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Posts posted by Topram

  1. 1 hour ago, U.M. said:

    Think the hold up maybe the 3 uncertainties in our existing squad: Byrne issue needs resolving, can’t sign a replacement in case EFL rules in our favour and he ends up staying, Beilik will be big(ger) wages, so him staying (whilst positive for his midfield play) may limit wages for another position. And Forsyth-sign him or sign a replacement.

    Yep think we’ve got to the point where we need those others out now to carry on bringing players in

  2. Would be great signing, expect if he’s been training with boro and they offered him a contract better than what we could he’d go there, but if he’s settled up here he may fancy staying closer to home 

  3. Not at all, it’s actually embarrassing some of the stuff on twitter about p*ssing the league, plenty of clubs have gone down and haven’t made it back yet, we are basically starting from scratch to put probably 15 new players together and for it to all too work straight away would be amazing, Ipswich made some good signings and struggled for months to get it going! I’ll be happy with top 10

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