share capital per the accounts filed). He has then had to pay £80m for the ground (although I doubt the club will have ever received this). Total expenditure circa £230m which is coincidentally close to the amounts shown as creditors in Gellaw/Sevco. So in summary, KM was talking bollox when he said he wrote off £200m owed from the club, unless of course he loaned £200m to the club between 30/06/2018 and the date we went into administration, this on top of the other circa £50m of debt that he left is in at time of departure.
  22. Not really the club didnt actually borrow any money, just didnt pay its debts. The only real external cash debt appears to have been the £23m MSD loan secured against a stadium valued at £81m.
  23. His comment didnt say Mel Morris was owed £200m, it said something along the lines of fair play to The Melephant for writing off £200m owed to him by the club. Perhaps you could show me where these loans that you are talking about appear in the document below please?
  24. They were loans made by MM or his other companies to Gellaw or Sevco, NOT to the football club. These companies were used to buy shares in the football club and the ground. Not sure what you are finding hard to understand about this? The Directors Statement of Affairs clearly states the creditors of the club at £36m of which claims of £2m were made. I'm assuming there was no need for the football creditors or HMRC to make claims given that these had to paid to avoid us losing our EFL membership.
  25. Where were these loans to the club mentioned in the Directors Statement of Affairs pubished at Companies House then?
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