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  1. Haha
    TigerTedd got a reaction from Mostyn6 in Apple   
    It's not immune to an evil twin though. 
  2. Haha
    TigerTedd reacted to Rev in Apple   
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    TigerTedd reacted to Day in Apple   
    £1000 phone, I know what they will want, animated emoji’s.
    Bit weird that one, not a fan of the route iMessage is going with all these effects, touch drawing nonsense. 
    Mixed feelings on the X, wish they had blacked out the status bar, blended it in with the hump. Not a fan of the silver either as it looks white on the back, sides silver then black front. 
    Will get the black but this one will really be it for a while, the refreshed version next year will need to be something super special. 
    Looking forward to face ID over Touch ID.
  4. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Day in Apple   
    Apples ecosystem is what I love, everything just works together. 
    Evernote, Spotify, Chrome.....don’t need it, take an iPhone out the box and it has a browser, notes, music streaming app that all works great. iCloud, the ability to handover from phone to iPad to iMac instantly and flawlessly is perfection.
    I have zero interest in the customisable options Android offers but one, micro SD slot that’s it. Show me a Android users phone and I will probably vomit at their theme and font choice, looks like a 2 year old has been let loose with their mums make up bag.
    I have zero interest in moving backwards to a Windows PC and trawling through 3rd party apps to achieve the same when Apple has it right there.
    I only use Siri to turn lights on, set a reminder, send a message or use it as a calculator. All works fine. Keep hearing how great Google assistant is yet I have a Google Home collecting dust now as 50% of the time it doesn’t listen and I end up using Siri.
  5. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Day in Apple   
    It's almost time again boys and girls, September 12th has been confirmed as Apple Day. Looks like it's going to be a big one, credit cards on stand by!
  6. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Rev in Apple   
    One thing Apple get right is the packaging. 
    It's the first thing you notice about a product when you get it, and the level of design they put into it is far above anything their competitors do, in my experience.
    Just unboxed a Samsung s8, and it's just a functional cardboard box with a vacuum moulded tray for the phone to sit in, with all the paraphernalia tucked underneath, admittedly with some nice stock headphones.
    Every IPhone/IPod I've had comes in a nice hard case, which seems smaller than the contents inside.
    It makes no difference to how well the product works, but you can't help but think if that's the attention to detail the box gets, how great must the contents be.
  7. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Day in Apple   
    Kettles are like Androids, I'm dumbfounded people still use them. Hot water dispensers are the way to go, they pour out 250ml water each time, only boil what you need. 

  8. Like
    TigerTedd got a reaction from rynny in Apple   
    That's cos David had knackered the battery before he sold them to you. 
  9. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Day in Apple   
    My swipe right screen is pretty empty, barely use it, would disable it completely if I could.
    The control centre I'm looking forward to having access to a few more settings, won't have anywhere near the amount on the right. Don't see them putting apps themselves in it, be kinda pointless having a home screen.
    I can see the new iPad dock making it's way on to the iPhone tho, which would make more sense having as the swipe up, switching screens through multi tasking I don't use, just seems easier to go back to the home screen.
    Move the control centre to the swipe right.
    Then swipe left for a widget screen.
    Infinite scroll on the main page full of apps.
  10. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Day in Apple   
    Even a judge will know Android swipes down which is so wrong and a huge difference
  11. Like
    TigerTedd got a reaction from Day in Apple   
    That's cos David had knackered the battery before he sold them to you. 
  12. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Day in Apple   
    A bit like political party supporters then  
    Fanboyism and trolling a side, what actually makes one or the other inferior?
    One criticism that is aimed at Apple products is the hardware specs are not up to those of a Android phone or PC. The argument to that is optimised software to a device won't need the same specs.
    If you take an iPhone 7 and Samsung S8, both phones are capable of browsing the Internet, listening to music, watching videos, social media, pictures, filming and even making phone calls. 
    Run them side by side and you're looking at split seconds time difference, although those tests are not exactly scientific as you need to run them on clean phones, yet one may cache better than the other on the 5th 6th run.
    So it pretty much boils down to software, the options, features, how easy it is to operate, this is where the debates are really to be had.
    Android is great if you want full customisation and widgets, Apple is more rigid yet that suits people. I for one have no desire to change the font, customise the icons with themes. 
    For me, with the rigidness of Apple it's the little things they do have as standard, pressing the time will take to you to top of the page, double tap the home button lowers the full screen. 
    Samsung condense the site into a small rectangle in the corner, there is no default tap to take you to the top of the page. It's these little things that can be fixed with apps on the play store which you have to run the malware gauntlet.
    Apple are more stricter with their apps, where I "believe" other than a quick scan you can upload an app to the Play store pretty much immediately (may be wrong).
    iPhone on it's own is great, really is, but when you get sucked into that evil ecosystem it's even better.
    MacBook, iPhone, iPad, Watch, any device I can read a text, pick up a email, sync photos. I can sit at my desk with a call through the MacBook, move away and handoff to the phone, no ending the call, seemless. Crop a picture in my photos, 2 seconds later I can grab it on another device. Sit on the toilet, Reading a lengthy article, return to the Mac and one click and it's takes me to exactly the same point so I just carry on.
    I can go down the garden, upstairs, not thinking where's my phone, expecting a call. It's on my wrist, answer the call, done. 
    I'm sure this is all possible finding apps for Windows that sync with Android, but Apple it's out the box, you're not relying on 3rd party developers for updates, fixing issues. 
    When you turn that Mac on, there's no AVG running a security scan, no installing updates 1 of 2000, on and getting to your task within 15 seconds. I can even use my finger print now to unlock my Mac without having to type in a lengthy secure password.
