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Everything posted by CBRammette

  1. At the risk of moving this thread up - comments on this very familiar sounding.
  2. 1Wildsmith 6 35Nelson 7 5Bradley 6.5 6Cashin 7 23Ward 8.5 8Bird 7 32Adams 7 4Hourihane 6 17Sibley 8 11Méndez-Laing 7 27Blackett-Taylor 6.5 25Gayle 7 10Waghorn 6 7Barkhuizen 5 12Smith 5
  3. Enjoyed this afternoon after Tues. Sibbers and Ward were excellent. Very pleased for Sibbers as always. Brilliant from Ward to keep the ball alive and deliver for the third. I like Gayle so far - always looked like he would score that - makes me laugh alternating between bursts of speed and hobbling creaking at the seams. I'm sorry though but I dont think I'll ever warm to Barks. May just be his body language but just never seems bothered and, other than that little touch to Adams, thought was poor but perhaps just me. Port Vale didnt employ the usual League 1 dark arts as badly as some. And for once well reffed on the whole.
  4. You mentioning your sons reminds me of my favourite ever forum moment - dont suppose anyone knows where it was and could repost the exchange? I would never find it
  5. As someone who can rarely make away games due to stuff going on this thread is invaluable when we can but I love reading it anyway. So thank you. My biggest hope of Cambridge away is looking v unrealistic this year. However I have a slight complaint as your away match minibreak travel reporting on matchday threads has lessoned of late. Perhaps a winter thing
  6. Well you wont be allowed coffee from PW's machine so hope so
  7. Saw this on twitter. If DC is looking for investors- although cant imagine Cocu has good thoughts about us. May be act of revenge!
  8. No-one thought you were. It is more difficult with a longish journey and work for midweeks to factor in. We have 4 season tickets - my son's off to uni so that will be mainly wasted and my mum's getting older and doesnt do most evening ones esp when cold so not sure what we'll do. Last night on way home thought no way if stay down and Warne stays but who knows
  9. Oh no forgot we had to suffer it all again this week. Is there a worse road than the A14 after a defeat playing woeful football?
  10. 1Wildsmith 3 24Nyambe 6.5 7Barkhuizen 4 35Nelson 6.5 5Bradley 5 6Cashin 7 by far MoM 2Wilson 4 end product rubbish entire game 12Smith 6 17Sibley 5 32Adams 5 27Blackett-Taylor 5 11Méndez-Laing 5 8Bird 🐦 5 25Gayle 6.5 10Waghorn 4
  11. Yes I am optimistic - its a joke in our family that I am always positive about us. I still think we will somehow go up in autos for example. I really like him. I smile at some of his interviews. He seems a nice bloke. I think he cares. He does seem to have a bond with the squad (at times!). Clowes obviously likes him. I'm sure he's good to have around after the misery of admin. There was a time when Warne ball did seem to be working finally for parts of matches at least. But recently its grim on the pitch. You can excuse him somewhat with injuries. But I would rather we try and play positively and lose than that last night and lose. I think DC my forever hero by the way should look at the structure and personnel around the club. Ive said we're unlucky with injuries but who sanctioned the signing of so many injury prone or recovering players? How rigorous are our medicals? Who has the final say? Surely someone should say no at times? When other teams sign people they just seem to go in and play. I know we are strapped who we can sign financially but prob not even that compared to dome in league. I would have preferred some promising young lower league or even non- league players mixed in with the experience we had. I still expect CBT to work out for us but the situation seems odd on his signing. Then there is the constant chopping snd changes of players and where and how they are expected to play - one minute flavour of week and next not in matchday squad. I could go on and on
  12. Yeah right - really noticed that 🙄 Some did to be fair At least he didnt say 110%
  13. Will never boo our team at end of match but was tempted last night. If we dont go up I would sack PW immediately. Season tickets will be down if fans are faced with another season of this football in league 1. If we do go up I would still sack him immediately. PW has shown nothing to suggest he will even consolidate us staying up in championship. I wouldnt want PW involved in any way in more player decisions at the club if it was my money. I would hope david clowes is planning for both scenarios and has someone who will give him good footballing advice. Having said that I will trudge for every home match, support team and manager whilst there and trudge home again, and even desperately try for at least one away.
  14. I think the whole Bradley thing sort of sums PW up totally
  15. Dont bother - i tried also but was just called blinkered etc by other posters. But I dont actually give a 💩 about any of it tonight as today my son got a medical school offer after 2 years of trying and I couldnt be prouder
  16. I'm not blinkered. We're going backwards and cant bear his style of play if you can even call it that. However the players on the whole played atrociously also tonight. Ten year olds would do better for a throw in
  17. You are right its not Warne's fault for example that none of our players seemed to get the ball to another Derby player from a throw in. Or pick out a white shirt or make a correct decision
  18. I think its to be expected tonight after that really. I never thought I'd say it but boy are we missing Collins all over the pitch. There were some nice touches from Gayle though
  19. That is our thoughts re renewing same as you. Not even just changes to midweek - later/earlier on saturdays or sundays will also be difficult for us. Think we have thought we'll renew next year and see how many we cant make putting off decision for a year
  20. There were cucumber sandwiches but no sausage rolls - it was a cream tea! C'mon 😂
  21. Ok just got in from friend's 50th birthday afternoon tea and know nothing as no reception or wifi at venue - was it bad?
  22. Price freezes cant last forever with the increasing basic costs to the club. Its fair. Whether we as a family renew or not really depends on our thoughts re new TV deal and crystal ball as to what that might mean re varying kick off times. Travelling from Cambridge and work commitments means an increasing number of non Sat 3pm matches would hugely affect whether its viable or just pay as we go.
  23. Yes but thank you. Too much for mum though by train when she comes
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