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Everything posted by Archied

  1. As an addition , Galloway stating after his win that this is for gazza in his aggressive manner does rightly or wrongly produce fear in many ,,, why not stand up and say this is for peace and an end to the killing , I doubt there’s a person in the country that would not get behind that and see it as only a positive but no we get these bloody idiots who just inflame stuff
  2. I’m with you there , why this stupid need to not call a cease fire a cease fire , beyond me 🤷🏻‍♂️, as I’ve stated a while back ,a United Nations ( truly United Nations ) peace keeping force for a time until a workable peace can be negotiated is about the only answer but we all know this ain’t gonna happen because the nations of the world want different things to result from the conflict, I don’t know , where the duck do you go with this poo 🤷🏻‍♂️ that said I do believe those of us disgusted by this stuff have a responsibility to keep our actions ,words and protests fully clear of anything that can be remotely seen as being partisan and that includes the usual suspects attacking paintings in a safe university in a country thousands of miles away from the conflict , if you are brave enough to want to do something humanitarian ( I’m not ) then do that and be a shining example , same with waving flags of one side or the other in a safe country thousand of miles away from all the death and horror, brave mothers in Ireland of both sides of the sectarian fence took to the streets to demand an end to the killing at great risk of personal reprisals to themselves ,,,, that’s bravery , I know I will get slated for the second part of this post but that’s just how I see it , in this world of twisters we have to be really clear in our message and motives🤷🏻‍♂️
  3. I watched a U.K. politician being interviewed the other day ( can’t remember his name ) they got on the subject of the U.K. providing financial support for Ukraine and the public poss tiring of that , he proceeded to explain that that money was not just gifted to Ukraine, it was used to spend in U.K. manufacturing weapons , it provided jobs in U.K. and produced tax therefore being good for the U.K. economy, now whatever anyone may think on the rights and wrongs of Russia Ukraine conflict these politicians are getting so stupid / arrogant that they now openly state what most of us already knew / know but at least they used to have the sense to pretend and not blatantly tell us how good for us people being killed on other shores was for us 😥
  4. Ok , I’ve tried to steer clear of the politics of this situation because frankly I don’t believe it’s helpful at this point but let me make it plain , anyone of my age , from my political background/ upbringing, with half a brain cell could not fail to know that the Palestinian people have been treated despicably by the western world for many many years ,at this point though I only care about how the hell we stop this ducking killing , since the 7 th there have been countless needless heartbreaking deaths on both sides,,, the numbers of deaths on either side are totally uneven because Isreal has the upper hand in the power balance , if hammas had the upper hand then that would be different again , still just adds up to innocent deaths you get to my age and you just get sick of the bloody madness 🤷🏻‍♂️ I don’t feel the need to convince anybody of anything or think I’m anymore right or wrong than anybody else , I’m just giving an opinion on what I see
  5. As I say we are pretty much on the same page , I was replying to a post on here regards people who in my opinion are far more interested in themselves than people dying , I also don’t give a shxt about a dusty old painting which begs the question why do these kind of self publicising attention seekers care about said dusty old painting , just because I have and express an opinion on a post regarding them does not in any way detract from what I think is far more important, we probably disagree on the actions and motive of those involved in this frankly minuscule in relative terms to what’s going on but that’s fine , don’t make either of us right or wrong just a different opinion on a news story today 🤷🏻‍♂️, enjoy the boxing 👍
  6. I’m with you on some of the sentiment but also aren’t we a bit tired of people using the deaths of people now to allow them an excuse to behave like txts , it’s just pure criminal behaviour and I will wager the person who did it will fall within a certain predictable demographic that we see doing this stuff for any and numerous given reason , ffs try to do something positive, something original , maybe something anonymously that’s not more about grabbing five minutes of fame and showing everyone what a brave and virtuous person you are and more about the poor people dying , they certainly arnt raising awareness of people dying in the gazza , anyone who is decent enough to care is more than fully aware already and if it’s supposed to be done to point to earlier historical political rights and wrong in the region ( material targeted) then they can duck off in my view because as I say that means nothing until the killing is stopped first and foremost 🤷🏻‍♂️ I kind of wonder who’s worst , the kind of people who don’t give a duck about what’s going on or the kind that want and need to make it all about themselves