    That was more than I expected to write. I know someone asked me further back why is Mac better, didn't get chance to reply as I got caught up in the ethics debate, apologise for this lengthy post was aimed at you, just the inferior thing was a good starting point  
  13. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to ramsbottom in Apple   
    Any big consumer based business uses cheap labour, and cuts corners to avoid tax.  Nike, Amazon, Sony, Tesco even Primark.  If you stopped buying products based on company's business practices you'd have to live in a tent, live off the land, and make your own clothes out of old potato sacks and frog spawn...
  14. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Day in Apple   
  15. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Day in Apple   
    Underwater? Sounds like poor signal, not an iPhone issue, I have no problems at all iPhone to iPhone.
    To say they are rubbish and so far behind the competition is nonsense, truth is all phones now are pretty much the same. Other than customise the phone to look god damn awful with comic sans font and daft icons, what can the Pixel do that the iPhone can't?
    If you're in the Apple Ecosystem everything is flawless, iPhone to iPad to Mac, handoff what I'm reading on my phone to the Mac, sync pictures, files, documents, answer calls on any device. 
    Not everybody wants to customise their computer, they prefer it to just work. When you turn it on, ready to use in seconds, not downloading update of 1 of 2000.
    Why do so many professionals use Macs? 
    Not interesting in upgrading graphic cards, switching out Ram and all that, they want something that works.
    Windows is so far behind Mac OS now it's unbelievable. The only complaint you can make is the performance with games, but it's not designed for games, still think they are missing a trick tho.
    No doubting PC's have the best power to pound, but Mac's don't need the same power as the operating system is optimised for their computers. They don't have Dell, HP, and all theses manufacturers to worry about. 
  16. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Ewe Ram in Apple   
    We have Apple TV, 2 iPads, a MacBook, 3 iPhones, a Magic Trackpad, Philips hue lights and Hive heating all controlled by Apple products and an Apple Watch. 
    We got rid of the laptop that, every time you turned it on, said 'downloading updates 1 of 46' and proceeded to grind through 10 mins of updates before you could do anything. Got rid of the blackberry that kept having service outages and the work phones made by Samsung that aren't fit to be in the same league as the iPhones. 
    For whatever reason you don't like Apple products it's up to you but they are far superior so it can't be on their performance. 
  17. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Day in Apple   
    Just the...
    1x MacBook Pro 2016 (touch bar)
    1x iPad Pro 9.7inch
    1x iPad Mini 2
    1x iPhone 7 Plus
    1x iPhone 6
    2x Apple TV 64gb
    2x Apple Watch Series 2
    1x Apple Airport Express
    In our house
  18. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Boycie in Apple   
    I think the list is the reason for his pleading of poverty tbf.?
  19. Like
    TigerTedd got a reaction from Ewe Ram in Apple   
    It's alright David, I'll throw myself in front of that bullet. 
    In my house hold we have:
    1x Apple iPad 2,
    1x Apple iPad Air 2
    1x Apple iPad Mini 3
    1x Apple iPod nano
    2x Apple MacBook air
    1x Apple 21" thunderbolt screen
    1x Apple time capsule
    2x Apple iPhone 6s
    2x Apple Watch series 2
    1x Apple MacBook Pro with touchbar 
    I think I single handedly put Mr. Applewhite's kids through college.
    Take my money Apple, I am yours  
  20. Like
    TigerTedd got a reaction from Boycie in Apple   
    It's alright David, I'll throw myself in front of that bullet. 
    In my house hold we have:
    1x Apple iPad 2,
    1x Apple iPad Air 2
    1x Apple iPad Mini 3
    1x Apple iPod nano
    2x Apple MacBook air
    1x Apple 21" thunderbolt screen
    1x Apple time capsule
    2x Apple iPhone 6s
    2x Apple Watch series 2
    1x Apple MacBook Pro with touchbar 
    I think I single handedly put Mr. Applewhite's kids through college.
    Take my money Apple, I am yours  
  21. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Day in Apple   
    Never had one iPhone break, crack, smash, faulty, nothing, 4, 4S, 5, 5S, 6+, 6S+, 7+
    Glorious phones, absolutely glorious
  22. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Tony Le Mesmer in Tattoo   
    I too have numerous tattoos. They are either Austrian themed or band logos.
    I now dislike most of them and want them gone but I have to live with them now. I'm nearly 40.
    All my tattoos mean something personal to me though which I am proud of in a way. I haven't just plumped for the seemingly obligatory celtic arm / sleeve generic design thingy that nearly every bloke seems to have nowadays. Not judging anyone who has one of these, it's not my body so do what you like to yours. I agree with the two other posters on here who commented about other issues which cause people to get tattoos done. I think there is a sense of getting them to compensate for insecurities for some or just getting them to pose which again, insecurities but in another sense. Others simply like the designs and artwork and love them so fair enough. I don't really like tattoos. Never have done really if i'm honest.
    I thought they would make me look cool at the time but now 15 years on I look like a tw*t.
    That said though, I think of all the club badges, the Derby ram stood alone in bold black is a simple but bloody good design to get tattooed.
  23. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Pearl Ram in Tattoo   
    Q, What's the difference between people who choose to have tattoos and people who don't ?
    A, People who choose to have tattoos don't feel compelled to comment about those that don't. 
  24. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to AndyinLiverpool in Tattoo   
    Tattoos or children?
  25. Like
    TigerTedd reacted to Dimmu in Tattoo   
    You pussy, forehead would be better.
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