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Steve Buckley’s Dog

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Everything posted by Steve Buckley’s Dog

  1. It might have been helpful if at least one of you had pointed out that I might need a coat as well.
  2. Just imagine securing Eddie Lewis and Andy Griffin 6 months earlier! We can but dream.
  3. I am a little unclear about this. Have the paragons of virtue down the road been charged with cheating? Cheating other clubs who stayed within the rules? Could these clubs have a case for legal proceedings against them? After all there is a precedent for this and if I remember rightly supporters of Notts Forest were very keen to see this happen. Dear oh dear. For shame. Cheats will prosper though because even a 10 points deduction wouldn’t be enough to see them relegated this year the others are that bad. To be fair though, Harry Arter’s promotion bonus and extended 40k a week new contract were well worth it!
  4. For those attending tonight, you might want to wear a jumper.
  5. There’s a rumour that the EFL are going to hit them hard with a 20 minute transfer embargo for this.
  6. Birmingham away. But Chris Boden? I have no recollection of him whatsoever?!?
  7. I’ve just thrown that shitty QPR t-shirt on to my lawn. Will that suffice?
  8. Would it be fair to say that is pretty much Warne’s team - full of his signings? Vickers, Elder, Bradley, Ward, Fornah, Wilson, Nelson, TJJ etc. Only Nyambe didn’t play? I can’t recall really but it’s a little bit of a worry for me because only Nelson and Nyambe, and Wilson at times, look any good. I am a little underwhelmed with his signings so it feels a bit like the pressure is on, in terms of January signings. Anyway. I didn’t care about this cup and didn’t go so I can’t really grumble about what was seemingly a half-arsedperformance.
  9. Pretty sure Leeds took their scarves and f***** off home.
  10. More trouble reported in the household of Bolton’s right back. Apparently his wife decided she wanted to make pancakes so she bought a bag of flour. Said right back pointed out that they already had four bags in the cupboard so this was a waste of money. The atmosphere was already tense after she bought more Christmas lights because they were ‘in the sale’ when in his opinion they already had more than enough and this was an unnecessary expense. There have apparently been some very terse comments leading to an unwelcome frosty atmosphere. Not sure if this is true as the information I got wasn’t very detailed but it might be something that we could take advantage of.
  11. We are going to win this trophy. The simple reason is that I am going on holiday across the date of the final. We are therefore bound to get to Wembley and bound to win it. We will lift the only cup trophy we will ever win in my lifetime and I won’t be there to witness it. It seems inevitable. I hope you all enjoy your day out.
  12. I’m glad we won. 3 really important points. Made it difficult though. I don’t like us with 3 at the back, they seem to hand over responsibility to each other. Elder and Bradley were pathetic for their goal. Still, onwards and upwards. 🐏🐏🐏
  13. You need to get rid of your wife. I hope the cat’s OK.
  14. Bolton’s right back made a passive aggressive comment to his wife when she bought a 6 pack of Heinz baked beans, despite there clearly being 17 already in the cupboard. This has resulted in a frosty atmosphere all day. Hopefully we can take advantage of this.
  15. Well worth it though for the value they got out of Jesse Lingard. And Shelvey. And Dennis, you know, the one with the shoes. And the one who did a little dance. And the ones who play for Olympiakos now, which is fine, absolutely fine. And the rest. I’m sure we could probably name them all but we might not have time.
  16. Disappointing to concede two soft goals. Lack of concentration, especially from the corner which I felt took us by surprise when taken short and we weren’t set properly. I thought they were the better team but maybe a draw was a fair result. We just have to move on and go on another run. That’s what teams who get promoted do. You need 3 of these runs so two to go! Fleetwood and Burton become important matches now - both games we have to win and should win if we want to finish top two. Let’s get behind them. These players are in league 1 for a reason, even Boro’s excellent wide men missed sitters, and will make mistakes. Football is a fickle mistress. From delight to despair and hopefully back again soon. 🐏🐏
  17. Roughly 750 left. Might get to 30,000 but Peterborough haven’t taken their full allocation so that’s about 1500 down.
  18. You kind of get the impression that Kane Wilson loves it here. He and Sibley enjoyed a lovely dance together at the end. I like it when Derby win. I really like it when we win and play good football battering the opposition. I especially like it when when we win, playing good football and battering the opposition whilst coming from two goals behind to score a late winner. They docked us 21 points … 🐏🐏🐏
  19. That was a typical Derby performance. Fortunately it was from them. UTR. They docked us 21 points… 🐏🐏🐏
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