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Everything posted by Archied

  1. Unchanged team for me please , strong bench to change things up if needed or fresh legs if all going well, this is the love hate aspect of being a football fan , I love we are right in the thick of it and the games are SO important ( this one especially) but there’s a part of me that hates it too 😂, checking the table over and over again , working out different scenarios, excited as duck but bricking it too, we are due some real good stuff from the football gods , we have endured and keep turning up in our thousands , I want to be in pp celebrating promotion on the last day so so much 🐏💪
  2. Love what I see of gayle , also love Collins ,if we go up Collins really should get the appreciation he deserves from us derby fans , as should gayle
  3. Or maybe he’s thinking the lads are really starting to get to grips with what I want , let’s hope that that guy on the internet can see it 🤷🏻‍♂️
  4. Got a feeling a few grounds are gonna see a strange uplift in ticket sales for home sections in this run in 😂
  5. Yep , still buzzing like a kid at Christmas this morning ,,,, silly old ducker 😂
  6. Well a bizzare game for a seasoned derby fan , we played well and controlled the game but strangely made hard work of getting the 3 points and a poor ref again but poor decisions went in our favour ,,, yep strange night 🤷🏻‍♂️, three points and we are starting to look like a side , real variety of play going forward , players coming back from injury to give us a strong looking squad , win every game of the 8 and no one can touch us , it’s that simple , big ask but this squad look capable of doing that , of course that’s probably not how the next 8 games pan out but we are right in there looking every bit as good as those around us , we are not the poor imitation of our promotion rivals as some would have us believe come on derby💪💪💪💪💪
  7. Too much of a drive midweek night games so it’s rtv for me tonight , this is not an easy game ,they are usually a pain in the ass bogey side ,, please please please a win tonight boys and don’t give a duck how we get it🤷🏻‍♂️
  8. Just out of interest which are you ,,, Hatfield or McCoy?
  9. Erin cashins massive , he s hung like steptoe s horse he flashes it at training and never feels remorse he goes up for our corners and never fails to score And when’s he runs the channels it’s dragging on the floor ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh erin cash,,,,,,,,,,..,.
  10. Really ? He’s very well rated but has come into a team that are right in the mix for top two from a team that despite having a very decent squad have underperformed to the extent they are right down the league , perhaps it’s no surprise that fitness and workload for what we want from him in his position are not at the level we want , add the fact that he seems to have some small injury niggles that are hampering getting to the required level and you may see him proving to be a dud is rather silly , we have players in form and getting the job done in the main so in my book warne and the staff are handling the situation very well 🤷🏻‍♂️
  11. I know he is not everyone’s cup of tea but I really like him and I like him being manager of derby 🤷🏻‍♂️
  12. Original too lizard ish perhaps
  13. The words of a certain James brown song spring to mind ,,, still buzzing this morning 🐏😀🐏😀🐏😀🐏😀🐏😀
  14. I read all the posts regards people not wanting to go to games , not wanting to renew in this god awful league , under warne , poor football ect ect ect and to a degree I get it but as I’ve said I’m really enjoying my time going to watch derby at present and since the meltdown and rise from the ashes and I can honestly say the excitement/ butterflies I feel for this comming weeks two games and for the run in is right up there with the good times I’ve had watching derby over 55 plus years , I do feel for any fans who have lost that spark in the situation we are in
  15. Never in doubt ,, moans like a woman 🤷🏻‍♂️. 💣🫣
  16. Paul warne ,,,,,,,, the man is doing a ducking good job , clowes ,,,,,,, spot on to go down the route he went on bringing him in
  17. Paul warnes derby army 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪😥💪 oh and he is turning sibley into a real gem
  18. He was ,,, the cxnt is the only English player I had to applaud scoring against Scotland 🥲
  19. As an addition , Galloway stating after his win that this is for gazza in his aggressive manner does rightly or wrongly produce fear in many ,,, why not stand up and say this is for peace and an end to the killing , I doubt there’s a person in the country that would not get behind that and see it as only a positive but no we get these bloody idiots who just inflame stuff
  20. I’m with you there , why this stupid need to not call a cease fire a cease fire , beyond me 🤷🏻‍♂️, as I’ve stated a while back ,a United Nations ( truly United Nations ) peace keeping force for a time until a workable peace can be negotiated is about the only answer but we all know this ain’t gonna happen because the nations of the world want different things to result from the conflict, I don’t know , where the duck do you go with this poo 🤷🏻‍♂️ that said I do believe those of us disgusted by this stuff have a responsibility to keep our actions ,words and protests fully clear of anything that can be remotely seen as being partisan and that includes the usual suspects attacking paintings in a safe university in a country thousands of miles away from the conflict , if you are brave enough to want to do something humanitarian ( I’m not ) then do that and be a shining example , same with waving flags of one side or the other in a safe country thousand of miles away from all the death and horror, brave mothers in Ireland of both sides of the sectarian fence took to the streets to demand an end to the killing at great risk of personal reprisals to themselves ,,,, that’s bravery , I know I will get slated for the second part of this post but that’s just how I see it , in this world of twisters we have to be really clear in our message and motives🤷🏻‍♂️
  21. I watched a U.K. politician being interviewed the other day ( can’t remember his name ) they got on the subject of the U.K. providing financial support for Ukraine and the public poss tiring of that , he proceeded to explain that that money was not just gifted to Ukraine, it was used to spend in U.K. manufacturing weapons , it provided jobs in U.K. and produced tax therefore being good for the U.K. economy, now whatever anyone may think on the rights and wrongs of Russia Ukraine conflict these politicians are getting so stupid / arrogant that they now openly state what most of us already knew / know but at least they used to have the sense to pretend and not blatantly tell us how good for us people being killed on other shores was for us 😥
  22. Ok , I’ve tried to steer clear of the politics of this situation because frankly I don’t believe it’s helpful at this point but let me make it plain , anyone of my age , from my political background/ upbringing, with half a brain cell could not fail to know that the Palestinian people have been treated despicably by the western world for many many years ,at this point though I only care about how the hell we stop this ducking killing , since the 7 th there have been countless needless heartbreaking deaths on both sides,,, the numbers of deaths on either side are totally uneven because Isreal has the upper hand in the power balance , if hammas had the upper hand then that would be different again , still just adds up to innocent deaths you get to my age and you just get sick of the bloody madness 🤷🏻‍♂️ I don’t feel the need to convince anybody of anything or think I’m anymore right or wrong than anybody else , I’m just giving an opinion on what I see
  23. As I say we are pretty much on the same page , I was replying to a post on here regards people who in my opinion are far more interested in themselves than people dying , I also don’t give a shxt about a dusty old painting which begs the question why do these kind of self publicising attention seekers care about said dusty old painting , just because I have and express an opinion on a post regarding them does not in any way detract from what I think is far more important, we probably disagree on the actions and motive of those involved in this frankly minuscule in relative terms to what’s going on but that’s fine , don’t make either of us right or wrong just a different opinion on a news story today 🤷🏻‍♂️, enjoy the boxing 👍
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