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Posts posted by WharfedaleRam

  1. 1 hour ago, oodledoodle said:

    And Paul Warne says a draw feels like a win.

    Lower league manager disappointed not to win. Warne says a draw feels like winning.

    This isn't really the level of expectations I'd expect from us.

    I think most fans whose team was 2-0 down at 89 minutes and got a draw would feel like it was a wi  - it certainly brightened my mood!

  2. On 05/11/2023 at 09:16, BaaLocks said:

    Away at Hartlepool in 1984, first time in my lifetime we'd been in the first round of the cup. I got a train down from Newcastle, where I was living at the time. It was proper tasty, just a wire fence between us and the home fans. Every few minutes a group would jump over the small perimeter wall, run the sideline and jump into our fans for a bit of action. We lost 2-1, seem to remember John Robertson being utterly useless but not much besides

    We got ran back to the station with a police escort of about two officers who frankly didn't want to get involved. Back in the station all the Derby fans are on one platform and all the locals are on the other, baiting each other. I'm with the locals as I am going north, back to Newcastle, on my own and keeping very quiet. Till someone recognizes me and starts shouting at me across the platform "hey up", "what you doing over there" and all that. I just turned to the lad next to me and said "do you know that lad?". Got out alive, but only just.

    Seem to remember we drew them again in either the FA or league cup the next season, I gave that one a swerve.

    Home fans used to change ends at half time at Hartlepool, so there was always a chance that things could get 'tasty'!

  3. 1 hour ago, Comrade 86 said:

    Shame to see so-called fans labelling our own player as 'dogshit' and other choice terms. By all means call him out on the game, but is the abuse really necessary? He's a Derby player after all. Some on here might like to consider how they'd feel if they were being assessed in such charming terms for their efforts at their place of work. Whatever you think of his ability, he's still a Rams player and entitled to a modicum of respect from us fans as such. He's also 5 from 13 in the league this season, which is far from the horror story some of the drama queens on here portray. Hard to imagine, other spitting on the badge or flat out throwing it in, what would actually warrant terms like 'dogshit', but missing an easy square pass certainly isn't one of them. And this after we've won the game too!

    Likewise Exeter - without fail, every time we win, we get a chorus of "well (insert club name) were by far the worst team we've faced all millennium" type comments. So f****** tedious. Last night, Oxford were beaten by a team languishing in the bottom 3 and Portsmouth could not muster a goal in 95 minutes against the mighty Cambridge, which more sensible heads might think tells you all you need to know about this league. The fact is, we're a league 1 team (as was evidenced by our failure to secure promotion last season) and right now we're playing like one, as often as not. The very same people who sagely pontificated on how hard it would be to get out of this league, are some the chippiest ***** on here now we're struggling. Get in the bin!

    As for the game, the result was never in doubt. I thought we looked comfortable, pretty much throughout and were more than good value for the 2-0. They tried to play football, which was a pleasant surprise, but we were very good without the ball last night, harrying and pressing well and you could see their last vestiges of hope evaporate with the second goal. On the rare occasions they enjoyed a little possession, we kept our shape brilliantly and never really gave them too much hope. I think we look as good as any team I've seen in the league defensively speaking and we have a decent quality midfield if we can somehow keep Max healthy of mind and body and in good form. Still short of that explosive goal threat, though if we play like we did last night, we've enough to trouble most sides.

    As for the result, it could and maybe should have been 4-0 and without the interventions of the myopic linesman, it might well have been. Surely that is worthy of more than begrudging praise, if any. Let's be honest here, there's no such thing as a 'routine win' for a side with our current home record! With 'routine' help from the officials, more often than not we conspire to turns 3 points into 1, or none at all, so let's not pretend otherwise, eh! 

    Moving forwards, I hope that this is not another false dawn and that the attacking line-up is deployed against all but the best teams in the league, where a more circumspect approach is perhaps understandable. While I think we're a long way off Championship quality right now, we do have a strongish squad for L1 and we really need to be ensconcing ourselves firmly in the top 6 sooner, rather than later. Meet that milestone and we can then set about trying to reel in Oxford and / or Pompey which is a far from impossible feat if we can just add some consistency to our game.


    Get your tin hat on mate! This forum isn't ready for sensible and level-headed posts at the minute!

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