  7. Covers my thoughts exactly
  8. I had a dream last night , Paul warne was standing in a bathroom with a towel at the ready as Bobby Ewing stepped from the shower , make of it what you will 🤷🏻‍♂️
  9. Maybe those other mad rumours about mel are true,,, he would have got away with it if it wasn’t for those pesky kids 🐶
  10. Burnley in a pink kit🤷🏻‍♂️
  11. There’s no doubt his actions since taking over Twitter look like fanancial suicide, it’s quite staggering when you look at the figures paid for it and being able to not give a duck if you run it into the ground , I must say he’s someone who’s quite difficult to get a grip on what he’s actually about , could be just mad rich and drunk on it 🤷🏻‍♂️
  12. May break the affirmation addiction that’s infested society 🤷🏻‍♂️
  13. I normally lick my finger and stick it in the air , multiply by the hope I feel then subtract the this is derby figure
  14. Trouble is we do this all the time then somehow a 27 k crowd is always anouced 😂,, I reckon they should announce attendance and tickets sold figures
  15. You get less angry if your lucky ,, the downside is you get more cynical, don’t worry about falling out , im never gonna storm off, get abusive and call you names , we are both obviously sensible enough to stand our ground , give our opinion but most importantly be able to agree to disagree on points , it’s that quality that gives a little bit of hope in what can often seem like a cess pit of a world at times 😀👍
  16. Definitely don’t want to fall out and chances are we are 90 % in agreement, just had a look on your profile as I was interested in your age because it often has a bearing on how we see things , I’ve got a quarter of a century on you and if you had got me into a debate over the PLO when I was your age I may have come across very differently to you , age and life can tire you out a bit to the point that you find these constantly repeating horrors sickening and you just want to say duck the past , duck the old rights and wrongs , just ducking stop now 🤷🏻‍♂️
  17. Can you repost the original that I replied to with the above quote from me and I will check what it was that I felt was divisive , it seems a long while back and you have posted so much since then simply because there’s some bits I don’t see the same as you that it feels like being snowed under and I don’t remember the post I replied to or the one you were replying to , fact is in my opinion waving flags of one side or the other and arguing back and forth on who did what to who first is divisive and partisan in the current situation as I’ve stated you are welcome to your view 🤷🏻‍♂️
  18. Who is it on here that you speak of who claim to be balanced and neutral yet struggle with criticism of Israel’s action s ?
  19. Spot on ,,, , we on here remember with warmth and fondness Daniel , the things we loved about him , the things about him that made us smile but to the outside world a flag with the text you propose says everything anybody needs to know and befitting to b4 the ram 😀🐏
  20. I’m not appealing to any side of you and I will neither storm off or attack you , what’s the point of that ? of course there are many on the marches who ONLY call for peace , im not stupid and i commend that in those people as I feel exactly the same way but in my view there are very large numbers that are getting it wrong and sending the totally wrong message , after all what are / were flags about ,, they are / were waved and carried to show what side you are on or support, if people are on the side of peace then wave a flag or banner that clearly calls for that , not the flag of one side or the other involved in a conflict / cluster duck thousands of miles away ,,that’s my view 🤷🏻‍♂️
  21. I have never never once said or implied you are anti semetic , I would respond just the same to anyone arguing what’s going on now is an appropriate response from Isreal, the response was anger fuelled and not thought threw and being compounded by not taking a step back and seeing that what is going on now can no way create any kind of peace, it can only create more hate
  22. I not one for storming off, but anger just begets anger and as I say I’m only interested in how that stops , I’ve been on the verges of a couple of these marches , watched the footage from many sources and I’m seeing something very different from you 🤷‍♂️
  23. I think an angry imogi says a lot 🤷‍♂️
  24. We are obviously seeing something different 🤷‍♂️ policing of football is very different
  25. Naive , utopian? It’s very easy to be described as such but I just feel very uncomfortable to come on and defend the historical rights and wrongs of either side when innocent people are being slaughtered, I would no more be on the streets waving an Israeli flag when the first killings happened in this latest break out than I would wave a Palestine flag in response to what’s going on now , if the streets were filled with banners and chants for peace then I would be tempted to join in , ive not been on any marches but have been on the fringes ( travelling through ) and that is far from the vibe I’m picking up 🤷🏻‍♂️
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